After the review of product requirements, split tasks separately, cut a release branch from the Master branch, and cut the development branch of Update or feature according to their respective task conditions;
During development, debugging or test, the code is pushed to the remote branch, and the merge Request (Mr For short) is pushed to the test branch. GitLab CI will automatically build and deploy the project code to the test environment.
After the test is completed, Mr Will be transferred to the Release branch. After all the development branches of this requirement are reviewed and merged, Mr Will be transferred from the Release branch to the Pre branch. GitLab CI will automatically build and deploy the project code to the pre-production environment, and then conduct regression test. If there is a problem, cut out the development branch from the Release branch for modification, and repeat the previous process.
After the pre-production environment is ok, Mr Will be extracted from the release branch to the Master branch, and then tag will be put online. GitLab CI will automatically build and deploy the project code to the production environment, and then conduct regression test, and issue the version if there is any problem.
At this point, the complete development process of a requirement came to an end. GitLab CI helped us complete some repetitive work such as construction/deployment. We were always curious about this, so we will try to build a project using GitLab CI.
Setting up new projects
Existing projects using GitLab CI can skip this step and start from here
You can either build the repository step by step or clone it directly: gitlab-Ci-Example
Initialize the project
New project folder
mkdir gitlab-ci-example
cd gitlab-ci-example
Copy the code
Initialize Git and NPM
git init
npm init -y
Copy the code
New project file
mkdir src build
Copy the code
Create a.gitignore file
Copy the code
Create a.editorConfig file
root = true
indent_style = space
indent_size = 2
end_of_line = lf
charset = utf-8
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
insert_final_newline = true
trim_trailing_whitespace = false
Copy the code
Create a new index.html file
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="Width = device - width, initial - scale = 1.0" />
<div id="app">
<h1>Learn Gitlab CI</h1>
Copy the code
Create a new main.js file
function appendElementToAPP({ tag = "div", content = "" }) {
const appEle = document.getElementById("app");
const newEle = document.createElement(tag);
newEle.innerHTML = content;
tag: "div".content: `append content by js on The ${new Date().toUTCString()}`});Copy the code
Create a new file
"use strict";
const path = require("path");
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require("html-webpack-plugin");
const resolve = (dir) = > path.resolve(__dirname, ".. /", dir);
module.exports = {
mode: "development".entry: {
app: "./src/main.js",},output: {
path: resolve("dist"),
filename: "[name].[hash].js",},resolve: {
extensions: [".js"],},devServer: {
port: 8090.contentBase: resolve("dist"),},plugins: [
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
filename: resolve("dist/index.html"),
template: "src/index.html",})]};Copy the code
Create a new file
"use strict";
const path = require("path");
const { CleanWebpackPlugin } = require("clean-webpack-plugin");
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require("html-webpack-plugin");
const resolve = (dir) = > path.resolve(__dirname, ".. /", dir);
module.exports = {
mode: "production".entry: {
app: "./src/main.js",},output: {
path: resolve("dist"),
filename: "[name].[hash].js",},plugins: [
new CleanWebpackPlugin(),
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
filename: resolve("dist/index.html"),
template: "src/index.html",})]};Copy the code
Create a new append-element.js file
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
const cheerio = require("cheerio");
const htmlFilePath = path.resolve(__dirname, ".. /dist/index.html");
fs.readFile(htmlFilePath, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
const $ = cheerio.load(data);
`<div style="color: red;" >append content by build onThe ${new Date().toUTCString()}</div>`
fs.writeFileSync(htmlFilePath, $.html());
Copy the code
Create the file
cp -rf dist/* /www/test/gitlab-ci-example
Copy the code
Modify the package.json file
"name": "gitlab-ci-example"."version": "0.0.1"."description": ""."main": "index.js"."scripts": {
"deploy-test": "build/"."dev": "webpack-dev-server --config build/"."build": "webpack --config build/ && node build/append-element.js"
"keywords": []."author": ""."license": "ISC"
Copy the code
Installation project dependencies
npm i -D cheerio webpack webpack-cli webpack-dev-server clean-webpack-plugin html-webpack-plugin
Copy the code
Run the project
npm run dev
Copy the code
Open the link: http://localhost:8090/ in your browser and you should see:
Packaging project
npm run build
Copy the code
Open the index.html file in the dist directory in your browser and you should see:
Now that the basic functions of the project have been built, GitLab CI will be used in the project.
