Today I will talk about my understanding of blockchain and its application architecture. I don’t know if those of you who read my blog have used the browser-based blockchain demo I wrote, but I will put the link here. If you are interested, you can try it out: click to visit BWCoin.

BWCOin is a native blockchain demo implemented by nodeJS, which is the consensus of the oldest POW mechanism implemented by imitation. You may be confused by my use of the word “native”. Blockchain is blockchain, why there are native two words? Is it the same as the native language of app development? Or is it the same as serverless cloud native?

To explain the origin of my understanding of exposition here, read on:

Blockchain technology stems from the fire of Bitcoin. Frankly speaking, it stems from the unregulated nature of cryptocurrency, which is an important feature of blockchain technology: decentralization. Decentralized and unregulated has led to the incisiveness of the use of Bitcoin in both black and white, various transactions on the dark web, Musk’s Tesla 😄 and so on. So we can also see that technology is a double-edged sword, need to make good use of ah!

Moving on, blockchain technology is not a new technology but a combination of various technologies, which seems inappropriate. Let’s understand it in this way. Just like the original ajax, the new combination of old technologies made the leap from web1.0 to web2.0. Blockchain technology is also the operation of the dragon Ball, which are P2P, encryption and decryption, distributed, consensus algorithm and so on.

It seems that it is not difficult to realize a Bitcoin demo, because I tried, and the ABOVE BWCoin is implemented in this way, imitating the principle of Bitcoin, to realize the use of the user’s browser for mining blockchain instance demo. The so-called mining is actually the consensus process of POW, and the node has the incentive mechanism of mining, so as long as there is a record of transfer operation, there will be a node for mining record. To be more straightforward, it is to make a fixed value hash calculation, and the fixed value hash calculation can set the difficulty of mining by setting the fixed value.

It’s been a long time, and I don’t think I’ve gotten to the word “native.” However, I believe that the above several saliva words, should be able to block chain or bitcoin have a general understanding.

With when it comes to science and technology is a double-edged sword, need to control the use of block chain technology once thought to be subversive now to a new generation of Internet network foundation, research and development of countries rushed to block chain, as with the Internet and financial can affect the new mechanism, who can occupy the commanding heights of science and technology, it is very important to the country, recently, the chip, I think you all know what it’s like to get stuck in someone’s neck. General Secretary Xi Jinping also talked about studying blockchain and other ideas last year.

But block chain is not directly to the ground and you know, must be regulated and controlled, this sounds like its decentralized characteristics, so there are a lot of innovation mechanism, such as union chain need core members to reach consensus can, at the same time in order to make the block chain technology has more ground scene, joined the chain code is intelligent. This enables blockchain technology to be applied in many aspects, such as traceability, information anti-string modification and so on. See if you can understand the word “original” here.

Of course this is the application scenario to understand the native word, but also the architecture to understand the native word, the underlying blockchain implementation of Bitcoin or my BWCoin example you can think of it as a single service, proprietary requirements proprietary development. In China, many platform-based blockchain services have mature multi-layer architectures to provide different services. There are numerous PAAS /saas platforms and, of course, numerous coin platforms. These platforms that can provide excellent services often have a multi-layer architecture. The bottom layer is the data layer for distributed data storage, the upper layer is the network layer for node consensus, and the upper layer can be understood as the extension layer for various service expansion to provide API, and the application layer to provide various specific services. I have drawn a general architecture diagram, which I think can represent the overall architecture design direction of various blockchain platforms.

Looking at the architecture diagram, you said that BWCoin has only storage layer + network layer, and it is reasonable to say that BWCoin has a full layer structure, because after all, it provides a complete data flow from the underlying data store to the UI. However, it is only a demo. If you want to experience the complete service, you can go to ant Chain, Ethereum, etc. There are also many smart contract solutions available abroad. Does the architecture native understand what I’m trying to say?

The above is a miscellany that I want to express today when I accidentally see ant chain. I hope to correct mistakes and exchange learning

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