Blog API Documentation

Brief introduction:

Blog project developed by Springboot + Vue


Version: 1.0

Interface path: /v2/api-docs

Tag module

View the background label list

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/tags

Request mode: GET



Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
current The current page number query true integer
size According to the number of query true integer
keywords Search content query true string
categoryId Category id query false integer
tagId The tag id query false integer
isDelete Whether or not to delete query false integer
isDraft The draft state query false integer
startTime The start time query false string
endTime The end of time query false string

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {
		"count": 0."recordList": [{"createTime": ""."id": 0."tagName": ""}},"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data PageDTO « Tag » PageDTO « Tag »
flag boolean
message string

Schema Attribute Description

PageDTO « Tag »

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
count integer(int32)
recordList array Tag


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
createTime string(date-time)
id integer(int32)
tagName string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result the « PageDTO « Tag » »
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found

Add or modify a label

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/tags

Request mode: POST



Example request:

	"id": 0."tagName": ""
Copy the code

Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
tagVO Tag object body true TagVO TagVO

Schema Attribute Description


The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
id The tag id body false integer(int32)
tagName Tag name body true string

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {},
	"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data object
flag boolean
message string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result
201 Created
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found

Remove the label

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/tags

Request mode: DELETE



Example request:

Copy the code

Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
tagIdList tagIdList body true array integer

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {},
	"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data object
flag boolean
message string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result
204 No Content
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden

View the label list

Interface Description:

Interface address :/tags

Request mode: GET



Request parameters: None yet

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {
		"count": 0."recordList": [{"id": 0."tagName": ""}},"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data PageDTO « TagDTO » PageDTO « TagDTO »
flag boolean
message string

Schema Attribute Description

PageDTO « TagDTO »

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
count integer(int32)
recordList array TagDTO


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
id integer(int32)
tagName string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result the « PageDTO « TagDTO » »
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found

View the corresponding article under the TAB

Interface Description:

Interface address :/tags/{tagId}

Request mode: GET



Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
tagId tagId path true integer
current current query false integer

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {
		"articlePreviewDTOList": [{"articleCover": ""."articleTitle": ""."categoryId": 0."categoryName": ""."createTime": ""."id": 0."tagDTOList": [{"id": 0."tagName": ""}}]]."name": ""
	"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data ArticlePreviewListDTO ArticlePreviewListDTO
flag boolean
message string

Schema Attribute Description


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
articlePreviewDTOList array ArticlePreviewDTO
name string


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
articleCover string
articleTitle string
categoryId integer(int32)
categoryName string
createTime string(date-time)
id integer(int32)
tagDTOList array TagDTO


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
id integer(int32)
tagName string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result the « ArticlePreviewListDTO »
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
# Classification module

View the background category list

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/categories

Request mode: GET



Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
categoryId Category id query false integer
tagId The tag id query false integer
current The current page number query true integer
size According to the number of query true integer
keywords Search content query true string
isDelete Whether or not to delete query false integer
isDraft The draft state query false integer
startTime The start time query false string
endTime The end of time query false string

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {
		"count": 0."recordList": [{"categoryName": ""."createTime": ""."id": 0}},"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data PageDTO « Category » PageDTO « Category »
flag boolean
message string

Schema Attribute Description

PageDTO « Category »

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
count integer(int32)
recordList array Category


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
categoryName string
createTime string(date-time)
id integer(int32)

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result the « PageDTO « Category » »
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
## Add or modify categories

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/categories

Request mode: POST



Example request:

	"categoryName": ""."id": 0
Copy the code

Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
categoryVO classification body true CategoryVO CategoryVO

Schema Attribute Description


The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
categoryName Classification of body true string
id Category id body false integer(int32)

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {},
	"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data object
flag boolean
message string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result
201 Created
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
## Delete categories

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/categories

Request mode: DELETE



Example request:

Copy the code

Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
categoryIdList categoryIdList body true array integer

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {},
	"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data object
flag boolean
message string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result
204 No Content
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
## View the category list ——–

Interface Description:

