As the company’s business to expand, the front-end project corresponding more and more, some of project tools code is the same logic, if a copy in each project is not conducive to maintenance, so you need a tool library, common code to write directly in the warehouse, issued to the company the private NPM, business projects need use it can be installed through the NPM. Since it is a front-end tool library, it must support on-demand loading, and considering that the tool library is in the form of Fun, then simply a fun file, simple, clear and convenient maintenance. In addition, to make the contents of the repository clear and reduce directory jumps, the code is written directly in the root directory, eliminating the need for the SRC directory.
Define specification
- File names beginning with an _ indicate code that is not exposed to consumers and is intended only for reuse within the project
- Test files are written in the test directory. Each file ends in.test.ts
- Type definitions are placed in the types directory
- A file only exposes one fun, a file only does one thing
Open dry
Initialize the
Create a new directory, and then NPM init
Install the ts
npm i typescript
Configuration of ts
Create tsconfig.json and fill in the following
"exclude": ["./node_modules"."./lib"."./test"]."compilerOptions": {
"target": "esnext"."module": "commonjs"."declaration": true."outDir": "lib"."rootDir": ". /"."strict": true."baseUrl": ". /"."allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true."esModuleInterop": true}}Copy the code
Exclude exclude the ts check and build directory outDir: build output directory
Install and configure JEST
NPM I jest build configuration: NPX jest –init there are some options for you to choose from.
➤ Would you like to use Typescript for the configuration file? … No stocking Choose the test environment that will be used for testing › jsdom (browser-like) stocking Do you want Jest to add coverage reports? … Yes stocking Which provider should be used to instrument code for coverage? V8 Automatically clear mock calls and instances between every test? … yes
The jest. Config.js file will be added after success
Configuration of NPM script
Json: {“build”: “TSC –build”,”test”: “jest”}
Write the code
In the project root directory, write two random ts file test examples:
// log.ts
export const log = (msg: string) = > {
console.log("file 1");
Copy the code
// sum.ts
export const sum = (x: number, y: number) = > {
console.log("file 2");
return x + y;
Copy the code
When you run NPM run build, you can see that the code has been compiled into the lib directory and the corresponding D.ts file has been generated, giving a good indication of the type if the user uses TS.
Write the test
Create a test directory under which to create an example test file:
// log.test.ts
import { sum } from '.. /sum';
describe('sum'.() = > {
it('sum 5+6'.() = > {
Copy the code
Tip: Notice the file name above. Test is written as xxx.test.ts
If you are prompted to find definitions such as describe, execute NPM i@types /jest
SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
This indicates that jest does not support es Module writing
Transform: {“\\. Ts $”: [‘ts-jest’]}
Then execute NPM I ts-jest
Run the test again, OK, the test code runs successfully, the test passes.
A complete and beautiful JS library has been built, supporting TS and unit testing
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