The problem background

I don’t know if it’s because I installed the plugin, or something else, but now when I open every video from the home page, there is a popup window below, which pops up a popup window that unlocks all the clarity by becoming a large member, and at the same time pauses the playing

What you want to do and how to solve it

This too affect the perception, thinking about the popover removed, play continuous film, the method is to write a oil monkey script shielding, script code is as follows. Don’t delete the comment at the top, which specifies which site to execute the script on. For more information, see your own tar monkey script

// ==UserScript==
// @name block B station to become a big member unlock all clarity
// @namespace
/ / @ version 0.1
// @description try to take over the world!
/ / @ the author to chongqing
// @match*
// @grant unsafeWindow
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    // Your code here...
    // Remove the large member popover
    var play11=document.querySelector(".bilibili-player-video-state");
    const style = document.createElement("style");
    style.innerHTML = `.bili-dialog-m {display: none ! important; } `;
    // Play the video
    var timer = setInterval(xunhuan, 100);
    var jishu=0
    function xunhuan(){
         if (document.querySelector(".video-state-pause")! =null){
             // If the video is played for 5 seconds in a row, it will be cleared. If the video is not cleared, it will appear that the video cannot be paused
             if(jishu>50) {clearInterval(timer); }}}}) ();Copy the code

Before and after effect

Shielding before

After the screening