Spring Cloud Alibaba is a one-stop solution for micro-service development provided by Alibaba, which is the integration of Alibaba’s open source middleware and Spring Cloud system.

What is the difference between Springcloud and Srpingcloud Alibaba?

SpringCloud: Some components stop maintenance and update, bringing inconvenience to development; Part of the environment of SpringCloud is complex and there is no perfect visual interface, so we need a lot of secondary development and customization. The configuration of SpringCloud is complex and difficult to get started. Some configuration differences are difficult to distinguish and apply properly

Srpingcloud Alibaba: The components used by Ali have gone through the test with strong performance and reasonable design. Now the complete set of products with perfect visual interface come out from open source, which brings great convenience to development and operation. It is easy to build and has a low learning curve.

What can SpringCloud Alibaba do?

  • Service traffic limiting degradation: By default, servlets, Feign RestTemplate, Dubbo, and RocketMQ traffic limiting degradation can be accessed. The number of traffic limiting degradation nodes can be changed in real time on the console at runtime. In addition, traffic limiting Metrics can be viewed.
  • Services registered with Discovery: ADAPTS Spring Cloud services registered with the Discovery standard and integrates Ribbon support by default
  • Distributed configuration management: Supports the configuration of external phones in distributed systems, and automatically refreshes configuration changes.
  • Message driven capabilities: Build message driven capabilities for microservice applications based on Spring Cloud Stream.
  • Ali Cloud object storage: Ali Cloud provides massive, secure, low-cost and highly reliable cloud storage services. Supports storage and access of any type of data in any application, at any time and under any circumstances.
  • Distributed task scheduling: provides second-level, precise, highly reliable, and highly available scheduled (Cron expression based) task scheduling services. At the same time, a distributed task execution model is provided, such as grid task, which supports mass tasks to be evenly distributed to all workers (schedulerx-client) for execution.

Ps: Due to the large content, this time will show some parts. If you are not satisfied with this note and want to have a more in-depth understanding of how to build Spring Cloud Alibaba, you can learn more details at the end of the article.

1. Create a Maven parent project, Cloud2020

Ii. Create a sub-project cloud-Proder-Payment8001

Create cloud-consumer-Order80 sub-project

4. Create cloud-API-Commons project

5. Create sub-project Cloud-Eureka-Server7001 Project

Vi. Subprojects Payment8001 and ORDER80 are registered on Eureka-Server7001

7. Build Eureka cluster environment

Pay Payment8001 and order ORDER80 subproject registered in Eureka 7001 and Eureka7002

Ix. Pay for Payment8002 sub-project cluster construction

Service Discovery

11. Ribbon Load Balancing

Twelve, OpenFeign

13, Hystrix

14, the GateWay

Spring Config

Spring Cloud Stream


SpringCloud Netflix project enters the maintenance mode, and no new components will be developed. SpringCloud cannot meet the development needs of interconnected enterprises in terms of performance. However, the development of the Internet is in urgent need of solutions to micro-service, so the leading enterprise Ali came into being and launched a new generation of micro-service architecture solutions of Spring Cloud Alibaba.

If you haven’t mastered the mainstream technology, now you want to learn it in the shortest possible time.

Then this SpringCloud Alibaba combat note you must not miss! (There is also a note on SpringCloud Alibaba theory, packaged and shared synchronously)

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