GitLab CI was used in the project
Before using GitLab CI, you need to prepare:
- A Cloud Server
- a
Set the GitLab Runner
From the repository home page, click on the sidebar -settings-CI/CD to jump to the CI/CD Settings page and expand the Runners option to set up GitLab Runner manually by following the steps:
Install GitLab Runner
Download and install software packages based on the system architecture to view details
# Download (packages for AMD64)
curl -LJO
If the download is too slow, it is recommended to download it locally and then use SCP command to copy it to remote
# scp ~/gitlab-runner_amd64.deb yourUserName@yourIPAddress:/home/yourUserName
# installation
sudo dpkg -i gitlab-runner_amd64.deb
# outputSelecting previously unselected package gitlab-runner. (Reading database ... 67015 files and directories currently installed.) Preparing to unpack gitlab-runner_amd64.deb ... Unpacking gitlab - runner (13.0.1)... Setting up gitlab-Runner (13.0.1)... GitLab Runner: Detected user Gitlab-Runner Runtime Platform Arch = AMD64 OS = Linux PID =28968 Revision = 21CB397C Version =13.0.1 gitlab-runner: Runtime platform Arch = AMD64 OS = Linux PID =28975 Revision = 21CB397C Version =13.0.1 gitlab-ci-multi-runner: Runtime platform Arch = AMD64 OS = Linux PID =28993 Revision = 21CB397C Version =13.0.1 Runtime Platform Arch = AMD64 OS = Linux PID =29039 Revision = 21CB397C Version =13.0.1# If you receive an error like the one above, run the following command
sudo gitlab-runner status
# outputRuntime Platform Arch = AMD64 OS = Linux PID =29971 Revision = 21CB397C Version =13.0.1 Gitlab-Runner: Running!Copy the code
For the above error message, check out this Gitlab issue
Registered GitLab Runnner
Start registering. Here is an example for Linux, see here for other systems
# registered
sudo gitlab-runner register
# outputRuntime Platform Arch = AMD64 OS = Linux PID =31237 Revision = 21CB397C Version =13.0.1 Runningin system-mode.
GitLab instance URL
Please enter the gitlab-ci coordinator URL (e.g.
Enter the registration token (copy from project-setting-CI /CD setting-runners)
Please enter the gitlab-ci token for this runner:
# Input description
Please enter the gitlab-ci description for this runner:
[hostname]: runner-001
Enter the associated tag
Please enter the gitlab-ci tags for this runner (comma separated):
# output
Registering runner... succeeded runner=JhXh7oEx
# Select the execution environment, here select shell
Please enter the executor: virtualbox, docker-ssh+machine, kubernetes, parallels, shell, ssh, docker+machine, custom, docker, docker-ssh:
# output
Runner registered successfully. Feel free to start it, but if it\'s running already the config should be automatically reloaded!
Copy the code
After downloading, installing, and registering the Runner, return to the CI/CD Settings page and you should now see the Runner associated with your project
Configuration GitLab CI
After setting up GitLab Runner, we can start to configure GitLab CI by creating.gitlab-ci.yml file
# Job title
# phase
stage: test
When the test branch is updated
- test
# Assign work to Runners with specific tags
- runner-001-tag
# script
- npm install
- npm run build
- npm run deploy-test
Copy the code
By default, GitLab Runner will not run without tags, so here we specify the tag set when registering GitLab Runner: Runner -001-tag. Check out more GitLab CI/CD configuration options
If you don’t want tags, you can modify the GitLab Runner configuration. Check Run untagged Jobs to allow GitLab Runner to Run tasks without tags.
After saving the.gitlab-ci.yml file, push the changes to the remote repository
Trigger GitLab CI
Once we have the configuration file, we need to trigger it by cutting out a Test branch from the branch containing the above changes and committing it to the remote branch to trigger the GitLab CI (new commits and merged test branches trigger CI). Of course, it is also possible to create the test branch through a graphical interface
git checkout test
git push -u origin test
Copy the code
< span style = “box-sizing: border-box; display: block; line-height: 22px; word-break: inherit! Important; word-break: inherit! Important;
Problems encountered
1. Mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/gitlab-runner/builds/ 3-1hb5ZY’ : Permission denied
Running with Gitlab-Runner 13.0.1 (21CB397C) on Runner -001 3-1HB5zy Preparing the"shell" executor 00:00
Using Shell executor...
Preparing environment 00:00
Running on xx-ubuntu...
Getting source"/home/gitlab-runner/builds/ 3-1hb5zy" : Permission denied Uploading artifactsforFailed job 00:00 mkdir: cannot create directory '/home/gitlab-runner/builds/ 3-1hb5zy' : Permission denied ERROR: Job failed:exit status 1
Copy the code
The reason:
GitLab Runner (gitlab-runner, gitlab-runner, gitlab-runner, gitlab-runner, gitlab-runner, gitlab-runner, gitlab-runner, gitlab-runner, gitlab-runner)
View file and directory information
ls -alF /home/gitlab-runner
# drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Jun 2 17:45 builds/
Copy the code
Both the permission and permission group of the current directory are root. The gitlab-runner user is not in the root permission group, so he has no permission to perform operations.