Interface address :/categories

Request mode: GET



Request parameters: None yet

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {
		"count": 0."recordList": [{"articleCount": 0."categoryName": ""."id": 0}},"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data PageDTO « CategoryDTO » PageDTO « CategoryDTO »
flag boolean
message string

Schema Attribute Description

PageDTO « CategoryDTO »

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
count integer(int32)
recordList array CategoryDTO


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
articleCount integer(int32)
categoryName string
id integer(int32)

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result the « PageDTO « CategoryDTO » »
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
## View the corresponding article under the category

Interface Description:


Request mode: GET



Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
categoryId categoryId path true integer
current current query false integer

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {
		"articlePreviewDTOList": [{"articleCover": ""."articleTitle": ""."categoryId": 0."categoryName": ""."createTime": ""."id": 0."tagDTOList": [{"id": 0."tagName": ""}}]]."name": ""
	"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data ArticlePreviewListDTO ArticlePreviewListDTO
flag boolean
message string

Schema Attribute Description


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
articlePreviewDTOList array ArticlePreviewDTO
name string


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
articleCover string
articleTitle string
categoryId integer(int32)
categoryName string
createTime string(date-time)
id integer(int32)
tagDTOList array TagDTO


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
id integer(int32)
tagName string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result the « ArticlePreviewListDTO »
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
# Friendchain module

View the list of friends in the background

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/links

Request mode: GET



Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
categoryId Category id query false integer
tagId The tag id query false integer
current The current page number query true integer
size According to the number of query true integer
keywords Search content query true string
isDelete Whether or not to delete query false integer
isDraft The draft state query false integer
startTime The start time query false string
endTime The end of time query false string

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {
		"count": 0."recordList": [{"createTime": ""."id": 0."linkAddress": ""."linkAvatar": ""."linkIntro": ""."linkName": ""}},"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data PageDTO « FriendLinkBackDTO » PageDTO « FriendLinkBackDTO »
flag boolean
message string

Schema Attribute Description

PageDTO « FriendLinkBackDTO »

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
count integer(int32)
recordList array FriendLinkBackDTO


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
createTime string(date-time)
id integer(int32)
linkAddress string
linkAvatar string
linkIntro string
linkName string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result the « PageDTO « FriendLinkBackDTO » »
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
## Save or modify the friend chain

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/links

Request mode: POST



Example request:

	"id": 0."linkAddress": ""."linkAvatar": ""."linkIntro": ""."linkName": ""
Copy the code

Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
friendLinkVO Friends of the chain body true FriendLinkVO FriendLinkVO

Schema Attribute Description


The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
id Friend chain id body false integer(int32)
linkAddress Friend chain head body true string
linkAvatar Friend chain head body true string
linkIntro Friend chain head body true string
linkName Friend chain name body true string

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {},
	"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data object
flag boolean
message string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result
201 Created
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
## Delete friends

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/links

Request mode: DELETE



Example request:

Copy the code

Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
linkIdList linkIdList body true array integer

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {},
	"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data object
flag boolean
message string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result
204 No Content
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
## Check the list of friends

Interface Description:

Interface address :/links

Request mode: GET



Request parameters: None yet

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": [{"id": 0."linkAddress": ""."linkAvatar": ""."linkIntro": ""."linkName": ""}]."flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data array FriendLinkDTO
flag boolean
message string

Schema Attribute Description


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
id integer(int32)
linkAddress string
linkAvatar string
linkIntro string
linkName string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result the « List « FriendLinkDTO » »
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
# log module

Viewing Operation Logs

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/operation/logs

Request mode: GET



Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
categoryId Category id query false integer
tagId The tag id query false integer
current The current page number query true integer
size According to the number of query true integer
keywords Search content query true string
isDelete Whether or not to delete query false integer
isDraft The draft state query false integer
startTime The start time query false string
endTime The end of time query false string

