The introduction

As a coder, it is a very meaningful thing to build your own personal blog. Just yesterday, I launched my personal blog. I didn’t choose Hexo, Github Pages, Hugo and other static website generation technologies among many solutions to build my personal blog. If you are interested, you can build these solutions by yourself. My choice is a content management system called Halo. Today I will teach you how to swim, tell about some trivia of my own blog, (along with a personal blog, hee hee) some details may be ignored, for small partners and I study as a reference.

Step 1 (Buy a server)

The first step to build a personal blog is to need a server of their own, if you choose the server, I recommend Ali Cloud, if you are a student, you can buy through Ali Cloud developer growth plan, the preferential strength is relatively large, as shown in the following picture:


If you are not a student, I believe that you always know so a few students, after contend for their consent, borrow their identity to buy a server to come, I take advantage of his a few months before the society, suddenly renew a few years, should be enough I play, ha ha ha ha…… , ready to believe here you should have a belong to your own server, if you are rich you can buy yourself a domain name (of course not buy domain name is also ok, so blog build, pretend bility is nothing but a little bit down so a diu diu), bought a domain name after the corresponding, you need to put on record, put on record in need 2-3 days, followed by binding domain, parsing the domain name. Believe you smart, sure no problem!

Step 2 (Blog)

Next is the hard dish, we come tohalotheThe official documentationNext we go to the installation guide. In the installation guide we can see that the installation guide is divided intoLinuxwithDockerThe installation,

In this I chooseDockerDeployment? No, no, no, there are people who don’t knowDockerWhat is it, enclosed hereDockerinbaiduwithwikipediaFor the 21st centurycoderMust know the concept, interested partners can clickherelearningDockerInstall and use, and then we follow the document to tell us the next step can be oh,


So the blog is set up successfully. The next steps for the purchase of a domain name of small partners, reverse proxy, achieve access to the blog through the domain name.

Step 3 (Reverse proxy)

After setting up the blog, we can access it through the public IP address and port number. Friends must think at this time, why do I buy the domain name? It is not a waste of money? Take off the border decisively. No, no, no, no, no, I’ll tell you right now, we need to use Nginx, which is a very lightweight HTTP server in Nginx, to access the domain name. Don’t know how to install a friend look here, the next is to configure the reverse proxy, we through the terminal or pagoda tools into/WWW/server/panel/vhost/nginx the folder below, add a configuration file (*. Conf) :

server { listen 80; server_name www.*.*; # your domain name the location / {proxy_pass http:// *. *. *. * : 8090; Index index.html index.htm; }}Copy the code

Save, restart Nginx, so we can access your blog via domain name, and start your show.


Today’s share here, what do not understand can through the wechat public account message, or in the personal blog post comments to me oh. Each share is a progress, let’s progress together.