If you think about , something is wrong. GitLab Runner is built with the Gitlab-Runner user, but why would the builds directory be under root? Gitlab-runner install = gitlab-runner install = gitlab-runner install = gitlab-runner install = gitlab-runner
Select root as user root to run the task
sudo gitlab-runner install --working-directory /home/gitlab-runner --user root
Copy the code
How to solve:
Delete the builds directory, uninstall and reinstall the Gitlab-Runner service, and point the user associated with the service back to the Gitlab-Runner user
# stop service
sudo gitlab-runner stop
# uninstall service
sudo gitlab-runner uninstall
Reinstall service, specify working directory and user
sudo gitlab-runner install --working-directory /home/gitlab-runner --user gitlab-runner
# complete configuration
# sudo gitlab-runner install --working-directory /home/gitlab-runner --config /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml --service gitlab-runner --syslog --user gitlab-runner
# check
sudo gitlab-runner verify
# start service
sudo gitlab-runner start
# check status
sudo gitlab-runner status
Copy the code
# Check the file and directory information again
ls -alF /home/gitlab-runner
# drwxrwxr-x 3 gitlab-runner gitlab-runner 4096 Jun 3 16:21 builds/
Copy the code
Access to the Builds directory is now back to the Gitlab-Runner user, find the Retry button associated with this work in Charge or Jobs page in Gitlab Warehouse and click the button to retry the build
2. bash: line 92: npm: command not found
Running with Gitlab-Runner 13.0.1 (21CB397C) on Runner -001 3-1HB5zy Preparing the"shell" executor 00:00
Using Shell executor...
Preparing environment 00:00
Running on VM-0-5-ubuntu...
Getting source from Git repository 00:03
Fetching changes with git depth set to 50...
Reinitialized existing Git repository in/home/gitlab-runner/builds/3-1Hb5zy/0/Lsnsh/gitlab-ci-example/.git/ Checking out 4e716630 as test... Skipping Git submodules setup Restoring cache 00:00 Downloading artifacts 00:00 Running before_script and script 00:00 $ npm install bash: line 92: npm:command not found
Running after_script 00:00
Uploading artifacts for failed job 00:00
ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1
Copy the code
The reason:
The error is reported after the retry build. This is because gitlab-runner does not have node installed in its environment (by default, nodes installed on root or other users are not accessible in the environment of gitlab-runner).
How to solve:
Log in to the server, switch to user gitlab-Runner, install NVM, and then install Node
Switch to user root
sudo su
# Log in to user gitlab-runner
su -l gitlab-runner
# Install NVM (, if accessing script 443, try another way to install NVM or install Node directlyThe curl - o - | bash# see NVM
nvm ls
Install Node (LTS 12.18.0, choose your version)NVM install 12.16.2# Check node and NPM versions
node -v
npm -v
Copy the code
Bash: line 92: NPM: Bash: Line 92: NPM: Command not found, once thought it was an illusion, because the service did not detect the existence of Node, tried to reinstall and restart the Gitlab-Runner service, but the retry still failed.
After a cool-down, I looked up a lot of similar cases and preliminarily judged that the environment variable was not loaded, that is, the NVM was not loaded, so I tried to manually load ~/.bashrc file during the build process:
- source ~/.bashrc
Copy the code
Profile and ~/.bashrc file headers, and some new inspiration is found in the following comments:
# ~/.profile: executed by the command interpreter for login shells.
Copy the code
Profile: executed by the command interpreter for the login shell.
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
Copy the code
~/.bashrc: executed by bash (1) on non-login shells.
The above information mentioned two states, login and non-login, the configuration file will be executed in the corresponding state, by adding debugging information, it can be found that when gitlab-Runner executes task construction, the ~/. Bashrc file will not be loaded, but only ~/. Profile file will be loaded. The ~/.profile file is used to determine whether the ~/.bashrc file should be loaded first according to the bash environment. The code is as follows:
# ~/.profile: executed by the command interpreter for login shells.
# This file is not read by bash(1), if ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_login
# exists.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples.
# the files are located in the bash-doc package.
# the default umask is set in /etc/profile; for setting the umask
# for ssh logins, install and configure the libpam-umask package.
#umask 022
# if running bash
if [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then
# include .bashrc if it exists
if [ -f "$HOME/.bashrc" ]; then
. "$HOME/.bashrc"
Copy the code
To solve the problem of NPM commands not being found, add the code for loading NVM to the ~/.profile profile:
Edit the configuration file
vi ~/.profile
# Configure NVM loading by adding the following code to the configuration file (
export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm
After saving the configuration file, reload the configuration file
source ~/.profile
Copy the code
3. sh: 1: build/ Permission denied
$NPM run deploy-test > gitlab-ci-example@1.0.0 deploy-test /home/ubuntu/builds/ 3-1hb5zy /0/Lsnsh/gitlab-ci-example > build/ sh: 1: build/ Permission denied npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 126 npm ERR! gitlab-ci-example@1.0.0 deploy-test: 'build/' NPM ERR! Exit status 126 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the gitlab-ci-example@1.0.0 deploy-test script.#...
