XSS cross-site scripting vulnerability

XSS attack mechanism

  1. User login generates cookies;
  2. Let the attacked website run malicious JavaScript code to obtain and redirect to the hacker’s website;
// The front end gets cookies
// Get localStorage and sessionStorage
// Page parameters stealing information
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XSS classification (different ways to get browsers to execute code)

Reflective XSS [malicious code that parses the URL back to the browser for execution]

  1. Hackers construct urls that contain malicious code and send them to others
  2. When a user opens a URL with malicious code, [the website server takes the malicious code out of the URL, splices it into HTML and returns it to the browser]
  3. After the user’s browser receives the response, it parses and executes, and the malicious code mixed in it is also executed, and the user’s cookie is stolen

Example: — use [JS cookie reading method] + [cross-document parameter passing method]

This is a URL with malicious code:


The malicious code is the value of the content parameter, which is a

The user wants to visit http://www.a.com, and the user has logged in to website A, then the browser will automatically open website B and send the user’s cookie on website A to website B, and the user’s information will be stolen in this way

Storage XSS

  1. Hackers write blogs or comments that contain malicious code
  2. The malicious code is stored in the server database
  3. When users visit the blog or leave comments, the page rendering will execute the malicious code and steal information

This is a wide-reaching and far-reaching attack, so it needs to be addressed early

DOM TYPE XSS [front-end JS directly execute malicious code]

DOM XSS is a special type of reflective XSS that bypassed the server and attacked directly in the browser

Using the innerHTML

Principle: the use of front-end JavaScript operations on DOM

If instead of a

tag, you enter a

Running malicious code:

Using the location. The hash

Normal access is to use # to realize the page jump, and the parameter after # is controllable, hackers can write [javascript: malicious code] after #. As soon as a user accesses a URL that carries malicious code, the front-end JavaScript executes the malicious code directlyCopy the code

To prevent XSS

1. Prevent malicious code implantation

Precautions on the Server

  • For reflexive XSS attacks, it is obvious thatThe server takes the malicious code out of the URL, splices it together in HTML and returns it to the browserThis step is taken advantage of, so we should do some processing in this step, using some algorithm to identify or filter the parameters after the URL
  • For stored XSS attacks, we can setReview mechanismTo identify or filter malicious code for all articles or comments uploaded by all users

Front end Precautions

  • For stored XSS attacks, we can also work with user input, such as gold digging, if we type it directly in the article<script>,<img>Is such asIt doesn’t showYou must < add ‘character > or < put in code block > to display
  • For reflection type XSS attack and DOM type XSS attack, we also deal with the content input by the user. For example, we input content in an input box and click submit. The front-end JS listens to submit event and then performs the processing on the content input by the userFor identificationIf there is<script>,<img>Such as,Forms will not be submittedManipulating DOM nodes
Concrete implementation:
  1. forInput string: For substrings<script>,<img>And so on. Pay attentioncaseFilter it out as well
  2. forUpload code: used as a block of code that needs to be converted to a string and then used during rendering<p>or<span>Such as non-semantic tags to render
  3. forTo upload pictures: Using picture transfer, users upload pictures not directly with the source address of the picture, but first transfer to the server to give the picture address
  4. For allHTML tagsReplace innerHTML with innerText, soHTML tags will not be executed oBox.innerText = oBox.innerHTML + oSpan.innerHTML + oText.value + <br/>;

2. Make use of the cookie itself

Use the HttpOnly attribute of cookies

  • The browser disallows the page’s Javascript from accessing cookies with an HttpOnly attribute
  • If this property is set to true, the cookie is only carried in the HTTP request header, but the cookie cannot be accessed through document.cookie, so it is effectively preventedXSS attacks

It is worth noting: Not all items in the cookie are HTTPOnly true, and the document.cookie is used to retrieve all items with HTTPOnly false, so we can set the HTTPOnly of important items such as session_id to true. Some non-important items such as user nicknames are set to false, so that we can ensure the front-end operation of cookies (to remember the account function), and to prevent XSS attacks.

Or the front end does not operate on cookies and the back end operates on cookies

Cookies are detailed in the Browser series – Local storage

3. Use CSP (set load content whitelist to prevent external resources from loading)

  • The essence is [whitelist system]
  • The developer explicitly tells the client through configuration
  • What external resources can be loaded and executed
For example:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="">Content ="default-src 'self'" must be in your own domain name (excluding its subdomain name) content="default-src 'self' *. Trusted.com "is from a trusted domain name and its subdomain name Content ="img-src *" Images allow all domain namesCopy the code

CSRF forges the identity request

A simple overview

Request forged identity with cookies


A CSRF attack requires two conditions:

  1. The client must have a website and generate cookie credentials to store in the browser
  2. The cookie is not cleared, and the client TAB a page to visit another website

CSRF attack mechanism

Take the website with cookie+session login as an example:

