It has been five years since I started to play Python in university and now I have started to work. Now the company has few projects using Python. Recently, the company has a new project that needs Python, and the leader wants me to train with other colleagues, so this blog came into being. Python Training is a simple python training series that you can use to get started. Python has been widely used for system administration tasks and Web programming since its birth in the early 1990s. Today let’s build a Python development environment,Windows build Python development environment. It all starts with “Hello World “.

Let me write v out front

Python if you don’t know it, it’s probably okay, but once you know it, you’ll love it, right

V Basic Concepts

Python (pronounced: /ˈpaɪ n/) is an object-oriented, interpreted computer programming language invented by Guido van Rossum in 1989. The first public release was in 1991.

Python is pure free software. The source code and interpreter CPython comply with the GNU General Public License (GPL) [1].

Python syntax is clean and concise. One of its features is the mandatory indentation of statements with white space.

Python has a rich and powerful library. Often nicknamed the Glue language, it makes it easy to link together various modules made in other languages, especially C/C++. A common application scenario is to use Python to quickly prototype a program (and sometimes even the final interface of the program), and then rewrite the specific parts of the program in a more appropriate language, such as a graphical rendering module in a 3D game. Especially high performance, it can be rewritten in C/C++. It is then wrapped into an extended library that Python can call. It is important to note that you may need to consider platform issues when using extended class libraries, some of which may not provide cross-platform implementations.

VWindows builds the Python development environment

First you need to go to the Python website to download the environment. Mouse over to the Downloads TAB, where you can download it.

The Python environment is very user-friendly, there is not a lot of verbose configuration and so on. After downloading it, you can just download next and finish it.

Python IDE

There are many good Python ides out there, and HERE are a few that I use more often than others! In no particular order!

  • pycharm
  • VIM
  • Eclipse with PyDev
  • Sublime Text
  • Komodo Edit
  • PyScripter
  • Interactive Editor for Python

Take PyCharm as an example

Pycharm is used for 30 days by default. You are sharing your registration code with pyCharm.

User name: Yueting3527 Registration Code: ===== LICENSE BEGIN ===== 93347-12042010 00001FMHemWIs"6wozMZnat3IgXKXJ 2! nV2I6kSO48hgGLa9JNgjQ5oKz1Us FFR8k"nGzJHzjQT6IBG! 1fbQZn9! Vi ===== LICENSE END =====Copy the code

V Start with Hello World

Hello World is relatively simple. After setting up the environment, it can be done in one go. Here I will directly map.

Start by opening pyCharm installed

Click Create to create a project

Print “Hello World”

V Blog Summary

This training series is designed for colleagues who have no experience with Python, so those who want to learn Python in the garden should follow it quickly. It may not lead you to super genius, but it will definitely make you fall in love with Python completely. If you’re interested in Python, pay attention.


About the author: Focus on basic platform project development. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to comment! Copyright notice: The copyright of this article belongs to the author and the blog garden, welcome to reprint, but without the consent of the author must retain this statement, and give the original text link in a prominent place on the page of the article. For the record: all comments and messages will be answered as soon as possible. You are welcome to correct your mistakes and make progress together. Or direct private message I support the blogger: if you think the article is helpful to you, you can click on the lower right corner of the article [recommendation]. Your encouragement is the author to adhere to the original and continuous writing of the biggest power! \