Copy the code
The reason:
# Check the permissions for deployment scripts in the project build directory (e.g., /home/ubuntu/builds/ 3-1HB5zy /0/Lsnsh/gitlab-ci-example)
ls -alF ./build/
# -rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 42 Jun 2 19:40
Copy the code
You can run the preceding command to find and search for problems. The file cannot be executed because it does not have the executable permission
How to solve:
- Changes directly
File permissions
# indicates that the file is executable
git update-index --chmod=+x ./build/
The editor's Git state may indicate that a new change has been made. If you ignore this change and commit it directly, the git state will update
git commit -m 'Make executable'
Commit to remote, master, test, or another branch
git push
Copy the code
- through
# package.json
- "deploy-test": "build/",
+ "deploy-test": "sh build/",
Copy the code
4. /www/test/gitlab-ci-example: No such file or directory
$NPM run deploy-test > gitlab-ci-example@1.0.0 deploy-test /home/gitlab-runner/builds/3-1Hb5zy/0/Lsnsh/gitlab-ci-example > build/ /www/test/gitlab-ci-example: No such file or directory
Please create this directory and then assign the directory permissions to the gitlab-runner user.
You can execute the following command as root:
mkdir /www/test/gitlab-ci-example
chown gitlab-runner /www/test/gitlab-ci-example
Copy the code
The reason:
The build/ script copies the built code to the/WWW /test/gitlab-ci-example directory, so you need to create this directory before building
How to solve:
Create and assign directory permissions based on the information displayed in the build/ script:
Create a new directory (root user or other gitlab-runner user)
mkdir /www/test/gitlab-ci-example
Allocate gitlab-runner user folder permissions
chown gitlab-runner /www/test/gitlab-ci-example
Copy the code
At this point, CI can finally run, after deployment page content looks like this, click to view:
With the.gitlab-ci.yml configuration file, you can do processing at various stages of the build. For example, you can call the nail robot interface during the before_script and after_script phases to synchronize the deployment status to individuals/groups in time:
# Nail notification nail group
- curl -X POST ''
Copy the code
The notification looks something like this:
For more information about the configuration of the.gitlab-ci.yml file, see the official documentation
CI/CD is a good use of this tool, I believe that will greatly improve team collaboration and development efficiency. All things are difficult at the beginning. There will be resistance at the beginning. After that, there will be another obstacle waiting for you.
The repository link for the sample project is below, welcome to star :
Github Repository (Template) :…
Gitlab Warehouse:…
Command summary
# Check gitlab-runner related processes
ps aux|grep gitlab-runner
# registered gitlab - runner
sudo gitlab-runner register
# Reinstall gitlab-Runner service
# stop service
sudo gitlab-runner stop
# uninstall service
sudo gitlab-runner uninstall
Reinstall service, specify working directory and user
sudo gitlab-runner install --working-directory /home/gitlab-runner --user gitlab-runner
# complete configuration
# sudo gitlab-runner install --working-directory /home/gitlab-runner --config /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml --service gitlab-runner --syslog --user gitlab-runner
# check
sudo gitlab-runner verify
# start service
sudo gitlab-runner start
# check status
sudo gitlab-runner status
Copy files to remote host
# scp ~/gitlab-runner_amd64.deb yourUserName@yourIPAddress:/home/yourUserName
# eg: copy ~/gitlab-runner_amd64.deb to root where IP = 110.120.130SCP ~ / gitlab - runner_amd64. Deb root@110.120.130: / home/rootView file and directory information
# eg: (Check /home/gitlab-runner directory)
ls -alF /home/gitlab-runner
Switch to user root
sudo su
Log in to another user as user root
Gitlab-runner = gitlab-runner
su -l gitlab-runner
# indicates that the file is executable
Git update-index --chmod=+x
# indicates the file is not executable
Git update-index --chmod=-x
# eg: (indicates that the./build/ file is executable)
git update-index --chmod=+x ./build/
Assign file or folder permissions to users
# chown User name file or folder path
Gitlab-runner/WWW /test/gitlab-ci-example
chown gitlab-runner /www/test/gitlab-ci-example
Copy the code
Refer to the link
- Install GitLab Runner
- Registering Runners
- Error when installing gitlab-runner
- Permission denied for file
- GitLab CI/CD Pipeline Configuration Reference
- Gitlab CI Failed: NPM command not found
- How to create file execute mode permissions in Git on Windows?