When we learn Java by ourselves, many knowledge points are difficult to master. Most of our friends should need some materials that are easy to learn and get started. I especially share a small this year to ali’s face classics, for your reference. Soon I got the offer from Ali and had 4 rounds of interviews.

Speaking of which, there are only so many general directions for the interview questions. Once you have mastered them, are you still worried about going to a big factory?

So the point is, how to review? In fact, step by step, not only by brushing questions before the interview so simple, more or usual accumulation. Java Advanced Architect: Java Advanced Architect: Java Advanced Architect: Java Advanced Architect Spring Boot, Microservices, MyBatis, Redis, Microservices, Middleware and Distributed Caching, Kafka, Databases, Design Patterns, Data structures, Zookeeper, Java Algorithms, etc.

Spring Boot Interview questions

1. What is Spring Boot?

2. What are the advantages of Spring Boot?

3. What is JavaConfig?

4. How do I reload changes on Spring Boot without restarting the server?

5. What is the monitor in Spring Boot?

6. How to disable THE security of endpoints in Spring Boot?

7. How to run a Spring Boot application on a custom port?


Second, micro service series interview questions

1. What are the differences between monolithic, SOA and microservice architectures?

2. What challenges do you face when using microservices architecture?

3. What are the key differences between SOA and microservice architectures?

4. Why domain Driven Design (DDD)?

5. What is REST/RESTful and what is its purpose?

6. What is the use of WebMvcTest annotations in Spring MVC applications?

7. What do you know about Distributed Transaction?

MyBatis series interview questions

1. What is Mybatis?

2. Advantages of Mybaits

3. Disadvantages of MyBatis framework

4, MyBatis framework applicable occasions

5. What are the differences between MyBatis and Hibernate?

What is the difference between #{} and ${}?

7, What if the name of the attribute in the entity class is different from the name of the field in the table?


Redis series of interview questions

1. What is Redis?

2. Redis data type?

3. What are the benefits of using Redis?

4. What advantages does Redis have over Memcached?

5. What are the differences between Memcache and Redis?

Redis is single-process single-thread?

7. What is the maximum capacity of a string value?


5. Middleware interview questions

1. Why Dubbo?

2. What are the layers of the overall architectural design of Dubbo?

3. What communication framework is used by default? Is there any other choice?

4. Is the service invocation blocking?

5. What registry is generally used? Is there any other option?

What serialization framework is used by default, and what else do you know?

7. What is the principle that service providers can achieve failure kick out?

8. What is Spring Cloud?

9. What are the advantages of using Spring Cloud?

10. What does service registration and discovery mean? How is Spring Cloud implemented?

11. What is the significance of load balancing?

12. What is Hystrix? How does it achieve fault tolerance?

13. What is Hystrix circuit breaker? Do we need it?

14. What is Netflix Feign? What are its advantages?


Distributed series of interview questions

1. Dubbo service is degraded. What can I do if I try again?

2. What are the problems encountered during the use of Dubbo?

3, Dubbo Monitor implementation principle?

4. What design patterns does Dubbo use?

5. Understanding distributed transactions

6. How to achieve load balancing and what algorithms can be implemented?

7. What is the purpose of Zookeeper and the principle of election?

8. Vertical split and horizontal split of data.

Zookeeper principles and application scenarios

10. Zookeeper Watch mechanism

11. How to handle the redis/ ZK node breakdown

12. How to achieve unique serial number in distributed cluster

How to make a distributed lock


Database series interview questions

InnoDB supports four transaction isolation levels in MySQL, and what are the differences between them?

2. The underlying implementation principle and optimization of index

3. MySQL database is used as the storage of the release system, with more than 50,000 increments per day. It is expected to be operated and maintained for three years.

What are transactions in the database?

5, the cause of SQL injection vulnerability? How to prevent it?

6, explain the difference between MySQL external join, internal join and self-join

7. What are the parts of SQL language? What are the operation keys for each section?


In view of the recent many people in the interview, I have also sorted out quite a lot of interview materials, there are also other big factories. I hope I can help you.

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