Humanity “chaos begins, and the world begins to form”. Compared with the mature cognitive system, the current domestic blockchain technology circle is more like being in an embryonic stage — learning language for a few years without going to the core. All of a sudden, doubts, reports and training activities are almost overwhelming. It seems that everyone can easily pick up a piece of time argument about “blockchain +”. Related technical activities are intermingled, and even become a profit-seeking tool for speculation, dyeing a pool of pure technology in people’s minds. For every IT person, emerging hot technologies are always attractive. However, under the flashy copycat look at the blockchain, the numerous record of pseudo technology can not help but make pure technology enthusiasts at home.

However, behind this spectacular explosion of blockchain technology, there is more confusion among technology enthusiasts: whether it is about its core technology or its future trend, all kinds of unknown fermenting, just like in a fog, looking around, it is hard to find the solution. Industry pioneers who want to switch to blockchain technology often struggle to find a firm foothold. In such an environment, what is really needed is a rope to get out of the fog and confirm one’s thoughts.

The Blockchain Technology and Application Summit (BTA) China, which will be held in The Sheraton Great Wall Hotel in Beijing from March 30 to 31, 2018, is just such a rope — when confused, it will be given to the world, and when confused, it will be given to the solution bag, which will break this technological dilemma at the beginning of 2018. When the technology of the new age demands you, why not make a date?

This conference is hosted by CSDN and Mars Finance, and co-hosted by Zhongguancun Blockchain Industry Alliance, Cychain Education and TokenSky. CSDN will establish strategic partnership with HiBlock and other leading enterprises and teams in the blockchain field to jointly promote the sound development of blockchain technology and industry.

Here are six reasons organizers and attendees have come up with


Super luxury guest lineup

Nearly 100 leading figures in blockchain technology have joined in. At present, the first batch of lecturers has been shocked and released, bringing together front-line experts and scholars in the industry to talk about the beginning and transition of blockchain technology.

  • Jiang Tao: Founder & Chairman of CSDN

  • Wang Feng: Blue Harbor interactive founder, Mars finance promoter

  • Yuan Dao: Director of Zhongguancun Blockchain Industry Alliance

  • Meng Yan: CSDN vice President, CEO of Cypress Daojie

  • Vitalik Buterin (V God) : Ethereum founder

  • CAI Wensheng: Founder of Longling Capital, chairman of Meitu Xiuxiu

  • Cao Feng: Pchain initiator

  • Chen Lei: THUNDERbolt CEO, net heart technology CEO

  • Chen Weixing: Founder of Pan-city Capital and Kuaidi Taxi

  • Da Hongfei: Founder of NEO, founder and CEO of Onchain Distribution Technology

  • Anwen Fu: Founder and CEO of SCRY

  • Fu Sheng: CEO of Cheetah Mobile

  • He Baohong: Director of Cloud Computing and Big Data Research Institute, China Academy of Information and Communication Technology

  • Jiang Hai: Founder and CEO of Bubi

  • Li 晹 : Founder and CEO of Ruff Chain

  • Shuai Chu: Co-founder of Qtum quantum chain

  • Sun Lilin: Founder and CEO of Matrix Yuan

  • Yang Jianxin: CTO of Jingtong Technology

  • Zou Jun: CTO of Haina Cloud Computing and Deputy secretary-general of Zhongguancun Blockchain Alliance

  • Zhang Jian: Founder and CEO of Bochen, founder of Zipper technology community

(Note: The final attendance of lecturers shall be subject to the site)


Based on technology, diversification, we are not the same

Technical sphere, and iterative not Sue, block chain technology is to carry cut the force of bamboo, at that time, four sides talk about “block chain +” era, all kinds of related activities summit but also emerge in endlessly, virtual currency rise and fall of the trend, under the chain of economic new genre, the block chain technology application in the field of finance, and many other topics will are among the key sharing topic, Occupy the main position of activity content.

And when the meeting will look more bets to block the economic value of the chain, CSDN, put forward a more diverse office will pursue, based on the technical level, path, from technology to dig, knead a number of core contents in the integral whole, designed to block chain technology enthusiasts exclusive custom-made, in a more pure mode to open a belongs to the technical people.

  • In a comprehensive analysis of the core technology of blockchain, smart contract and DAPP development, and high-performance blockchain technology at the same time, facing up to the previously ignored blockchain security issues;

  • At the economic and technical level, we will grasp the key words of the economy in the new era and explore in depth the key fields that have not been touched by similar conferences, such as token economy system design, distributed commerce and organization.

It was probably more of a meeting of ideas than a cliched argument.


The core of multi-in-one, everything you need right here

  • Blockchain core technology: The core technology of blockchain includes distributed ledger (system), P2P network, secret algorithm, consensus mechanism, etc. The learning and application curve of these technologies is steep, and the blockchain system presents a tightly coupled state. How to recognize and apply them, and what is their form, characteristics and the most core principle? What current business pain points can we solve by applying technology? We analyze and explore the thinking behind you in all directions.

  • Smart Contracts and DAPP Development: Ethereum expands the application scope of blockchain through smart contract. The Ethereum community calls smart contract-based applications Decentralized applications (DApp). Smart contract is the key link of Decentralized applications in the future, which is related to digital assets and business execution and is the core of the core. We’ll show you how to understand smart contracts and DAPP development step by step from tools, frameworks, environments, and more.

  • High-performance blockchain technology: Blocks the development of chain technology is growing by leaps and bounds, many enterprises development or team will be concentrating on the technology of chain blocks, and in high concurrency, high flow rate of the Internet age, many block chain scenarios are met with performance issues, and performance issues related to the underlying platform design thought, the consensus algorithm, the safety factor, and many other links, Performance has always been a pain in the neck for developers and hobbyists alike, and we’ll talk about the high-performance blockchain technology you care about the most.

  • Blockchain security: Blockchain technology itself is still in the early stage of rapid development, and distributed systems, cryptography, game theory, network protocols and many other technologies are used in its design and implementation. , data privacy and property safety, however, are not allow to ignore, assets and business chain, chain block application security is real ground must face the problem, here will be from the multi-dimensional thinking block chain safety, security, digital currency trading platform, such as security and application of block chain in the security industry.

  • Token economy system design: discuss how to issue a token, how to design its economic system, how to make ordinary users have a more convenient use experience, how to connect with the traditional system of the enterprise and so on.

  • Distributed commerce and organization: with the development of blockchain, a new business model — distributed commerce emerges at the historic moment. This conference will be an in-depth interpretation of its characteristics and decryption typical cases for you.

Including the most complete knowledge, perfect grasp the current pulse of the development of blockchain technology, from the full analysis of the thinking behind the core technology, to the depth of the classic case decryption, for the participants to present a comprehensive and multi-angle three-dimensional knowledge system structure, fundamentally open up the thinking mode, create more possibilities.


Two days is too short to worry about ****Keynote+ sub forum super combination is all done

The blockchain Technology and Application Summit lasts for two days. From the perspective of participants’ content needs, the diversified agenda rhythm, Keynote+ sub-forum complement each other, covering all kinds of blockchain keywords, in order to help you draw the key points; More blockchain technology and application exhibition, blockchain in-depth training and other all-day schedule you can choose. Participants can switch to their favorite content at any time, and then reorganize the two-day agenda to create their own exclusive version of the blockchain tutorial.


Top matching expert team selected project in-depth analysis **** unprecedented blockchain brainstorming

As 2018 technology circle “key words”, to describe and chain block technology related fields, the media and the public is often used, such as “new”, “create”, “new”, “future” and a series of derived words around the “new” word, quite a few minutes of “chaos at the beginning of open, heaven and earth into a” taste, more technology enthusiasts also just stay in touch at the beginning of the table, Uncomprehended stage, and the industry from the technical level of deep digging learning activities are not good to mention.

Blockchain is everywhere, but a lot of the talk is about the value of digital money. In such a domestic environment, professional guidance is particularly important. Thus, we have ushered in the Blockchain Technology and Application Summit — a brainstorm belonging to blockchain technology. Expert team precision screening, with super technical guide.


Technical elite, industry with good imagination party

100+ blockchain investment business tycoon, 100+ technology & financial media, 1000+ blockchain technology enthusiasts, when good meets good, 1+1>2; When a technologist’s imagination meets another imagination, imagination + imagination = infinite possibilities.

As the opening event of blockchain technology, Blockchain Technology and Applications Summit will provide an open platform for industry participants to exchange ideas and exchange ideas. The development of technology from scratch and the establishment of a personal thinking system from ignorance sometimes requires the initial communication.

Exploring the unknown, knowing the rhythm, we are more professional; Fishing is not fish, we think and fight, we have a point of view; Brain union, a hundred schools of thought contend, we more scale; Return to technology, do not forget the original intention, we are more pure.

**** now get 20% off. For details of conference topics, guests and registration, please click “Read the original article”.

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