“Bitcoin.com plans to launch its own exchange,” Roger Ver, the bitcoin Jesus, said in an interview in Malta, according to Bloomberg. He also said bitcoin cash would be the exchange’s base currency.

Roger Ver has been a loyal supporter of Bitcoin Cash, and Bitcoin.com is the best illustration he can use to support bitcoin Cash and increase its adoption. Bitcoin.com is more than just an information site that regularly reports the latest information on Bitcoin cash. It also operates a bCH-enabled mining pool, a BCH-enabled cryptocurrency wallet. In addition, Bitcoin.com also launched a BCH block browser, a BCH developer platform, a chart page containing all BCH ecological data, stores and games that can use BCH payment, etc. Overall, Bitcoin.com is just one exchange away from supporting Bitcoin Cash.

Regarding the cryptocurrency exchange, Ver said that it is still in the early stages of planning, as he has not yet decided whether to build it internally or seek to acquire a working platform. “If we build it ourselves, we can do it really, really cheaply, and we get exactly what we want,” he said. “But we haven’t been battle-tested on exchange security, which has been around for a while.” Either way, though, the trading platform will be hosted on Bitcoin.com. He hopes to drive traffic through the site’s operations, since Bitcoin.com gets thousands of new users every day. In this way, he hopes to increase the adoption rate of BCH.

Roger Ver has been firmly in the forefront of popularizing BCH. What he did for BCH is something that all BCH supporters should learn from. He also revealed in an interview that Bitcoin.com wallet users will be able to pay with Bitcoin cash at every major merchant in the United States, including Walgreens, Walmart, Safeway, Home Depot and others. If Bitcoin.com does launch a trading platform based on BCH trading pairs, then Bitcoin.com has completed full support for BCH.

The impact of Bitcoin.com’s launch of a trading platform based on BCH on BCH:

Increase the number of BCH users

Bitcoin.com, as a long-established cryptocurrency website in the cryptocurrency industry, has accumulated a large number of users. If it launches a trading platform based on BCH, more people will attach importance to BCH and change their perception of Bitcoin. At the same time, this move also provides a lot of convenience for BCH holders and strengthens the confidence of BCH supporters in BCH.

Improve BCH liquidity

The trading platform itself is a very heavy traffic place, and the support of more trading platforms will also help improve the trading liquidity of BCH. For cryptocurrencies, liquidity is a key reference for gaining market support. The improvement of BCH liquidity will promote it to occupy more market share, and the increase of market share will promote THE better survival and development of BCH.

Bypass the BTC

At present, although BCH has gained the support of many trading platforms, most of them are legal currency trading and BTC trading. The number of trading platforms based on BCH is still in the minority, among which CoinEX is the most famous. If Bitcoin.com does launch a trading platform based on BCH, it will reduce users’ dependence on BTC. Users can directly bypass BTC to obtain BCH and use BCH, which is helpful for THE long-term development of BCH.

Raise the status of BCH

At present each big trading platform supported by the trade mainly to fiat to various platforms, currency trading, and the square of the t to give priority to, if the number of trading platform based on BCH to increase, will cause the market’s emphasis on BCH more trading platform support for BCH transaction, BCH in numerous encryption currency status will also be improved.

For Bitcoin Cash, compared with BTC and ETH, the most important thing to do is to expand its ecosystem and attract more users and merchants. Improvements to these basic services are also a means of attracting users. When the infrastructure supporting BCH keeps increasing and provides enough convenience for users to use BCH, the number of users supporting BCH will gradually increase. Merchants and enterprises will also choose to support BCH in order to obtain more users, thus promoting the gradual expansion of bitcoin cash ecosystem. In addition, Roger Ver was an early supporter of Bitcoin. He supported bitcoin with his own actions when many people had never heard of it, which proves his business vision. Now he is going all out to support BCH, which also shows that the potential of BCH is endless. So as BCH gets more and more support, I think BCH will have a bright future and time will tell.