Discuz is a universal community forum software system, which has the highest maturity and the largest coverage in the world. The basic architecture of Discuz is realized by Web programming combination PHP+MySQL, which is a highly efficient forum system solution suitable for various server environments after perfect design.

First, preparation

  1. Get FTP information about ** bird cloud ** virtual host.

  2. Open the host database and obtain the database connection information.

  3. Download the Discuz installation package.

  4. An FTP tool is installed on the local PC to upload the installation package to a cloud virtual host.

Second, the deployment of

  1. The cloud virtual host is connected through FTP

  2. Upload the Discuz installation package to the /wwwroot/ directory.

  3. Log in to the cloud virtual host control panel, click Decompress and decompress the package to the /wwwroot/ directory.

    After the decompression is complete, refresh the FTP file system, and three new folders are displayed. You can delete the Discuz package to save storage space on the host.

    • All files under the upload directory are available program files.
    • The readme directory provides product introduction, licensing, installation, upgrade, conversion, and version update log descriptions.
    • The Utilities directory comes with Tools for the forum, including upgrades and the Tools toolkit.
  4. Go to the Upload directory, select everything in that directory, and drag the directory up to the /wwwroot/ directory.

  5. Visit the site through the temporary domain name of the cloud virtual host, add index.php after the temporary domain name, and the system will automatically jump to the installation interface and perform operations as prompted, as shown in the following figure:

  6. Set the database configuration information for Discuz. You can view the information on the database management page of the cloud virtual host. Set the user name and password for administrator Discuz.

  7. After installation, you can jump to the homepage of the forum through the link in the lower right corner. If the login fails, you can use temporary domain name +forum.php to access the forum home page.