In my opinion, it’s basically irresponsible to assume that Python can do anything. Whether it’s crawlers for beginners to professionals, Web application development, desktop application development, scientific computing, image processing, Python can do it. Perhaps because of this universal property, more people around you are learning Python.

So how hot is Python right now?

Microsoft opened a discussion on Excel’s features last month to collect user feedback. There was a subsequent proposal to make Python a scripting language for Excel, not only as an alternative to VBA, but also as an alternative to the field function (= SUM (A1: A2)). The proposal was supported by a large number of users, more than twice as many votes as the second most popular proposal. Now, Python’s fire has spread beyond the programmer community. According to The State Council’s Notice on the Development plan for a New generation of ARTIFICIAL Intelligence, we can expect that there will only be more and more cases of AI education infiltrating into the young. Elementary school students learn Python to develop an interest and mind in programming, and for your own million dollar salary and career prospects, maybe you should be learning Python.

Python has long been one of the top five programming languages. It has become an essential tool for data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more and more companies are using it to build websites. Python is one of the most promising programming languages out there.

Python is a beginner friendly, powerful, efficient and flexible programming language. Whether you want to enter the fields of data analysis, artificial intelligence, website development, or want to master your first programming language, you can use Python to unlock the endless possibilities of the future.

What can Python do?

In my opinion, it’s basically irresponsible to assume that Python can do anything. Whether it’s crawlers for beginners to professionals, Web application development, desktop application development, scientific computing, image processing, Python can do it.

Perhaps because of this universal property, more people around you are learning Python!

What makes Python so popular?

According to, Python is the most popular ai programming language of 2017 (C++ is second, R is not on the list).

In June 2017, Python became the most visited TAB on Stack Overflow in high-income countries for the first time, according to Stack Overflow traffic statistics, and if this trend continues, Python will definitely become the most popular TAB in 2018.

In GitHub’s 2017 annual report, Python surpassed Java as the second most popular language. All of these “top rankings” are inseparable from the recent popularity of artificial intelligence, especially machine learning. Python is hailed as the best ai language because:

Dominant in data science and AI; Good documentation and rich libraries are useful for a wide range of programming tasks for scientific purposes; Very well designed, fast, robust, portable, scalable; Open source, with a healthy, active and supportive community. There are some great corporate sponsors, YouTube, Google, Yahoo! NASA, especially Google, use Python heavily internally. Facebook’s open sourcing of PyTorch also makes Python easier to promote

(If you can only learn one language, except Python.)

So how do you learn if you want to catch up with the Python craze? In addition to self-study, many people now take online courses as a supplement. What are the criteria for choosing a course? I think there are the following pits to avoid:

| if there is a gradual try project, course assignments

If you just type the project code in front of the screen in the course, you can’t really master it by yourself after watching it. The important thing is to practice in the course homework. Therefore, it is very important to have step-by-step training programs in the course to help you improve your ability.

Whether | cover Python the key vocational skills required for a full stack.

Python basis; Python web crawler; Data mining and machine learning; Python Web development, Python automatic operation and maintenance.

Whether | for zero students on the basis of vivid and easy to understand.

Many courses will mark the knowledge reserve required by the course, which knowledge needs to be mastered first in order to understand the course. Only a few courses can be learned with zero basis, which needs to be paid attention to. I think more students who study online courses are those who have no basic knowledge. After all, if they have basic knowledge, it would be good to masturbate documents by themselves.

Answer whether | equipped with high quality service

It’s all too common for actual programming to get stuck, and many programmers can’t work without StackOverflow. But beginners may not even be able to describe the problem clearly, so having a teacher to help them solve the problem instantly can save a lot of time.

So, what should I choose?

If you are eager for systematic learning and efficient learning, THEN I still recommend signing up for systematic learning classes. To choose a good class, there are three reasons: low cost, high efficiency, and long-term support.

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