Mode innovation and technology innovation drive instant logistics development

Provide high-quality and low-cost instant logistics services through business scale, intelligent scheduling, intelligent incentive and intelligent control

Covering the industry’s most complete life service scenes and delivery categories

On call, one button order, real-time tracking

Create a convenient and secure life for people.

Brilliant freshman, born fearless

Come and join us,

Drive retail revolution with instant logistics

I arrive at


The class of 2019 full-time unified college graduates or above

Recruitment process

Online Application (July-September) — Online written examination (September) — Information meeting & Executive Distance Salon (September-October) — Interview (September-October) — Offer offering (October-November) — Signing tripartite agreement (November)


  • Technology: Java development, client development, front-end development, test development, algorithms

  • Product: Product manager, risk control modeling

  • Operation: Rider operation, experience operation, business operation, product operation, channel operation, business operation, training operation

The above positions are based in Hangzhou

  • Urban Operation Management Trainee: Urban Operation (Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou)

If you have a good academic record and a solid foundation in basic subjects

If you love to study, have practical ability, fruitful results

If you are passionate and have a strong curiosity about a certain area

If you are smart, diligent, have strong learning ability and self-drive

Please submit your resume through the following methods

  1. Click on our campus recruitment website and submit your resume online
  2. Push to find the students who have reached the point, please push to TA, push students can directly enter the written test oh
  3. Pay attention to the “point I da recruitment” public number delivery

Let’s get a little bit more of ourselves