The last article introduced you to Flutter. You can’t wait to get your feet wet, so take action. Now this article introduces you to build a Flutter operation and development environment.
Please check out my blog for more details.
Install the Flutter SDK
To run Flutter on your local computer, you need to install the Flutter SDK, which includes command-line tools for creating, building, testing, and compiling applications. This will be used during development.
First, there are two ways to get the SDK
- Download the Flutter SDK to your local computer
- You can use
git clone
Command to download to local computer
git clone -b master
Copy the code
Second, decompress the downloaded Flutter SDK and place it in a folder of your system, for example: /Applications/ Flutter.
Configuring environment Variables
The purpose of configuring the environment variables is to make the Flutter SDK command line tools work globally for development use.
First, you can open.bash_profile in your home directory with an editor, or you can edit it with vi, which I’m used to, as follows
vi $HOME/.bash_profile
Copy the code
Add the following configuration
export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/flutter/bin
Copy the code
Tips: The first line of the export PATH = $PATH: / Applications/flutter in the/bin/Applications/flutter flutter/bin is just download SDK directory after decompression on the local computer, You should change the directory corresponding to your computer according to your own operation. The second and third actions solve the domestic download or update resource slow domestic mirror, configure this download or update resource will be faster.
Run the source $HOME/. Bash_profile command to refresh the current command line window, or close the current command line window to open again
source $HOME/.bash_profile
Copy the code
Execute the flutter –help to test whether the environment variables are configured successfully, as shown in the following figure:
If you are using ZSH, add source ~/.bash_profile to the ~/.zshrc file, otherwise the flutter command will not run.
Configure the iOS development environment
To develop Flutter applications for iOS, you need to install Xcode, which can be downloaded from the App Store.
Once Xcode is installed, you need to either open Xcode once to agree to the license agreement (as prompted) or execute sudo XcodeBuild-License to agree to the license agreement.
Then run the open-a Simulator command to open a Simulator to run and test the Flutter program, as shown in the figure below
Configure the Android development environment
To develop Flutter applications for Android, you need to download and install Android Studio.
Once You’ve installed Android Studio, start it up and you’ll install the latest Android SDK for the first time, but you may run into problems like this:
If you encounter this problem, it should be a network problem. Click Setup Proxy to Setup the Proxy, as shown in the following figure:
If all is well, you will be prompted to download something, as shown
Click Finish to download and install the above listed items. After downloading and installing the SDK, see the following figure:
To open a project, we can create a Flutter project using the command line of the Flutter SDK that we have just configured, for example by executing the following command
cd ~/desktop
flutter create new_flutter
Copy the code
After the command is executed, a Flutter project will be generated on the desktop and opened with Android Studio. When the project is opened, it will prompt you to install the Flutter plugin and the Dart language plugin. After installation, you can create a simulator.
Go to Tools>AVD Manager and click Create Virtual Device… To create an emulator, select a device and click Next
Select a system image for the emulator (I chose the first one), click Download, and then click Next as shown
Finally, select Hardware-gles 2.0 in the simulation performance area to start Hardware acceleration and click Finish
Configuration editor
We have already configured the Flutter SDK, iOS emulator, and Android emulator. Finally, we need to configure the editor. Of course, you can choose Android Studio or VS Code.
If you are not familiar with VS Code, please refer to the VS Code editing tips I wrote earlier
Open the terminal and enter the Flutter project we just created
cd new_flutter
Copy the code
Then open the project with VS Code
code ./
Copy the code
⌘ -patho-x to open the project, open the extension, and install the Flutter plugin as shown in the image
When you’re done, open the project directory lib->main.dart file and VS Code will automatically prompt you to install the Dart language extensions.
Run the project
Now that all preparations are complete, we can develop, test, or run the Flutter project. The Flutter project we created with the Flutter create command above has a small counter function that we can run to see the effect
First, you need to execute the Flutter Doctor to check that the environment is normal
As shown in figure 2, Android License status Unknown. The Android protocol is not installed properly. You can run the following command to fix the problem
flutter doctor --android-licenses
Copy the code
As the third item in the figure above is the check item of iOS real machine, you can follow the prompts. As shown above, the fourth item is Java editor check, can be ignored, if you do not have IDEA installed will not be prompted
In fact, it is all configured on my other computer, as shown in the picture
Finally, pressing F5 in the VS Code editor will allow you to select the simulator to run the Flutter application, as shown in the image below
This is the effect of Flutter running on iOS and Android, as shown below
Running Flutter case
Now that everything is ready, you can download the example code from the previous article on GitHub or git Clone
cd $HOME/Desktop # Go to the desktop
git clone # Download cases
cd flutter_pro Go to the case directory
flutter packages get Get dependency packages
code ./ Open with VS Code
Copy the code
After completing the above steps, press F5 in VS Code to select the emulator and view the running effect, as shown in the picture
Ok, done, this article everywhere, next will hand in hand with you to complete a small case of practical operation.