0x01 Environment Setup

Node.js environment

Download the Node.js installation file: nodejs.org/en/download…

Select the appropriate installation package to download according to the system, the installation process is Next, the default Settings can be.

Run the following command to check whether the installation is successful:

2. Git environment

Download the Git installation file: git-scm.com/download/wi…

Select the corresponding system version to download and install, default Settings, all the way to Next

Check that Git is installed correctly:

The basic environment setup is complete.

3. Github account registration and code base setup

Github.com account registration will not be explained and will be skipped.

The procedure for creating a code base is as follows:

Log on to Github, click the “+” in the upper right corner, and select New Repository

In Responsitory. Input your username name, general format is username/username. The dead simple. IO, advice directly to fill in your username, or you will have a little situation.

Then select “Initialize this Repository with a README” and click Create Repository.

0 x02 Hexo installation

Hexo official documentation: hexo. IO /zh-cn/docs/…

Create a new hexo folder on drive D,

CD hexo NPM install -g hexo-cli // Use NPM to install hexo NPM install hexo --save hexo -vCopy the code


1. In d:/hexo, create a new blog directory and run the following command:

hexo init    
npm install    
hexo s
Copy the code

Open a browser and visit http://localhost:4000.

0x03 Associates Hexo with github Page

Configure Git personal information

git config –global user.email “you@example.com”

git config –global user.name “Your Name”

CD to the blog folder, open _config.yml and modify the last action:

  type: git
  repository: https://github.com/username/username.github.io.git
  branch: master
Copy the code

Hexo g // Generate static

Hexo d // Deploy

At this point, the browser to open the web site http://yourname.github.io, we can see the same page and open http://localhost:4000.

Ox04 How to blog

In the blog directory, execute

hexo new post “First artitle”  

This will generate D: hexo blog source posts first-artitle. Md, open with MarDown editor to edit the article

Hexo g // generate

Hexo d // Deploy

Hexo new page “user” // Create a column page

Generate D: \ source \ \ hexo \ blog user \ index md



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