
Machine learning has always been a hot topic in Python, and deep learning, derived from neural network algorithms, shines in many ways. So what exactly is a neural network?

When it comes to neural networks, it is easy to associate them with neural networks in biology, and they are often associated with neural networks in machine learning and biological neural networks. But in fact, human beings have not fully understood the operation of biological neural networks, let alone the realization of biological neural networks with computers.

In contrast, a neural network in machine learning is more like a mathematical function. We put in a set of data, and the neural network gives us a result. A simple function like this:

We give an x and we get a y. It’s just that the function of the neural network is much more complicated than the function above.

But the basis of the neural network is actually this function up here. Now let’s take you to build a neural network very quickly.

2.Machine learning

Before we learn about neural networks, we need to know a little bit about machine learning.

2.1. What is Machine learning?

Suppose I have the following data:

One, three, five, seven, nineCopy the code

Now let you say what the next number might be.

For human intelligence, we can say 11 very quickly. But it’s not so easy for computers, because computers don’t think. So how does a computer learn? You need someone to guide you.

In machine learning, humans need to tell machines how to learn. And then we learn by the way that the human tells us to learn, and we get a model.

Of course, there are other forms of machine learning that we won’t discuss.

2.2. How to learn?

How to learn is a very important problem for machine learning. There have been many excellent algorithms, all of which tell machines how to learn. Such as linear regression, logistic regression, K nearest neighbors, decision trees, neural networks and so on.

Machine learning algorithm can be said to be the soul of machine learning. The neural network we are going to implement today is also a machine learning algorithm, which is based on logistic regression, and logistic regression is based on linear regression. So linear regression and logistic regression are also going to be covered today.

2.3. Problems in machine learning

Machine learning problems usually fall into two broad categories, one is classification and the other is regression.

The difference between the two is whether the results are discrete. For example, if we have an animal classification problem, we can only get one definite animal. You’re not going to get an animal that’s somewhere between a dog and a cat.

The result of regression problems is usually a numerical value, such as housing price forecasting problems. We could get any number between 0 and 1 million, or we could get a decimal like 40.023242.

Linear regression is a powerful tool to solve regression problems, and logistic regression is used for classification problems. So let’s look at these two algorithms.

3.Linear regression and logistic regression

You may wonder why logistic regression has a regression in its name that does not solve regression problems. I believe that after reading the following content will not have this doubt.

3.1. Linear regression

In the introduction, we introduced a simple function:

In fact, this is the basis of linear regression. The linear regression algorithm is to find an optimal set of w and B that will give us the closest approximation to the truth. Let’s use the data above:

One, three, five, seven, nineCopy the code

For the above set of data, we want to find the relationship between serial number and value. We can understand the above data as:

x, y
1, 1
2, 3
3, 5,
4, 7,
5, 9
Copy the code

Where x represents need and y represents a specific value. We can do a little bit of arithmetic to get the following function:

We have an optimal set of parameters w=2, b = -1, and we can use this function to predict the next thousand, ten thousand numbers.

But sometimes we have more than one x, in which case we can generalize the above function as:

Now we have a lot more parameters to figure out. So let’s actually write a linear regression program.

3.2. Linear regression for actual combat

Here we need to use the scikit-learn module, install as follows:

pip install scikit-learn
Copy the code

And then we can start writing code. LinearRegression algorithm implementation is encapsulated in sklear.linear_model LinearRegression regression, we can directly use:

X = Np.array ([[1], [2], [3], [4], [5]) # create a LinearRegression module lr = LinearRegression() # create a LinearRegression module lr = LinearRegression() # create a LinearRegression module lr = LinearRegression() # create a LinearRegression module lr = np.array([1, 3, 5, 7, 9]) # create a LinearRegression module lr = np.array([1, 3, 5, 7, 9]) Y) # print output parameters (" w = ", lr coef_, "b =", lr. Intercept_)Copy the code

First we need to prepare the data for X and y, and here we’re using an NDARRay array. Now, notice that the length of y is 5, so the length of X has to be 5 times n.

Once the data is ready, we need to create a linear regression model, and then call the FIT method to fill in our prepared data and train.

