
Flutter is Google’s open hybrid development framework for quickly building high quality native user interfaces on iOS and Android platforms.

Install the Flutter

  1. The loginFlutterChinese website, clickQuick startSelect the operating system for the Flutter that you want to install

2. GetFlutterSDKThere wereStable channel (macOS)andBeta channel (macOS)The two versions

  • Stable channel:
  • Beta channel: The public Beta version, which is stable and selects the best Dev version at regular intervals

3. Decompress the installation package to the customized path (I like to classify it, put it in the aloor directory, it is easier to find).

  • Mkdir Create folder command

4. Add a flutter to your path (paste and copy the flutter to your terminal and execute it). Note: This flutter command needs to be executed every time you run the flutter command

export PATH=`pwd`/flutter/bin:$PATH
Copy the code

5. Execute the flutter doctor command

flutter doctor
Copy the code
  • Android SDK error is as follows, update the corresponding VERSION of SDK Fast Lane

  • The execution succeeds as follows:

Create a project

Create the first project using the flutter directive: flutter create flutter_demos

flutter create flutter_demos
Copy the code

The successful creation is as follows:

Much easier than React-Native, it’s a complete idiot!