Android development environment includes Java JDK, Android SDK, Android Studio (New project and debug run), emulator, etc.

1. Install the Java JDK environment

(1) Download the Java JDK installation package (recommended stable JDK1.8…

Download it and install it in a specific folder (preferably in the root directory, remember not to have Chinese in the path, for example, I put it in disk D) :

(2) Configure environment variables

Click “Computer” – “Properties” – “Advanced System Settings” – “Environment Variables”, and then “New” in the column of “System Variables” :

Create a variable: JAVA_HOME

Variable value (JDK directory) : D:\Java\jdk1.8.0_291

Add variable: PATH

Variable value 1: %JAVA_HOME%\bin

Variable value 2: %JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin

New variable: CLASSPATH

Variable value: %JAVA_HOME%\lib; %JAVA_HOME%\lib\dt.jar; %JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar

(3) Verify that the configuration is successful

Enter “java-version”, “Java”, and “javac” in CMD. If a screen is displayed, the environment variables are successfully configured

2. Install the Android development and compilation environment

Because Android development compilation installation and configuration, there are many prone to error, so to provide you with the simplest, most can avoid error installation.

(1) Prepare folders

Create a folder on disk D (the entire Android development, compilation and operation environment takes up a large memory space, so it is best to store it in a non-system disk) and name it Android (❗ path is best not to have Chinese and special symbols, as a programming and development habit).

Create folder AndroidStudio, AndroidSDK, ASWorkspace, Nox in Android folder (❗SDK folder name should not contain Spaces, this will cause SDK tool problems) :

(2) Download the Nox simulator and install it in the Nox folder.

Download Android Studio

Access to the Android Studio’s official website: developer. The Android. Google. Cn/Studio

(4) Start installing and configuring Android Studio

① Double-click the Android Studio installation package and follow the instructions step by step. Select Android Virtual Device

② Select D:\Android\AndroidStudio as the installation path, click Next and Finish

3. When a pop-up window is displayed asking you whether to import the previous version Settings, select the second option Do not Import Settings for the first installation

4. If a pop-up dialog box is displayed asking you whether to set HTTP proxy, click Cancel

⑤ The welcome screen will be displayed. Click Next. Select the second Custom installation mode, Custom, and click Next

⑥ Select the JDK path. Let’s select the JDK path we downloaded and click Next

Choose the theme interface and choose one according to your preference. The default color is white. Click Next

⑦ Download the AndroidSDK: Select the storage path of the AndroidSDK created before and click Next

Enter the Emulator RAM configuration page (default) and click Next

Confirm that the path is configured correctly and click Finish to start the download

The download may take some time, please be patient. If the download fails, click Retry to download again. Once the download is complete, click Finish to enter the Android Studio welcome screen

⑨ The SDK Manager and other Settings of Android Studio are displayed in Configure in the lower right corner. Android Studio is now installed