These days just moved, and then there is no Internet, upload the explanation of the video on the matter of a while delayed. Who can experience me with mobile phone open hot spot, spent 15G more traffic days ~~

Very not easy these two days just pulled the network line, hurriedly uploaded the video of Eblog. This video is actually paid for the course video of my previous training camp. At first, I only planned to open source the project and development documents. Later, many students wrote to me to ask if there was any corresponding video explanation. After considering for a while, the last training camp has been more than half a year, and finally I want to open up the videos of these classes for more people to learn.

Of course, I will record more project videos in the future, such as the video recording and documentation I recently prepared for the front and back split project. Check out my B site: MarkerHub. Ha ha

To be honest, there have been a lot of technical tutorials on B over the last two years. I used to be a beginner in a technology, I might go to MOOCs, I might go to Geek Academy, but since last year, I have been going to B more for video resources.

There are several important reasons:

  1. Moocs are free resources that haven’t been updated for a long time, and most new tutorials are paid for
  2. There are many videos on B, and it is usually easy to judge whether the videos are of high quality by the collection and the number of bullets
  3. To be honest, the bullet screen culture of B station makes me feel that I am not a learner. Ha, ha, ha
  4. B station video is usually less advertising, up the heart of the recording, usually just for you to pay attention to him

You do not go to see, really will not find B station is really a learning paradise, so you collect hundreds of G every day what network disk video, in fact, now is not necessary, technology this thing after two years on the update iteration, and then look back at the old video, out of date. Of course, some algorithms, operating systems such classical forget me ~~

Ok, back to our eblog project, I open source the source code, documentation, and video. Here are the basics: a star on Github and a three-link support for B videos.

Eblog source:…

Click here: 10+ full development documents

Remember to follow me!…

In fact, there are many bugs in the project, haha, I still need to do the second iteration, and then send out the iteration document.

Pay attention to my B station, as a self-media freelancer, nothing makes me more happy than to increase fans, hee hee.

Upcoming video tutorials:

  1. Scaffolding, front and rear end separation first
  2. Shiro from start to master tutorial
  3. SpringBoot2.2.6 Latest Getting started tutorial

Springboot has a lot of content and may be slow, but the other two should record quickly.

This “20 Minutes to learn how to deploy SpringBoot Docker project” video has been played 1500 times, thanks to the support, we slowly progress!

This is MarkerHub, I’m Lu Yiming, thank you for your attention!