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {
		"count": 0."recordList": [{"createTime": ""."id": 0."ipAddr": ""."ipSource": ""."nickname": ""."optDesc": ""."optMethod": ""."optModule": ""."optType": ""."optUrl": ""."requestMethod": ""."requestParam": ""."responseData": ""}},"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data PageDTO « OperationLogDTO » PageDTO « OperationLogDTO »
flag boolean
message string

Schema Attribute Description

PageDTO « OperationLogDTO »

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
count integer(int32)
recordList array OperationLogDTO


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
createTime string(date-time)
id integer(int32)
ipAddr string
ipSource string
nickname string
optDesc string
optMethod string
optModule string
optType string
optUrl string
requestMethod string
requestParam string
responseData string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result the « PageDTO « OperationLogDTO » »
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
Delete operation logs

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/operation/logs

Request mode: DELETE



Example request:

Copy the code

Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
logIdList logIdList body true array integer

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {},
	"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data object
flag boolean
message string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result
204 No Content
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
# Resource module

Viewing a Resource List

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/resources

Request mode: GET



Request parameters: None yet

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": [{"children": [{"children": [] {},"createTime": ""."id": 0."isAnonymous": 0."isDisable": 0."requestMethod": ""."resourceName": ""."url": ""}]."createTime": ""."id": 0."isAnonymous": 0."isDisable": 0."requestMethod": ""."resourceName": ""."url": ""}]."flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data array ResourceDTO
flag boolean
message string

Schema Attribute Description


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
children array ResourceDTO
createTime string(date-time)
id integer(int32)
isAnonymous integer(int32)
isDisable integer(int32)
requestMethod string
resourceName string
url string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result the « List « ResourceDTO » »
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
Add or modify resources

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/resources

Request mode: POST



Example request:

	"id": 0."isAnonymous": 0."isDisable": 0."parentId": 0."requestMethod": ""."resourceName": ""."url": ""
Copy the code

Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
resourceVO resources body true ResourceVO ResourceVO

Schema Attribute Description


The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
id Resource id body true integer(int32)
isAnonymous Anonymous Access body true integer(int32)
isDisable Whether to disable body true integer(int32)
parentId The parent resource id body true integer(int32)
requestMethod Resource path body true string
resourceName Resource name body true string
url Resource path body true string

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {},
	"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data object
flag boolean
message string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result
201 Created
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
## Delete resources

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/resources

Request mode: DELETE



Example request:

Copy the code

Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
resourceIdList resourceIdList body true array integer

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {},
	"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data object
flag boolean
message string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result
204 No Content
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
## Import swagger interface

Interface Description:

Interface address: / admin/resources/import/swagger

Request mode: GET



Request parameters: None yet

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {},
	"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data object
flag boolean
message string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
## View the character resource options

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/role/resources

Request mode: GET



Request parameters: None yet

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": [{"children": [{"children": [] {},"id": 0."label": ""}]."id": 0."label": ""}]."flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data array labelOptionDTO
flag boolean
message string

Schema Attribute Description


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
children array labelOptionDTO
id integer(int32)
label string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result the « List « labelOptionDTO » »
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
# Comment module

Querying Background Comments

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/comments

Request mode: GET



Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
categoryId Category id query false integer
tagId The tag id query false integer
current The current page number query true integer
size According to the number of query true integer
keywords Search content query true string
isDelete Whether or not to delete query false integer
isDraft The draft state query false integer
startTime The start time query false string
endTime The end of time query false string

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {
		"count": 0."recordList": [{"articleTitle": ""."avatar": ""."commentContent": ""."createTime": ""."id": 0."isDelete": 0."likeCount": 0."nickname": ""."replyNickname": ""}},"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data PageDTO « CommentBackDTO » PageDTO « CommentBackDTO »
flag boolean
message string

Schema Attribute Description

PageDTO « CommentBackDTO »

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
count integer(int32)
recordList array CommentBackDTO


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
articleTitle string
avatar string
commentContent string
createTime string(date-time)
id integer(int32)
isDelete integer(int32)
likeCount integer(int32)
nickname string
replyNickname string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result the « PageDTO « CommentBackDTO » »
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
## Delete or restore comments

