This is the 23rd day of my participation in the August More Text Challenge.More challenges in August
Button component, Dialog component, input component, switch component, radio component, radioGroup component, form component and formItem component
Build Vue2 UI Component Library from 0 (1)
Build Vue2 UI Component Library from 0 (2)
Build Vue2 UI Component Library from 0 (3)
Build Vue2 UI Component Library from 0 (4)
Build Vue2 UI Component Library from 0 (5)
Build Vue2 UI Component Library from 0 (6)
Build Vue2 UI Component Library from 0 (7)
This article will write how to package the vue plug-in ~~~
1. Sort out the contents of the package and modify the entry files
Create a new Packages folder for all components and a Fonts folder. Add vue.config.js file, modify entry file, extend webpack configuration, add package to compile:
const path = require("path");
module.exports = {
pages: {
index: {
entry: "src/main.js".template: "public/index.html".filename: "index.html"}},chainWebpack: config= > {
.include.add(path.resolve(__dirname, "package"))
.tap(options= > {
returnoptions; }); }};Copy the code
2. Expose the install method
- The vue.js plugin should expose one
Methods. The first argument to this method isVue
The constructor. - If you are using
When a plug-in is registered, the Install method is called to register all components. - In order to enable Windows users to register plug-ins without manually using vue.use (), call the install method for the user first.
Expose the install method by creating index.js in the Packages folder:
import Button from "./Button.vue";
import Dialog from "./Dialog.vue";
import Input from "./Input.vue";
import Switch from "./Switch.vue";
import Form from "./Form.vue";
import FormItem from "./FormItem.vue";
import "./fonts/iconfont.css";
// Error component list
const components = [Button, Dialog, Input, Switch, Form, FormItem];
const install = function(Vue) {
// Register all components globally
components.forEach(item= > {
Vue.component(, item);
if (typeof window! = ="undefined" && window.Vue) {
export default install;
Copy the code
Test components
1. Use component libraries in examples/main.js:
import ZhUI from ".. /packages";
Copy the code
Create a test folder under the examples folder to store the test components. You can use the test components in app. vue.
Four, pack into a library
Add command to package.json file in root:
"scripts": {
"lib": "vue-cli-service build --target lib packages/index.js"
Copy the code
Execute command line:
npm run lib
Copy the code
Publish to NPM
1. Modify the package.json file
- Json file
Field is changed tofalse
NPM packages are not allowed to be private. - Add the main field. After the user installs the file, no one will use the field.
- Add the author field, signature
"private": false."main": "dist/zh-ui.umd.min.js"."author": {
"name": "Chicken Blood Garden"}},Copy the code
2. Add the. Npmignore file
Npmignore adds. Npmignore files that do not need to be uploaded to NPM
# omit directory SRC/packages/ public/ # omit file vue.config.js babel.config.js *.mapCopy the code
3. Switch taobao source to NPM source
- Method 1: directly change
npm config set registry=
Copy the code
- Method 2: Install NRM
cnpm i nrm -g
nrm ls
Copy the code
The following information is displayed:
Run the following command to switch to the NPM source:
nrm use npm
Copy the code
4. Login NPM
If you don’t have an NPM account, go to the official website to register and then log in. Login NPM:
npm login
Copy the code
Fill in your user name, password and email address.
npm publish
Copy the code
- If the name of the component library is the same as or close to the name of someone else’s package, an error will be reported, which can be changed in package.json
Field. - Remember to repackage your code after you change it later
npm run lib
, modify the package.json fileversion