This project uses PHP framework Laravel 5.4 for development. The project relies on some cloud services, such as qiniu cloud storage for pictures. (for now, the function of storing pictures locally is not added.) Article aliases are automatically generated, using baidu translation function. Have access to Baidu Ping, which automatically submits url to Baidu search engine when Posting articles. There is a todo panel in the background that calls WunderList. Vuejs + Element-UI is used in the background to separate the front and back ends
The blog feature has the following functions
- Classification management
- The article management
- Label management
- Comments on the management
- Navigation management
- Redis cache
- Handy Simplemde Markdown editor
- MyPersimmon supports custom urls for blog categories and posts
- Support Metaweblog API, interface address:, it is convenient to use offline publishing tools to write blog. For example, I like to use Mweb to write blog, and then publish through Metaweblog API.
More functions welcome everyone to dig, or have good opinions and suggestions welcome pat brick.
Go Star, go Star, go Star.
Current Operating Environment
- Nginx + 1.8
- PHP 5.6 +
- MySQL 5.5 +
- Redis 3.0 +
Base installation
2. Install extension package dependencies
> composer install
Copy the code
5. Migrate the database
php artisan migrateCopy the code
Front-end toolset installation
Code comes with compiled front-end code, if you do not want to develop front-end style, you do not need to configure the front-end toolset, but in this section, see the front and back entrance section
1). The installation node. Js
Go to to download the latest version.
2) install Laravel Mix
npm installCopy the code
If you dislike the slow downloading of domestic NPM, you can use taobao NPM image :
4). Compile front-end content directly from Mix
The development environment uses:
npm run devCopy the code
Use it in the production environment
npm run productionCopy the code
5). Monitor changes and automatically compile
npm run watchCopy the code Password: mypersimmon
The installation is complete.
Sites built using MyPersimmon, or modified from MyPersimmon source code, must have the words Powered by Mr Persimmon in the footer and must be linked to
Subject to the above rules, you may enjoy the license equivalent to the MIT agreement.