Start an expected 6 months of systematic learning, first make an outline, easy to find.

Preparation before class Phase one Phase two Stage three Phase four Stage 5 Phase six Phase seven Phase eight
Two modules Two modules Two modules Six modules Six modules Five modules Five modules Five modules Two modules

Part 0 · Preparation before class

Module 1: JS core principle

Module task Completion time
JS cornerstone article
Deep into the array
Asynchronous programming
JS engine article
How to deal with the soul of a big factory interviewer?
How does front-end development target learning algorithms?
How can we improve ourselves for the future?

Module 2:33 Concepts JS developers should know

Module task Completion time

Part 1 · JS in-depth analysis

Module 1: Functional programming and JS asynchronous programming, handwritten Promise

Module task Completion time
Functional programming paradigm 2021.6.27
Asynchronous Javascript programming 2021.6.28
Handwritten Promise source code 2021.6.30
Understand stack execution and closures(Live class) 2021.7.11
Module assignments 2021.7.1

New ES features and TypeScript and JS performance optimizations

Module task Completion time
ECMAScript new features 2021.7.4
The TypeScript language
JS memory management and recycling 2021.7.6
JS execution and performance optimization 2021.7.10
Understand object orientation and event loops(Live class) 2021.7.11
Module assignments 2021.7.11

Part 2 · Front-end engineering actual combat

Module 1: Develop scaffolding and encapsulate automated build workflows

Module task Completion time
Develop scaffolding and automated builds 2021.7.25
Module assignments 2021.7.24

Module two: Modular development and specification standards

Module task Completion time
Modular development and specification standards 2021.8.8
Webpack source 2021.8.29
Module assignments 2021.8.29

Part 3 · Vue.js framework source code and advanced

Module 1:

Module task Completion time
Vue-router principle is implemented
Simulate the Vue responsive principle
Virtual DOM implementation principle
Module assignments

Module two: Modular development and specification standards

Module task Completion time
Module assignments

React Framework Principles and Practices

Module 1:

Part 5 · Node.js full stack development

Module 1:

Part 6 · Pan-client development

Module 1:

Part 7: Business technology solutions and advanced technology topics

Module 1:

Part 8 · Big factory interview guidance

Module 1: