It’s the best of the best and the worst of the worst.

And the practitioners in the body, will inevitably encounter a variety of fraud and leek cutting behavior, a lot of times, it is difficult to tell ourselves whether we are the promoter of new technology or become a tool in the hands of the dealer.

I believe that most practitioners are responding to the call to promote the development of new technology, with the lofty dream of the ultimate blockchain into the circle, but reality slapped hard. In 2017, the majority of exchanges and 1C0s were closed down. In 2018, the winter also drove out many practitioners with dreams, leaving only hardcore players and idealists who still believe they can change the world.

Zeng Guofan once said: “Those who plan great things are the most important.” The second half of blockchain belongs to those who have a big pattern. So the essence of the big picture is: stand tall, look far, and know what to make.

The blockchain industry under strong supervision needs a more ambitious pattern.

The second half of blockchain, where to go? ‘s current block chain project, do not value management, only do push the project application, but users can’t get the return on investment, it is difficult to recognize the project, if only for value management, currency the application of ecological and hard to fall to the ground, will be people think that is a “big deal”, do value do not do not, don’t do things and not value, if both do it together, and very difficult, The industry is so depressed that many project parties, under various pressures, have to consider the immediate vested interests in order to short-term capital flow.

And when the project side began to consider the immediate vested interests, is to lose the public support, so that users can not get the return value, often a lot of projects, the lack of pattern, in order to petty profits, lost the user’s support.

Embracing regulation is the bigger picture

It is reported that in view of virtual asset exchanges taking a free ride on the blockchain boom to hype behavior, in recent days, including Shanghai, Dongguan, Hangzhou and other places have “bright sword” supervision, virtual asset related activities to find out the bottom of the investigation.

This is another regulatory storm for virtual asset exchanges after the Central Bank and other seven ministries and commissions jointly issued the Notice on Preventing the financing risks of token issuance in September 2017.

It’s impossible to get around regulation. Only by embracing regulation, can we have a longer term development. People who make changes now, although there will be pain, although the money will not be as easy as before, but, time will tell you, it is right to choose change, to choose the big picture.

Back to the specific question, as an ordinary blockchain contact, how should we establish our own pattern and choose the future road? Here, I suggest looking at yourself and your industry in three dimensions.

  1. Time pattern. The development of blockchain technology is still in the very early stage, both practitioners and project parties should have the consciousness of not making money. Not making money is not forever, but now is still the time to sow, far from the harvest season.

Under this pattern, the industry will automatically eliminate a lot of impatient practitioners and project side, there will be a lot less sickle.

Under the purging of regulation, there are indeed fewer impatient project parties in the current industry. Many users can gain industry dividends by investing in blockchain projects, and project parties can also give up their immediate vested interests and distribute more profits to users. For example, the emerging SBO project in 2019 promoted the rise of SBO currency price through the built-in transaction function in advance. Many users bought SBO and gained a great increase in a short period of time, while the increase of currency price will give users great confidence and a stronger consensus on the project, which is very convenient for the project to build the centripetal force of users in the future.

  1. Spatial pattern. The significance and scenes of the existence of blockchain can be found not only in the first-tier cities, but also in the second and third-tier cities, and even in the vast county and countryside.

Just now, we mentioned SBO as an example. In fact, its application scenario is an example. SBO has created a series of ecological systems, from wallet to public chain to investment and mining, forming a whole set of application scenarios. Users can invest and manage money through THE WALLET of SBO, deposit their own virtual currency funds, and vote for the development of SBO ecological community together by holding SBO. Finally, SBO’s star Leaping plan and built-in transaction function make users make profits from investment, and users can even use the existing SBO to mine the ecological environment.

Not only SBO, but also the whole blockchain industry has a broader space for us to develop and practice.

  1. Cognitive pattern. The development of blockchain is not only a technological change, but also a wave of human thought liberation. For the first time in history, blockchain has solved the trust problem with technology.

We must embrace the new changes and unknown things in advance. Bitcoin was doubted at the beginning, but as the price and blockchain industry slowly appeared in front of us, many people realized it at this time. Cognition is very important, carefully understand a project, carefully analyze a project, improve their seriousness, can see further, in the future of the industry dividend to obtain a place. Similarly, the users who invested in SBO at the early stage were questioned, but based on the pattern of the project side and the strong community consensus formed after the users made profits, the users who invested in SBO at the early stage increased by more than ten times.

We are pioneers of the prairie, adventurers of the sea. We are the most confused forerunners of our time. Those who know how to improve will eventually form their own grand pattern.

Are you ready for the second half of blockchain?