When training is complete, we can check the module’s parameters, where coef_ means W and intercept_ means B. Since w can have more than one, it should be an array. Here is the output:

W = [2] = 1.0 bCopy the code

It’s the same as what we get from artificial intelligence. We can also call predict to predict the following data:

import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
X = np.array([
y = np.array([1, 3, 5, 7, 9])
lr = LinearRegression()
lr.fit(X, y)
y_predict = lr.predict(np.array([[100]]))
Copy the code

Again, notice that X is in two dimensions.

3.3 logistic regression

Logistic regression can be understood as linear regression + special function. We can think about the following question.

Now you need to write a program to determine whether everyone’s score is passing or not. The score is as follows: Total =40% math +30% Chinese +30% English. An overall score greater than or equal to 60 is a pass and the rest is a fail.

It’s a very simple question, but we still need to discuss it. First, we can write the formula for calculating the total score as follows:

For this formula, we can get any number between 0 and 100. But all I wanted was a pass or a fail. We could just view it as minus 1 and 1.

So how do we map this to -1 and 1? This requires the use of a special function, which we call the activation function. We can use the following function as the activation function:

So we can map all the fractions to minus 1 and 1. (The above function is undefined at y=60, and strictly speaking the above activation function is not applicable) Logistic regression is shown as follows:

A result is obtained through a linear model, and then the result is mapped to a specified range through activation functions.

In practice, however, we usually use Sigmoid, Tanh, and ReLU functions. Here are some images of activation functions:

Let’s write an example of logistic regression.

Logistic regression to actual combat

The LogisticRegression implementation is wrapped in the linear_model.LogisticRegression, which can also be used directly.

X = Np.array ([[60], [20], [30], [80], [59], [90]]) listicRegression ([1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1]) Y) # prepared for testing data X_test = np, array ([[62], [87], [39]. [45] print(X_test) print(y_predict)Copy the code

There are only subtle differences between code and linear regression. In the code, we use 0 for fail and 1 for pass. Here are the results of our test data output:

[1 1 0 0]
Copy the code

And you can see that all the predictions are correct.

With this knowledge, we can begin to implement a neural network.

4. The neural network

Neural network is based on logistic regression. It can be said that neural network is a set of logistic regression.

4.1. Neural networks

You’ve probably all heard that neural networks are made up of large numbers of neurons. But what you may not know is that neurons in machine learning are logistic regression. We can look at this graph below:

You can see that it is very similar to the previous logistic regression, but there are many activation functions and many more parameters.

The reason why we use so many activation functions is to make the resulting functions very complicated. If our function is very simple, such as this set of data:

Suppose we use the following function as our model:

You get the following image:

You can see that there are a lot of points that are not on the line, so there are a lot of errors in the predicted data. At this time, we can consider twice, such as:

But sometimes we can’t get the model we want for two, three or even a dozen times (too many times often lead to overfitting). In this case, neural networks are a good choice.

The neural network is much less interpretable than the previous two algorithms, because neural networks usually have hundreds or thousands of parameters, and we get a very complex model. We can’t understand what the parameters mean, but they usually give us a good result. But that’s the magic of neural networks.

4.2 Input layer, hidden layer and output layer

Neural networks usually have three parts, and the input layer is determined by our number of features. The output layer is determined by the number of classifications. In figure x, part X is the input layer, part Y is the output layer, and the middle part is the hidden layer:

Hidden layers are usually very complex, and we can adjust the complexity of the model by adjusting the number of hidden layers and nodes.

4.3 Neural network actual combat

Using SciKit-learn, we can build a neural network very quickly. Next we use scikit-Learn’s built-in data set to implement a neural network:

from sklearn.datasets import load_iris from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier from sklearn.model_selection Import train_test_split # iris_data = load_iris() # X_train, X_test, y_train Y_test = train_test_split(iris_data['data'], iris_data['target'], test_size=0.25, MLP = MLPClassifier(solver=' LBFGS ', hidden_layer_sizes=[4, 2], Score = mlp.score(X_test, y_test) print(score)Copy the code

Here, we use the iris data from Scikit-learn. We use train_test_split to split the data set into two parts, namely, the characteristics and target values of the training set and the characteristics and target values of the test set.

Then we create an instance of the MLPClassifier class, which is essentially a multiperceptron for classification. We just need to focus on hidden_layer_sizes, which is the number of layers and nodes in our neural network. Since this is a dichotomy problem, there are two nodes in the output layer.

The output is as follows:

Copy the code

We call mlP.Score to evaluate the quality of the model, and the accuracy rate is 92%, which is a very good result.

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