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/comments

Request mode: PUT



Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
idList Id list query true array integer
isDelete Delete the state query true integer

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {},
	"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data object
flag boolean
message string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result
201 Created
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
## Physical delete comments

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/comments

Request mode: DELETE



Example request:

Copy the code

Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
commentIdList commentIdList body true array integer

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {},
	"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data object
flag boolean
message string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result
204 No Content
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
## Query comments

Interface Description:

Interface address :/comments

Request mode: GET



Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
articleId The article id body true Integer Integer
current The current page number body true Long Long

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {
		"count": 0."recordList": [{"avatar": ""."commentContent": ""."createTime": ""."id": 0."likeCount": 0."nickname": ""."replyCount": 0."replyDTOList": [{"avatar": ""."commentContent": ""."createTime": ""."id": 0."likeCount": 0."nickname": ""."parentId": 0."replyId": 0."replyNickname": ""."replyWebSite": ""."userId": 0."webSite": ""}]."userId": 0."webSite": ""}},"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data PageDTO « CommentDTO » PageDTO « CommentDTO »
flag boolean
message string

Schema Attribute Description

PageDTO « CommentDTO »

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
count integer(int32)
recordList array CommentDTO


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
avatar string
commentContent string
createTime string(date-time)
id integer(int32)
likeCount integer(int32)
nickname string
replyCount integer(int32)
replyDTOList array ReplyDTO
userId integer(int32)
webSite string


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
avatar string
commentContent string
createTime string(date-time)
id integer(int32)
likeCount integer(int32)
nickname string
parentId integer(int32)
replyId integer(int32)
replyNickname string
replyWebSite string
userId integer(int32)
webSite string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result the « PageDTO « CommentDTO » »
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
## Add a comment or reply

Interface Description:

Interface address :/comments

Request mode: POST



Example request:

	"articleId": 0."commentContent": ""."parentId": 0."replyId": 0
Copy the code

Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
commentVO comments body true CommentVO CommentVO

Schema Attribute Description


The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
articleId The article id body false integer(int32)
commentContent Comment on the content body true string
parentId Comment on the parent id body false integer(int32)
replyId Reply user ID body false integer(int32)

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {},
	"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data object
flag boolean
message string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result
201 Created
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
## Comment like

Interface Description:

Interface address :/comments/like

Request mode: POST



Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
commentId commentId query false integer

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {},
	"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data object
flag boolean
message string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result
201 Created
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
## Query the replies under the comments

Interface Description:


Request mode: GET



Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
commentId The article id body true Integer Integer
current The current page number body true Long Long

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": [{"avatar": ""."commentContent": ""."createTime": ""."id": 0."likeCount": 0."nickname": ""."parentId": 0."replyId": 0."replyNickname": ""."replyWebSite": ""."userId": 0."webSite": ""}]."flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data array ReplyDTO
flag boolean
message string

Schema Attribute Description


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
avatar string
commentContent string
createTime string(date-time)
id integer(int32)
likeCount integer(int32)
nickname string
parentId integer(int32)
replyId integer(int32)
replyNickname string
replyWebSite string
userId integer(int32)
webSite string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result the « List « ReplyDTO » »
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
# Message module

View the background message list

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/messages

Request mode: GET



Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
categoryId Category id query false integer
tagId The tag id query false integer
current The current page number query true integer
size According to the number of query true integer
keywords Search content query true string
isDelete Whether or not to delete query false integer
isDraft The draft state query false integer
startTime The start time query false string
endTime The end of time query false string

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {
		"count": 0."recordList": [{"avatar": ""."createTime": ""."id": 0."ipAddress": ""."ipSource": ""."messageContent": ""."nickname": ""}},"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data PageDTO « MessageBackDTO » PageDTO « MessageBackDTO »
flag boolean
message string

Schema Attribute Description

PageDTO « MessageBackDTO »

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
count integer(int32)
recordList array MessageBackDTO


