When it comes to front-end deployment, most front-end engineers are probably working with their company’s off-the-shelf deployment systems, interfacing with SRE to complete front-end deployment operations. If I were to give you a newly registered cloud host right now, what would you do to deploy a front-end project to a cloud host and make it an accessible web page? Today we are going to talk about front-end deployment ~

A, a

1, hardware,

First, to become an accessible service or web page, a front-end project must run on the host machine. We need to find an online machine to serve as the host machine. Fortunately, there are many large factories providing cloud server ECS in China. The products provided by BAT and Amazon are essentially not very different, so we can choose according to our own preferences. In this article, the author uses aliyun’s host, a 1-core, 2GB, 1Mbps, Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit machine.

2, software,

With the hardware application in place, let’s talk about what’s the minimum amount of software you need to install to get the service running. The software we need is: nginx, NodeJS, PM2, git.

Nginx: serves as an HTTP server to accept requests from the Internet and forward the requests to the corresponding ports according to the configured rules.

Nodejs: provides the JS running environment on cloud hosts

PM2: process manager for node applications

Git: Pull git repository code remotely to a cloud host

Second, the installation

(Since the online machine system used in this paper is Ubuntu, the software installation is apt-get. Yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum

1. Install the NVM

  • First install the necessary packages

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev

  • Then use wGET to install NVM

Wget – qO – raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/… | bash

2. Install Git

sudo apt-get install git

3. Install node using NVM

NVM Install stable or

NVM install 4.2.2

4. Install PM2 using NPM

npm install -g pm2

5. Install nginx manually

  • Install nginx dependency pcRE, OpenSSL, zlib first

sudo apt-get install openssl libssl-dev

sudo apt-get install libpcre3 libpcre3-dev

sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev

  • Then manually install nginx

Wget nginx.org/download/ng…

The tar ZXVF nginx – 1.12.2. Tar. Gz

. / configure — prefix = / server/runtime/nginx / 1.12.2 (prefix parameters is set up your installation target path)

make && make install

Third, directory Settings

Careful readers will wonder why I don’t install my nginx directly instead of apt-get.

If I use apt-get to install nginx, it will automatically install the software in a usr directory and subsequent installations will overwrite the previous version. If I have the need to install multiple nginx versions on a single server, such as Mainline Version and Stable Version, I need to manually install nginx to physically divide the versions.

My directories are divided into:

As shown in the figure, create a new server directory under/(root directory), then create app, compile, Daemon, and Runtime folders under server directory.

1, the app

The app directory stores the code of the development project. Use Git Clone to pull down the code of the Git repository. If the service is faulty, you can manually log in to the cloud host and restart the service in the APP directory.

2, the compile

The compile directory stores downloaded tar packages and files extracted from tar packages. If you have downloaded a lot of software, you can store it in folders for easy management.

3, the runtime

The Runtime directory is the target directory for software installation. The nginx installation package in the compile directory is installed into the Runtime directory using the configure command. The internal directory structure of runtime is shown as follows:

As shown in the figure, for easy management, the Runtime directory is divided into folders by software (nginx) and then folders by version (1.12.2).

4, the daemon

Daemons are called daemons. The daemons directory houses services that run all the time, such as Nginx. Daemon’s internal directory structure is shown as follows:

As shown in the figure, the nginx directory is divided first by version (1.12.2) and then by port (80). In the scenario where multiple versions of Nginx and multiple ports coexist, this division will greatly facilitate o&M if I want to quickly locate nginx problems. To find the corresponding version and port, you only need to find the file directory.

The contents of the conf folder are copied from the conf folder in the nginx installation directory. We can directly modify the configuration file in the conf folder for our own business needs. The advantage of this configuration is that you separate your own configuration from the nginx default configuration and you don’t have to worry about ruining nginx 🙂

Nginx run logs are stored in the log folder as files.

In addition, there are two scripts written by myself in the 80 folder: up and down. The up script is used to pull up nginx, and the Down script is used to kill the running nginx. The pull up operation and kill operation are written into scripts to facilitate o&M personnel to operate nginx quickly and accurately.

In this way, the directory setting of the server folder separates the software required by the service from the general software of the machine, which is not only convenient for the daily maintenance of the cloud host, but also easy to delete the server folder when the entire service needs to be deleted.

Four, steps,

1. After applying for ali Cloud machine, set up an account on the machine for easy login by SSH.

2. Linux prompts are not easy to use, so you can use apt-get to install ZSH and OH-my-zsh to improve the convenience of shell.

3. Create a server directory under/(root directory) and create folders app, compile, Daemon, and Runtime under the server directory.

Install NVM and git with apt-get; Install nodeJS with NVM; Install PM2 with NPM; Install nginx manually.

5. Create conf and log folders in the daemon directory. Log stores log files and copies the contents of conf files from nginx.

6. Alicloud host does not start the port by default. You need to open the corresponding port (80) in the Console console.

7. Use Git Clone in app folder and start service with PM2 command.

Write the nginx configuration file in daemon folder and start nginx to process HTTP requests.

Five, the code

1. PM2 configuration file code

2. Up script code

3. Down script code

Nginx configuration file code

Six, summarized

Limited by space and author level, this paper roughly describes the basic knowledge of front-end on-line machine operation and maintenance and deployment. Manual deployment is used in this article to give readers a clearer understanding of the details of front-end deployment.

There are a number of optimizations that can be made later. For example, MemCache is recommended if the Node layer accesses the MongoDB database. To improve deployment speed, you can write a deployment script that performs all deployment operations at once, and so on.

If you are interested in this or have some problems in your practice, please contact me ~ email: wangxinghang@meituan.com