“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

I just want to have a novel addiction -- Ai jia studies in the cold palaceCopy the code

Preface — Ginger through

Not know little maid-in-waiting gold is in the first year of dog, just know that today is snow solar term, vaguely remember her first time in this limbo, serve aside the empress is also snow solar term that day, that day is holiday of snow, swirl of snow fell on the path of the palace, resplendent and magnificent palace in the distance, also fell in the dog house empress frozen red cheeks, Her black hair covered her thin shoulders, and she thought her mother was beautiful. Years had passed, and she had changed from a young girl to a middle-aged woman, and her mother was lying on the bed with silver hair and weak hair, and the saint never looked at her mother.

Now her mother, with her last strength, tugged at her hand, saying, Ginger, don’t be afraid. Before you die, I must take you back to my world, where you will not die alone, where you will be free, where you will learn anything you want to… (Yes, her mother had told her that the mother had come back from time travel, and how wonderful the world was before the mother.) After the mother said that, the little palace girl’s eyes darkened and woke up again, knowing that her mother had brought her to the 21st century, a China that is beautiful, rich, equal, free, democratic and strong.

Chapter one — Ginger has to talk

Came to this world, she was a little baby, imperceptible gold son has lived in this world more than 20 years, she had loved her parents here, love her brother, study also found on the university like work, no gold gilding son before discarding of hand embroidery, she is very like the computer, she learnt the Denver in the website more nutrients, The website is a mix of physical skills and skills (don’t blame the n, she’s a science student), and she named herself Ai Jia studying in Lenggong in honor of her mother.

Just today is snow solar term, making her more miss her, let her can’t help but in retrospect, the most special thing has happened shangbeizi, review in my life, nothing special, just under the first time see the snow queen has in her heart, never be dispersed, really want to pour out, tell their own story, estimated also few people, but no relationship, Recently, the Nuggets had an annual essay contest, and Kim wanted to join in and summarize his 2021 in the world

Chapter two: Summary of Ginger’s work

Gold is an embedded engineer before, and on the underlying hardware, but the feeling is too bitter too difficult, always is when a man makes, she want to her, is not satisfactory, but don’t want to give up their hard reading professional, so she decided to turn the direction of transfer, her eyes turned to test automation development, just have the automation needs, She seized the opportunity and started working

I used C before, but I used TCL, VBS, Ruby, Java and Python for automatic development and testing in the environment. After discussing with the boss, I began to learn Python by myself, without any open source framework particularly suitable for hardware. Gold is a framework, and this is a very enrich your life with a sense of accomplishment, learning in the company made the wheel during the day, night on the road are learning python, she felt like she is a little bird, the birds fly to heaven, the final result is also good, team members on the rise, the framework in the optimization, the well with in the company, she also Dally to rising wages, job also rise the level, Unfortunately, the happy time is always so short, because of the company’s decision, the whole project team will be dissolved, dear boss also left, she does not know what to do at the moment

As the Beijing wind blew through her super-thick leggings, it was so cold that she wanted to visit the warm south, and her boyfriend said to her, “Ginger, come back home with me. It’s so warm there.

As an action person, she met a family remotely immediately and flew there after the epidemic. The company was facing a new challenge. Although language and technology were different from each other, she still faced a big challenge and started to learn HTML, CSS, JS and HTTPS. Mysql, robotframework, Jenkins, docker, and so on, and she wrote an automation column on the nuggets, and she’s going to learn it when ginger finishes writing this article.

But she had risen to the challenge, the framework was in place, the process was in place, and all that remained was to train her teammates and use them together. Ginger thought this was all because her heart always turned to the sun and her front was always bright.

Chapter three – Summary of Ginger’s life

Gold son work while also calculates well, but a piece of mud, feelings about the boyfriend, leave her in this place, and ran to Beijing, Kim son had to pain for a long time, but now she is cheer up, people alive is the most important is happy, do the thing that oneself like, so she grabbed her little single, landscapes taps are all let her heart was pleased things, Want to see her things, often go to her boiling point Chou Chou good, she more quite frequently

Chapter four — Ginger’s plan for the coming year

I hope to get a raise, work to a higher level and the epidemic will soon go away, so that I can take small bills and see more of the beauty of the world and strive to improve myself and live in the present

There is always light ahead. Ginger thought the Queen would be very happy. Look at her so cheerful


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