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
avatar string
createTime string(date-time)
id integer(int32)
ipAddress string
ipSource string
messageContent string
nickname string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result the « PageDTO « MessageBackDTO » »
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found

Delete the message

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/messages

Request mode: DELETE



Example request:

Copy the code

Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
messageIdList messageIdList body true array integer

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {},
	"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data object
flag boolean
message string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result
204 No Content
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden

Viewing the Message List

Interface Description:

Interface address :/messages

Request mode: GET



Request parameters: None yet

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": [{"avatar": ""."id": 0."messageContent": ""."nickname": ""."time": 0}]."flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data array MessageDTO
flag boolean
message string

Schema Attribute Description


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
avatar string
id integer(int32)
messageContent string
nickname string
time integer(int32)

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result the « List « MessageDTO » »
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found

Add a message

Interface Description:

Interface address :/messages

Request mode: POST



Example request:

	"avatar": ""."messageContent": ""."nickname": ""."time": 0
Copy the code

Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
messageVO Leave a message body true MessageVO MessageVO

Schema Attribute Description


The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
avatar Head portrait body true string
messageContent Message content body true string
nickname nickname body true string
time Barrage speed body true integer(int32)

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {},
	"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data object
flag boolean
message string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result
201 Created
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
# Menu module

View menu list

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/menus

Request mode: GET



Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
categoryId Category id query false integer
tagId The tag id query false integer
current The current page number query true integer
size According to the number of query true integer
keywords Search content query true string
isDelete Whether or not to delete query false integer
isDraft The draft state query false integer
startTime The start time query false string
endTime The end of time query false string

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": [{"children": [{"children": [] {},"component": ""."createTime": ""."icon": ""."id": 0."isDisable": 0."isHidden": 0."name": ""."orderNum": 0."path": ""}]."component": ""."createTime": ""."icon": ""."id": 0."isDisable": 0."isHidden": 0."name": ""."orderNum": 0."path": ""}]."flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data array MenuDTO
flag boolean
message string

Schema Attribute Description


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
children array MenuDTO
component string
createTime string(date-time)
icon string
id integer(int32)
isDisable integer(int32)
isHidden integer(int32)
name string
orderNum integer(int32)
path string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result the « List « MenuDTO » »
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found

View the role menu options

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/role/menus

Request mode: GET



Request parameters: None yet

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": [{"children": [{"children": [] {},"id": 0."label": ""}]."id": 0."label": ""}]."flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data array labelOptionDTO
flag boolean
message string

Schema Attribute Description


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
children array labelOptionDTO
id integer(int32)
label string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result the « List « labelOptionDTO » »
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found

View the User menu

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/user/menus

Request mode: GET



Request parameters: None yet

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": [{"children": [{"children": [] {},"component": ""."hidden": true."icon": ""."name": ""."path": ""}]."component": ""."hidden": true."icon": ""."name": ""."path": ""}]."flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data array UserMenuDTO
flag boolean
message string

Schema Attribute Description


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
children array UserMenuDTO
component string
hidden boolean
icon string
name string
path string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result the « List « UserMenuDTO » »
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
# Article module

View background articles

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/articles

Request mode: GET



Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
categoryId Category id query false integer
tagId The tag id query false integer
current The current page number query true integer
size According to the number of query true integer
keywords Search content query true string
isDelete Whether or not to delete query false integer
isDraft The draft state query false integer
startTime The start time query false string
endTime The end of time query false string

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {
		"count": 0."recordList": [{"articleTitle": ""."categoryName": ""."createTime": ""."id": 0."isDelete": 0."isDraft": 0."isTop": 0."likeCount": 0."tagDTOList": [{"id": 0."tagName": ""}]."updateTime": ""."viewsCount": 0}},"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data PageDTO « ArticleBackDTO » PageDTO « ArticleBackDTO »
flag boolean
message string

Schema Attribute Description

PageDTO « ArticleBackDTO »

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
count integer(int32)
recordList array ArticleBackDTO


