File names corresponding to the two versions:

The full version:

Vue. Js or vue. Min. Js

Incomplete version:

Vue. Runtime. Js or vue. Runtime. Min. Js

The biggest difference is that the full version has a large compiler, which is about 40% larger than the non-full version. The compiler can convert HTML in the view into DOM nodes, into content in the HTML, so it’s bigger. It is not recommended.

The non-complete version is everything except compiler, but pomliler can be called by vue-loader in Webpack and turned into H () function. The js files downloaded by users are smaller and have better user experience.

Template and render:

Templplete: {{n}} Templplete: {{n}}

Render is non-complete, write the view part directly in the rander function, use H to create tags, templete content in a vue file, Webpack vue-loader plugin can convert the content to

Render (h) {h (' div ')},

Render: h => h(demo)

Write Vue code with /

Note, do not register an account, but create a project directly!

1. Click create SandBox in the upper right corner

2. Select the Vue

3. After creation, the corresponding components are automatically generated

4. Start coding