  1. User C opens A browser, accesses trusted website A, and enters the user name and password to request the loginGenerate Cookie informationAnd returns it to the browser
  2. User C opens another Tab page, web site B, in the same browser. At this point, Site B makes A request to Site A’s server in some way (described below) : a.com/act=xxx
  3. The browserLook at the requested domain nameAnd thenautomaticallyCarry cookies of the corresponding websiteAt this time, user C is in the login state, and the cookie will be sent with the request
All requests under the same domain name automatically carry cookiesCopy the code
  1. The server at site A receives the request and identifies the cookie in the HTTP request headersession_idFields,It assumes that the request is initiated by user C.With C's permissionProcessing the request results in user C’s corresponding in the databasesessionTo be altered (e.g. to be deleted or transferred)

For details, see browser series — Cookie, Session, Token, JWT and the corresponding login state mechanism

CSRF attack mode

Hacker site B mimics site A’s request to the server

If the transfer operation of site A is A GET request:

1. Automatic GET request

The transfer of game website A is operated by GET mode, as follows:

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At this time, it is simply too simple for website B to imitate this request. It is ok to create A picture whose address is the above address. Since the tag has its own cross-domain function, it can be realized that website B sends A request to the server of website A. So this request was successfully requested on site A’s server, and user C’s property was stolen

1. The use of<img>Tags come with cross-domain functions, hackers post pictures with other domains<img src="http://test.com/csrf/withdraw.php?amount=10000&for=hacker" />2. When the user accesses website B, the request will be automatically initiated and the cookie generated when the user logs in to the browser will be attackedCopy the code

If the transfer is a GET request, there is another way to attack:

2. Induced click to send GET request [user access link]returnWeb site A 】

1.On a hacker's website, a link may be placed that drives you to click <a href="http://test.com/csrf/withdraw.php?amount=1000&for=hacker"
  taget="_blank"Word-wrap: break-word! Important; "> </a>2.After the user clicks, web site B automatically sends A message to web site A`get`Requests and carries cookies that the user generates when logging in to the browserCopy the code

If the transfer operation on site A is POST request:

3. Automatic POST request [user access form]

Later, the head of the game website realized that there was a vulnerability that was attacked and changed the transfer operation from link GET to submit data to form POST

// Submit the data form<form action="http://test.com/csrf/withdraw.php" method="POST">
  <input type="hidden" name="account" value="xiaoming" />
  <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="10000" />
  <input type="hidden" name="for" value="hacker" />
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    if (isset($_POST['account'] &&isset($_POST['vMoney']))  // Verify the operation
        // The corresponding transfer operation
 ? >
Copy the code

At this time, the hacker forged an identical transfer form according to the game virtual currency transfer form, wrote it into website B, and set the [automatic submission] function

1.Hack posts come with a <form> component <form Action = that can be submitted automatically, taking advantage of the auto-submission feature of the <form> tag"http://bank.example/withdraw" method="POST">
  <input type="hidden" name="account" value="xiaoming" />
  <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="10000" />
  <input type="hidden" name="for" value="hacker" />
  document.forms[0].submit(); // Automatic submission
2.When the user accesses the post, the request will be automatically initiated and the cookie generated when the user logs in to the browser will be attackedCopy the code

CSRF protection

1. Coercive interaction means

The site forces the user to interact when it receives a request. For example: mobile phone verification code, fingerprint verification, face verification

  • Applies to heavy attack defense involving property

But for the sake of user experience, sites can’t add captcha codes to all operations. Therefore, captchas can only be used as an auxiliary means, not as the main solution

2. Determine the source of the request

According to the field in the HTTP request header

  • usingOriginField to seeSource domain name
  • usingRefererField to seeSource URL

The server can use this field to see the source of the request and block requests whose Referrer header is not from your page.

For status codes, see computer Networking series – Status codes

HTTP request headers are related to the computer Networking series – HTTP

3. Add token authentication in the form [currently the most common way]

  1. Since the token is stored on your own website A, it is impossible to use it without stealing it in advance (so do XSS attack defense in this way).
  2. Therefore, if the user submits the form automatically on the hacker’s website B, that is, the user initiates A POST transfer request to website A
  3. In this case, the cookie will be carried, but the form will be processed by website AinterceptAnd then in this formExtract the tokenIf the token cannot be extracted or is invalid, then the request is most likely to beCSRF attacks, so do not pass this request, return the status code 403

More details about tokens can be found in the browser series — Cookie, Session, Token, JWT, and the corresponding logon state mechanism

4. Leverage the SameSite property of the Cookie

Strict [most Strict]
Strict, completely'Prohibit third-party cookies', across sites,'Under any circumstances'They don't send cookies. In other words, only the URL of the current page and the target of the requestConsistent ` `, will bring the CookieCopy the code
Lax [slightly relaxed] [default]
Most cases also do not send third-party cookies, but navigate to'Target URL Get request'With the exception ofCopy the code

A GET request to navigate to a target url consists of only three cases: a link, a preload request, and a GET form

None [fully on]
Both same-site and cross-site requests carry cookies, which means they are vulnerable to attackCopy the code

More on the Cookie field related browser series – local storage

Refer to the article

CSRF attack and Defense