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
articleTitle string
categoryName string
createTime string(date-time)
id integer(int32)
isDelete integer(int32)
isDraft integer(int32)
isTop integer(int32)
likeCount integer(int32)
tagDTOList array TagDTO
updateTime string(date-time)
viewsCount integer(int32)


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
id integer(int32)
tagName string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result the « PageDTO « ArticleBackDTO » »
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
## Add or modify articles

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/articles

Request mode: POST



Example request:

	"articleContent": ""."articleCover": ""."articleTitle": ""."categoryId": 0."id": 0."isDraft": 0."isTop": 0."tagIdList": []}Copy the code

Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
articleVO The article body true ArticleVO ArticleVO

Schema Attribute Description


The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
articleContent The article content body true string
articleCover Article thumbnail body false string
articleTitle The article title body true string
categoryId The article classification body false integer(int32)
id The article id body false integer(int32)
isDraft Is it a draft? body false integer(int32)
isTop Is placed at the top body false integer(int32)
tagIdList The article label body false array

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {},
	"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data object
flag boolean
message string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result
201 Created
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
## Restore or delete articles

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/articles

Request mode: PUT



Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
idList Id list query true array integer
isDelete Delete the state query true integer

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {},
	"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data object
flag boolean
message string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result
201 Created
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
## Physical delete article

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/articles

Request mode: DELETE



Example request:

Copy the code

Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
articleIdList articleIdList body true array integer

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {},
	"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data object
flag boolean
message string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result
204 No Content
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
## Upload the post image

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/articles/images

Request mode: POST



Example request:

Copy the code

Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
file The article images body true MultipartFile MultipartFile

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": ""."flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data string
flag boolean
message string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Issue the Result string
201 Created
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
## View article options

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/articles/options

Request mode: GET



Request parameters: None yet

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {
		"categoryDTOList": [{"categoryName": ""."id": 0}]."tagDTOList": [{"id": 0."tagName": ""}},"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data ArticleOptionDTO ArticleOptionDTO
flag boolean
message string

Schema Attribute Description


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
categoryDTOList array CategoryBackDTO
tagDTOList array TagDTO


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
categoryName string
id integer(int32)


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
id integer(int32)
tagName string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result the « ArticleOptionDTO »
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
## Modify the article at the top

Interface Description:


Request mode: PUT



Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
articleId articleId path true integer
isTop isTop query false integer

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {},
	"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data object
flag boolean
message string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result
201 Created
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
## View background articles by id

Interface Description:


Request mode: GET



Example request:

Copy the code

Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
articleId The article id body true Integer Integer

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {
		"articleContent": ""."articleCover": ""."articleTitle": ""."categoryId": 0."id": 0."isDraft": 0."isTop": 0."tagIdList": []},"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data ArticleVO ArticleVO
flag boolean
message string

Schema Attribute Description


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
articleContent The article content string
articleCover Article thumbnail string
articleTitle The article title string
categoryId The article classification integer(int32)
id The article id integer(int32)
isDraft Is it a draft? integer(int32)
isTop Is placed at the top integer(int32)
tagIdList The article label array

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result the « ArticleVO »
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
## Check out the homepage article ——

Interface Description:

Interface address :/articles

Request mode: GET



Example request:

Copy the code

Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
current The current page number body true Long Long

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": [{"articleContent": ""."articleCover": ""."articleTitle": ""."categoryId": 0."categoryName": ""."createTime": ""."id": 0."isTop": true."tagDTOList": [{"id": 0."tagName": ""}}]]."flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data array ArticleHomeDTO
flag boolean
message string

Schema Attribute Description


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
articleContent string
articleCover string
articleTitle string
categoryId integer(int32)
categoryName string
createTime string(date-time)
id integer(int32)
isTop boolean
tagDTOList array TagDTO


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
id integer(int32)
tagName string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result the « List « ArticleHomeDTO » »
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
## View the article archive at ——

Interface Description:

Interface address :/articles/archives

Request mode: GET



Example request:

Copy the code

Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
current The current page number body true Long Long

