An overview of the
When we use vuepress structures, good style of his own blog, we need to repackage and on a lot or your own private servers, but when once we update the blog, we need to repackage the upload, so cumbersome is not suitable for normalized update blog, so had to pack, upload, deployment automation needs
GitHub Actions
GitHub Actions is GitHub’s continuous integration service, launched in October 2018. The official plugin library market is also launched, you can directly use plug-ins written by others. If you want to know more about GitHub Actions, please refer to ruan Yifeng’s blog GitHub Actions to get started.
Using Github Actions we can implement:
- Listen for git push automatic packaging
- Separate the blog source from the packaged code
- Automatic deployment publishing
In a nutshell, what it does is that when we push a new blog into the repository, we don’t have to deal with the subsequent packaging and publishing. Secondly, to make it easier to manage blog posts, I put the source code (private) and the deployed blog (public) in two separate repositories. Here’s how to do it.
Making Actions configuration
In the Blog Repository, select Actions and click Set Up This Workflow
Configure the Actions
name: Automatic blog update The name of the Action
# ON: When the event is triggered.
# Trigger workflow on push or pull request events, but only for the main branch
branches: [ master ]
branches: [ master ]
# Allow this workflow to be run manually from the Actions TAB
A workflow run consists of one or more jobs, which can be run sequentially or in parallel
# This workflow contains a job named "build-deploy".
What virtual machine is the job running on
runs-on: Ubuntu-20.04
# Steps represents a series of tasks to be performed as part of a job
- uses: actions/checkout@master Switch the branch to master
fetch-depth: 2
- name: Use Node.js 12.x # Use nodejs version 12.x
uses: actions/setup-node@v1
node-version: '12.x'
- name: install and build Install and package, execute the commands we define for the project
run: npm install && npm run build
- name: deploy # deployment
uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3 # As above, this is a plugin library written by someone else, which is used to publish to other repositories or branches. For details, you can search the plugin library
deploy_key: The ${{ secrets.BLOG }} # key
external_repository: hahaxiaowai/ Github name/repository name
publish_branch: master # branch name
publish_dir: docs/.vuepress/dist # Content to push (packaged blog folder)
Copy the code
After configuration, commit.
The error-prone part of the configuration is the configuration of deploy_key, which is designed to get push privileges and not be seen by others. How to set up deploy_key
- In CMD, run ssh-keygen -t rsa -c
- Two files xx(private) and were generated
- Open Settings of the repository set by external_Repository where the blog (public) is deployed and select Deploy_keys>Add depoly_key
To make it easier to distinguish, I set the name to BLOG, copied the contents of into the text box, checked Allow Write Access, and finally selected Add Key
4. Open the Settings of the blog source repository, select Secrets, like adding Deploy_key, select Add new Secret, Add name (same as Deploy_key is recommended), copy the xx(private) content to the text box, finally select Add Secret 5. Set deploy_key, where BLOG is the name we set in secrets
Verify the debugging
When we commit, actions will automatically execute the command again, and we can check the execution in the Actions TAB. If there is an error, you can adjust it accordingly.
- This completes the automatic deployment. If your blog Actions is not automatically up and running, you will need to set up GitHub Pages, the repository for deploying your blog (public)
- If you don’t want to privatize your blog, peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3 is also available. If you want to deploy your blog to a private server, you can do so through GitHub Actions, using the appropriate plugin library
- Welcome to my personal blog