Since the beginning of 2018, new technologies such as bitcoin, blockchain and smart contracts have become the new direction of investment. It is estimated that there are more than 1,500 active virtual coins in the market, and the huge number of virtual coin types provides unprecedented opportunities for cryptocurrency exchange applications. This paper will introduce the core components, main functions and development ideas of virtual currency trading system.

The overall structure

Exchange development 155–0116–2665 virtual currency exchange applications should be fast, intuitive and powerful. To achieve these goals, the exchange application should include the following features:

  1. Trading engine

  2. Front-end user interface

  3. Virtual currency wallet

  4. Management console

In addition to these basic functions, every virtual currency exchange system should have additional functions that can be developed after collecting user feedback or analyzing the world’s top exchange applications.

Let’s take a look at the key components of the application.

Trading engine

A trading engine is at the heart of an exchange application and is critical to trade execution, balance calculation, order record access, and buy/sell trade matching.

Building a transaction engine should be a priority when developing cryptocurrency applications. Without a powerful engine, cryptocurrency apps are a shell of nothing.

Front-end user interface

The user interface is the face of the exchange and largely determines how users view the exchange. Make sure to build a user-friendly and intuitive interface in a minimalist way to provide an amazing trading experience and make it easier for users to execute trading orders. Make sure this component has the following capabilities when you build it:

  • User registration and login

  • Funds deposited/withdrawn

  • Order, transaction, balance inquiry and statistics

  • Buy/sell orders

  • Customer support

Cryptocurrency wallet

Embedding support for cryptocurrency wallets is very important for exchange applications. All crypto tokens/currencies will be stored in the user’s wallet. A more secure wallet solution will help increase trust between users and cryptocurrency exchanges.

Management console

The administrative console will help the exchange operator or holder manage the different operational aspects of a cryptocurrency exchange. The functionality of the console can be customized to your specific business needs, but in general, the administrative console must contain the following functionality:

  • Set transaction costs

  • Manage the list of cryptocurrencies

  • Add new currency

  • Charge/debit funds to your wallet

  • Resolve support issues

From the perspective of users, an excellent digital asset exchange should have at least the following conditions: (1) high security: capital security and information security; (2) Good platform liquidity: trading volume and trading depth; (3) Low transaction costs; (4) Fast transaction speed and good user experience; (5) There are sufficient trading pairs; (6) No capital restrictions (such as limiting/slowing down the withdrawal rate); (7) Support a variety of derivatives; (8) Can provide API interface.

Therefore, the essential resources of digital asset exchange are reflected in the aspects of platform security, user experience, traffic, capital reserve, technical capability, and financial productization capability. From the perspective of government regulation, licenses and qualifications are also a major factor in the normal operation of exchanges.