1. Gain the Flutter project
Now release is a beta version, you can use git clone – b beta at https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git
You can also switch to the Master branch and use the code from the Master branch
Add flutter to path
Open.bash_profile (typically in the current user’s Mac directory),
exportPATH=[flutter project directory]/flutter/bin:$PATH
Copy the code
Run the following command line to refresh:
source ~/.bash_profile
Copy the code
Verify that the flutter/bin directory is in PATH by running the following command:
echo $PATH
Copy the code
3. IOS environment dependence
The environment and tools for deploying the Flutter application to iOS devices need to be installed via Homebrew:
brew install --HEAD libimobiledevice
brew install ideviceinstaller ios-deploy cocoapods
Copy the code
There are many different situations in different situations. If the flutter doctor fails, locate the problem
Create a Flutter project
After the above three environments are almost done, now let’s build a Flutter project. Go to the directory where you want to save the project and execute the command:
flutter create flutterapp
Copy the code
Flutterapp is the project name and cannot be uppercase.
If you encounter any of the above problems midway, you can execute the flutter doctor to locate the problem:
5. Run the FLUTTER project
There are two ways to run projects: the command line and the XCode run
1. Command line
Connect the real machine to the computer, enter the flutter project file, and then execute the flutter run command, eg:
cd flutterapp
flutter run
Copy the code
At this time, you will be prompted to connect the real phone information, as shown in the picture below, where * is the phone ID
Flutter run -d Mobile PHONE ID
flutter run -d 47662d3bad7fa0da458a703b262c04a69c0714cf
Copy the code
2. Run XCode
Alternatively, go directly to the ios folder in the project, open Runner. Xcworkspace, and run the project.