
Did you see this in front end development?

Customer: : Why can’t I see the data on this page? I :(hurriedly open the website), my data show normal! Guest: No! I can’t see it from here! Me :(incoherently) but I… Customer: BALABALA

What can I do? I’m desperate, too. I don’t know how the clients do it. With a mask over his face.

And now your savior is here… The sentry. In this article, vuE-CLI3 will teach you step by step how to configure sentry for your project


Learn a framework, the best is to bookmark his official website link (all in English… Head pain)

Official link: Sentry

Sign up for an account

  • First of all, register an account (test play can use your own, company projects or use the company email), the organization do not mess with the registration, this thing is very important, many places need
  • Register the project after completing the account registration

Once you’ve registered for the program, you’re ready to go

The introduction of the project

Simple introduction

cnpm install @sentry/browser

cnpm install @sentry/integrations

// in main.js
import Vue from 'vue'import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser';
import { Vue as VueIntegration } from '@sentry/integrations';

    dsn: ''.integrations: [new VueIntegration({Vue, attachProps: true})],})Copy the code

At the end of the address is the item code. If you have multiple items for an account, each of them is different. If you don’t know, go through them in this order. At this point, the simple error collection mechanism is complete. When you have a front-end error in your project, you will see in the request that there is a request to send the error to the server, and then you will see the error message in the project, isn’t it very simple?

Happy to take a look carefully, this special aim of all reported what wrong? You don’t get it, do you? Because the code in the formal environment is all uglified, there’s file and you don’t know where it is. There’s no difference between knowing and not knowing

At this point we move on to the second step, uploading file to the server

Upload sourceMap


  1. The map file vue-cli3 is in vue.config.js
    configureWebpack: {XXX:XXX
    productionSourceMaptrue// sourseMap is enabled in the official environment
Copy the code

Do you have file? If so, the first step is done

2. We need a webpack plugin @sentry/webpack-plugin

cnpm i @sentry/webpack-plugin --save-dev
Copy the code

Then create the file at the root node. Sentryclirc (standard configuration file naming)

token="Your token"

url = https://sentry.ioOrg = previously mentioned organization name project = previously mentioned project nameCopy the code

Obtaining a Token

RELEASE_VERSION vue-cli3 is created in the root directory. Env.production, Env. Production file (here do not know the children’s own Baidu vuE-CLI3 multi-environment configuration is not described here). Production file content

RELEASE_VERSION ="test002"// The version number here is named as you happy, professional v1.0.0 this is a test
Copy the code

4. Add plugins to appellate ack configuration items in vue.config.js

const SentryCliPlugin = require('@sentry/webpack-plugin')

    plugins: [new SentryCliPlugin({
            include"./dist/".Dist /js./dist/js
            release: process.env.RELEASE_VERSION, // Consistent version number
            configFile: ""./ / don't have to change
            ignore: ['node_modules'.'webpack.config.js'].urlPrefix"~ /".If your project has a publicPath, add it here}})]Copy the code

The version number should also be added to the plugin initialization so main.js should also be changed

  dsn'XXX'.integrations: [new VueIntegration({Vue, attachPropstrue})].release: process.env.RELEASE_VERSION
Copy the code

Then pack the formal bag. It’s a little slow. Have a cigarette. Because the file has to go through the server, the speed is also linked to the network speed, plus file so very slow, if it is too slow, please move my other article VUe-Webapck package optimization, will be second second to solve the problem

Left behind

Now we can collect all the errors reported by the server, but there are still many problems, for example, when I develop and debug, my errors will also be issued, so many errors, I see the head is not too big? Official server opened. map, others copy my site not too easy…

How about foretelling what will happen next time

Teach you to build front-end exception Handling System (Part 2)