1. Obtain access_token

The official link

1.1 Requesting Path POST

region URL
NA Api.amazon.com/auth/o2/tok…
EU API. Amazon. Co. UK/auth/o2 / tok…
FE API. Amazon. Co. jp/auth/o2 / tok…

1.2 Request Cases

curl \ -X POST \ -H “Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8” \ –data “grant_type=refresh_token&client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&refresh_token=YOUR_REFRESH_TOKEN&client_secret=YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET” \ Api.amazon.com/auth/o2/tok…

1.3 Code practice

 // Obtain the access_token. The NA area is used as an example.
HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("grant_type"."refresh_token");            map.put("refresh_token"."your refresh_token");
map.put("client_id"."your client_id");
map.put("client_secret"."your client_secret");
String getAccessUrl = "https://api.amazon.com/auth/o2/token";
String result = HttpUtil.doPost(getAccessUrl,map,null);
Map map1 = JSONObject.parseObject(result, Map.class);
String access_token = (String) map1.get("access_token");
System.out.println("access_token = " + access_token);
Copy the code

The running results are as follows:

2. Obtain profileId

The official connection

2.1 Request Path GET

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2.2 Request Parameters

The parameter name Possible values (string)
apiProgram billing, campaign, paymentMethod, store, report, account, posts
accessLevel edit, view
profileTypeFilter seller, vendor, agency
validPaymentMethodFilter true, false

Request header:

key value
Content-Type application/json
Authorization access_token
Amazon-Advertising-API-ClientId your client_id

2.3 Code practice

String url = "https://advertising-api.amazon.com/v2/profiles?apiProgram=billing&profileTypeFilter=seller&validPaymentMethodFilter=tru e";
HashMap<String, String> headerMap = new HashMap<>();
headerMap.put("Authorization"."Bearer "+access_token);
headerMap.put("Amazon-Advertising-API-ClientId"."your client_id");
String result1 = HttpUtil.doGet1(url,headerMap);
List<Map> profileIds = JSONObject.parseArray(result1, Map.class);
System.out.println("profileIds = " + profileIds);
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The running results are as follows:

3. Create the SP_Campaign report

The official link

⚠️ : There were errors in Responses in the official document, which were well understood and dominated by actual Responses.

3.1 Requesting path POST

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3.2 Request Parameters

Request body parameters:

key Value
stateFilter enabled, paused, archived
campaignType sponsoredProducts
segment query, placement
reportDate YYYYMMDD
metrics Pass in the value you want to fetch

Request header:

key value
Content-Type application/json
Amazon-Advertising-API-ClientId your client_id
Amazon-Advertising-API-Scope ProfileId (obtained in step 2)
Authorization access_token

3.3 Code practice

Type =seller, profileId= XXXXXXXX, countryCode=CA */
String createSpReport = "https://advertising-api.amazon.com/v2/sp/campaigns/report";
// Construct the request header
HashMap<String, String> headerMap1 = new HashMap<>();
headerMap1.put("Amazon-Advertising-API-ClientId"."your client_id");
headerMap1.put("Authorization"."Bearer "+access_token);
// Parameters of the request body
HashMap<String, Object> paramMap = new HashMap<>();
//paramMap.put("stateFilter", "enabled");
String s2 = HttpUtil.doPostBody(createSpReport, JSONObject.toJSONString(paramMap),headerMap1);   
System.out.println("s2 = " + s2);
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The running results are as follows:

4. Obtain the download address of the form

4.1 Requesting path GET

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4.2 Request Parameters

Request header:

key value
Content-Type application/json
Authorization access_token
Amazon-Advertising-API-ClientId your client_id
Amazon-Advertising-API-Scope profileId

4.3 Code practice

/** If status=SUCCESS, the report has been created
String getSpReport = "https://advertising-api.amazon.com/v2/reports/"+reportId;
HashMap<String, String> header = new HashMap<>();
header.put("Authorization"."Bearer "+access_token);
header.put("Amazon-Advertising-API-ClientId"."your client_id");
String report = HttpUtil.doGet1(getSpReport, header);
reportMap = JSONObject.parseObject(report, Map.class);
String downUrl = reportMap.get("location").toString();
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The running results are as follows:

5. Download Report 1

The official link

Official documents only have an API for downloading in SD ads

5.1 Requesting a Path GET

DownUrl obtained in Step 4

5.2 Request Parameters

Request header parameters:

key value
Content-Type application/json
Authorization access_token
Amazon-Advertising-API-ClientId your client_id
Amazon-Advertising-API-Scope profileId

5.3 Code practice

/** The downUrl obtained in Step 4 is not the final download address, you need to request it again. * /
HashMap<String, String> headerMap2 = new HashMap<>();
headerMap2.put("Authorization"."Bearer "+access_token);
headerMap2.put("Amazon-Advertising-API-ClientId"."your client_id");
CloseableHttpResponse response = HttpUtil.doGetReturnResponse(downUrl, headerMap2);
Header[] locations = response.getHeaders("Location");
System.out.println("locations = " + locations);
Copy the code

6. Download Report 2

6.1 Requesting a Path GET

Url obtained in Step 5

6.2 Request Parameters

Request header parameters:

key value
Accept-Encoding gzip
Accept application/octet-stream

6.3 Code practice

HashMap<String, String> header = new HashMap<>();
String s3 = HttpUtil.doGet3("url", header);
System.out.println("s3 = " + s3);
Copy the code

The result is as follows:

7. Get portfolioId according to campaignId

The official documentation

Because the information obtained in Step 6 does not contain portfolioids, continue to get portfolioids.

7.1 Requesting path GET

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7.2 Request Parameters

This request only transmits the campaignIdFilter parameter,

Request header parameters:

key value
Authorization access_token
Amazon-Advertising-API-ClientId your client_id
Amazon-Advertising-API-Scope profileId
Content-Type application/json

7.3 Code practice

/** campaignId_param stitched together with commas for all campaignids */
String getPortfolioId_url = "https://advertising-api.amazon.com/v2/sp/campaigns?campaignIdFilter="+campaignId_param;
HashMap<String, String> headerMap3 = new HashMap<>();
headerMap3.put("Authorization"."Bearer "+access_token);
headerMap3.put("Amazon-Advertising-API-ClientId"."your client_id");
String s4 = HttpUtil.doGet1(getPortfolioId_url, headerMap3);
System.out.println("Obtained portfolioId =" + s4);
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The execution results are not demonstrated.

7.4 Obtaining portfolio information by portfolioId

The official documentation

7.5 Request Path

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7.6 Request Parameters

name type describe
portfolioId string Retrieves the portfolio with the specified ID
portfolioName string Retrieves the portfolio with the specified name
portfolioState string Retrieves the portfolio with the specified state

Request header parameters:

key value
Authorization access_token
Amazon-Advertising-API-ClientId your client_id
Amazon-Advertising-API-Scope profileId
Content-Type application/json

7.7 Code practice

/** portfolioIdFilter portfolioids are joined together by commas, but up to 100 at a time. * /
String getPortfolios_url = "https://advertising-api.amazon.com/v2/portfolios?portfolioIdFilter="+portfolioIdFilter;
HashMap<String, String> headerMap4 = new HashMap<>();
headerMap4.put("Authorization"."Bearer "+access_token);
headerMap4.put("Amazon-Advertising-API-ClientId"."your client_id");
String s5 = HttpUtil.doGet1(getPortfolios_url, headerMap4);
System.out.println("Obtained portfolio =" + s5); 
Copy the code

The execution results are not demonstrated.

To this SP advertising data has been obtained, processing data can be saved to the file.

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