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {
		"count": 0."recordList": [{"articleTitle": ""."createTime": ""."id": 0}},"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data PageDTO « ArchiveDTO » PageDTO « ArchiveDTO »
flag boolean
message string

Schema Attribute Description

PageDTO « ArchiveDTO »

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
count integer(int32)
recordList array ArchiveDTO


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
createTime string(date-time)
articleTitle string
id integer(int32)

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result the « PageDTO « ArchiveDTO » »
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
## Like the post

Interface Description:

Interface address :/articles/like

Request mode: POST



Example request:

Copy the code

Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
articleId The article id body true Integer Integer

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {},
	"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data object
flag boolean
message string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result
201 Created
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
## Check out the latest articles

Interface Description:

Interface address :/articles/newest

Request mode: GET



Request parameters: None yet

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": [{"articleCover": ""."articleTitle": ""."createTime": ""."id": 0}]."flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data array ArticleRecommendDTO
flag boolean
message string

Schema Attribute Description


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
articleCover string
articleTitle string
createTime string(date-time)
id integer(int32)

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result the « List « ArticleRecommendDTO » »
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
## Search for articles

Interface Description:

Interface address :/articles/search

Request mode: GET



Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
categoryId Category id query false integer
tagId The tag id query false integer
current The current page number query true integer
size According to the number of query true integer
keywords Search content query true string
isDelete Whether or not to delete query false integer
isDraft The draft state query false integer
startTime The start time query false string
endTime The end of time query false string

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": [{"articleContent": ""."articleTitle": ""."id": 0."isDelete": 0}]."flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data array ArticleSearchDTO
flag boolean
message string

Schema Attribute Description


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
articleContent string
articleTitle string
id integer(int32)
isDelete integer(int32)

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result the « List « ArticleSearchDTO » »
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
## View the article by id ——-

Interface Description:


Request mode: GET



Example request:

Copy the code

Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
articleId The article id body true Integer Integer

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {
		"articleContent": ""."articleCover": ""."articleRecommendList": [{"articleCover": ""."articleTitle": ""."createTime": ""."id": 0}]."articleTitle": ""."categoryId": 0."categoryName": ""."createTime": ""."id": 0."lastArticle": {
			"articleCover": ""."articleTitle": ""."id": 0
		"likeCount": 0."nextArticle": {
			"articleCover": ""."articleTitle": ""."id": 0
		"tagDTOList": [{"id": 0."tagName": ""}]."updateTime": ""."viewsCount": 0
	"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data ArticleDTO ArticleDTO
flag boolean
message string

Schema Attribute Description


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
articleContent string
articleCover string
articleRecommendList array ArticleRecommendDTO
articleTitle string
categoryId integer(int32)
categoryName string
createTime string(date-time)
id integer(int32)
lastArticle ArticlePaginationDTO ArticlePaginationDTO
likeCount integer(int32)
nextArticle ArticlePaginationDTO ArticlePaginationDTO
tagDTOList array TagDTO
updateTime string(date-time)
viewsCount integer(int32)


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
articleCover string
articleTitle string
createTime string(date-time)
id integer(int32)


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
articleCover string
articleTitle string
id integer(int32)


The parameter name Parameters that type schema
id integer(int32)
tagName string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result the « ArticleDTO »
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
# Role module

Save or update roles

Interface Description:

Interface address :/admin/role

Request mode: POST



Example request:

	"id": 0."menuIdList": []."resourceIdList": []."roleLabel": ""."roleName": ""
Copy the code

Request parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
roleVO role body true RoleVO RoleVO

Schema Attribute Description


The parameter name Parameters that in Whether must The data type schema
id The user id body false integer(int32)
menuIdList Menu list body true array
resourceIdList The resource list body true array
roleLabel Tag name body true string
roleName Tag name body true string

Sample response:

	"code": 0."data": {},
	"flag": true."message": ""
Copy the code

Response parameters:

The parameter name Parameters that type schema
code integer(int32) integer(int32)
data object
flag boolean
message string

Response status:

Status code instructions schema
200 OK Result
201 Created
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found