Rules of Participation:

  1. March 1 ~ March 13, in the nuggets community to publish 10 and algorithm, brush questions related to the article is completed!

  2. We don’t have a time limit. It’s ok to swipe 10 times a day. But we encourage one brush a day to keep the feel of the problem ~


  1. Successful entry (i.e., complete the required 10 clock-in) : 2 “Booklet discount code” per person
  2. If you complete 11 or more articles, you can participate in the lucky draw: 5 people will be selected, each person will get 1 gold digging enamel cup + 1 netease Cloud Vinyl VIP annual card
  3. The 20 people who swipe the most questions will get one Leetcode 30-day membership card
  4. The 20 people with the most recommended articles will get a Leetcode 30-day membership card

Of course, the number of Leetcode membership cards will be lowered if the top 20 do not complete tasks (less than 10).

Now scan the qr code below, reply “Offer” into the group, the group also has irregular lucky draw! 🎁 Nugget badge gift box, custom hat,

Article requirements:

  • Article requirements original, subject matter is not limited, no advertising behavior;
  • A single article can not only paste the title and AC code, need to have title analysis, ideas;
  • The title of the article should follow this format: Title title Title title | Swipe the question and punch in
  • Please bring the following text and link at the end of the article:
    • This article is participating in the “Nuggets 2021 Spring Recruiting activity”, click to see the details of the activity

The template

I. Topic Description:


Ii. Thinking analysis:

This part can be written:

  1. What idea does this question examine? What’s your thinking?
  2. When doing the problem, did you pass the first time? What problems did you encounter? What details do you need to pay attention to?
  3. There are several solutions, which solution has the least time complexity, which solution has the least space complexity, what is the optimal solution? What was the other guy’s solution, and who was more efficient? Which language is the fastest to implement in different languages?

Iii. AC code:


Iv. Summary:

If you have more thinking, analysis, and summary, add it all

This article is participating in “Nuggets 2021 Spring Recruiting Activity”, click to see [activity details]

Model reference

  1. [LeetCode79. Word search] | punch brush

  2. “LeetCode series” rainwater problem | brush problem punch


Q: Can I brush the titles of other XXX platforms?

A: Our rules do not limit to the source of the question, but only to the solution of the question:

  • Algorithm, pen test questions [interview questions not good]
  • Publish in the format required by the task
  • There is a thinking summary, there is an excellent point of view of the article, will be the official recommendation of the nuggets

Q: Can I send my own articles to the group?

A: You are welcome to share your articles and discuss the problems. Just asking each other to be fans and praise each other is not necessary.

Q: Can you brush more than one day?

A: Sure. Complete 10 articles during the mission period (March 1-13).

  • Complete the quest and get a 10% discount code on 2 brochures
  • If you complete 11 or more articles, you can participate in the lucky draw: 5 people will be selected, each person will get 1 gold digging enamel cup + 1 netease Cloud Vinyl VIP annual card

In addition, we encourage multiple and high quality brushes:

  • The maximum number of brush questions is 20, each person will be rewarded 1 Leetcode 30-day membership
  • Each of the top 20 recommended articles will be rewarded with a 30-day Leetcode membership

Complete the “March Quest” and you will get more prizes!

You will have the chance to get the mock interview opportunity of star mentor group in the “Search for gold, Offer to Face” activity in March! Click to view the event details!

Special thanks to:

Netease Cloud Music Front-end team: Cloud Music front-end team undertakes all front-end research and development work of cloud music B and C terminals, covering iOS, Android and Web. At present, there are veterans who have grown and worked with Cloud Music for more than 10 years, and there are also new people who have just joined cloud Music. It is a dynamic and passionate team. We are committed to delivering the ultimate user experience with high performance code, human interaction and pleasant vision. Cloud music is now in a stage of rapid development, with unlimited development potential and room for improvement. Here, top talents from various industries gather together for their love of music. Welcome excellent talents to join us and influence millions of people with music!

China Machine Press Huzhang Company: mainly engaged in science and technology, management, psychological fields of book publishing services. It started from computer book business in 1995 and established the pattern of top four computer book publishing in China in 1998. “International vision, education oriented, professional publishing” is an important guiding principle of our development. The distinctive feature of Huazhang is to collect global content and serve Chinese education. The company’s books represent a new vision in the fields of computing, economics and management, and psychology, better able to meet the changing needs of professionals, teachers and students. Huazhang Technology is the earliest sub-brand established by Huazhang Company, focusing on providing learning solutions for professional readers in IT fields such as computer and electronic engineering. An open book, an open door, the ladder leading to the temple of science, the cornerstone of holding up first-class talents!

Aliyun Edge Plus: aliyun Edge computing, CDN, cloud communication official account. The team is responsible for building the Edge cloud computing platform of Aliyun, providing distributed miniaturized cloud computing operating system, building a communication touch platform covering the whole world based on the basic communication capability of operators, paying attention to the “Aliyun Edge Plus” public account, and opening the Edge, connection and infinite possibilities of the technology world. Spring recruitment period, in the public account background reply to the keyword “nuggets” can get “spring recruitment within the post” and “physical help gift package”, koi people rush ah!