The first step

Download the Go installation package at Go Language Chinese website. The installation directory is as follows:

View the current version using the command line:

The second step

To configure environment variables, create two environment variables as follows:

For details about how to configure other platforms, see goProxy’s official website.

The third step

Open vscode and install a Go plugin as follows:

Then open an existing folder and create a hello.go file. At this point, you will be prompted to Install the corresponding application in the lower right corner.

At this point the environment is set up

The fourth step

Write the go program in the Hello. go file

package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    fmt.Println("hello World")
Copy the code

Execute the following command on the terminal to generate the go.mod file

go mod init
Copy the code

Then run Hello. go from the terminal as follows: