The development of the blockchain industry has suffered an unprecedented cold winter due to the regulation of digital currency. Once high hopes were placed on it, it began to fall from the altar. People began to flee away from blockchain. From the initial embrace to the present avoidance, blockchain has experienced a situation that does not belong to its age. However, this is not a bad thing for blockchain, because after ups and downs, the development of blockchain will be more robust.

And so it was. We see that the development of the current blockchain market starts to return to reality from the original grandiose, and projects related to blockchain begin to return to the application layer. For blockchain, a new thing that has just been born, perhaps only through application can it show its huge charm to the outside world. People who still stick to the blockchain industry began to perfectly interpret the connotation and significance of blockchain through the huge changes brought by blockchain application to the traditional industry.

The shadow of blockchain has appeared in many fields such as law, copyright, food traceability, electronic invoice, etc. Internet giants represented by Alibaba, Tencent and Baidu have also begun to use blockchain to improve the pain points and problems that cannot be solved in the Internet era. Through their practice, we can clearly see that blockchain is only a tool to repair and improve the Development of the Internet, rather than the role of “disrupter” that was initially recognized by the outside world. It is foreseeable that with the gradual deepening of people’s understanding of blockchain in the future, we will find more new ways to apply blockchain.

After the baptism of the cold winter of capital, people’s understanding of blockchain has been further deepened. However, if the technology derived from digital currency is simply applied to the relevant industry, the development of blockchain is bound to become the existence of issuing coins or ICO as the ultimate goal. By this logic, even so-called blockchain applications run the risk of reverting to digital currencies if underpinned by new technologies. Only the truly disruptive potential of blockchain technology can truly bring its own development to a new stage.