Just completed the promotion defense, the result has not come out, no matter, the result is not important, while it is hot to do a review!!

I want to live again, the big factory, 00 post, half a year to promote this keyword hit in the title is mainly to do a title party for point flow TVT, there is no composition of Versailles TVT, if you read, you may find that if you are my situation you also. So I mainly want to share my thoughts, welcome everyone to discuss ~

Objective level – basic information and promotion concept

Tips: My situation may be unique, and I understand that there are many objective factors contributing to it, so I will briefly introduce them

  • Basic situation

    I am a fresh graduate in year 21. I was recruited by the company in the autumn of my junior year. By the nomination day, I have worked in the company for one and a half years.

    There are a lot of students with lower grades in our group, and 1/5 of them are recruited by the university. If we follow the normal progress of one or one and a half years, there will be a lot of students who will be promoted.

    I have been working as an intern for a long time and my ability is relatively outstanding (in fact, due to the long time, I am more familiar with the business). Therefore, I was nominated for promotion half a year after graduation.

  • Concept of promotion

    The concept of the company is “according to the ability, according to the salary”, according to the ability of the rank, has nothing to do with your output and performance, if your ability to reach the corresponding level of the ability model, then you can be promoted.

    By the way, regarding the relationship between promotion and performance, the company regards performance as “merit based” and determines your performance bonus based on your output and results.

    That is, no matter how good you are, if you don’t produce enough, you may not get a big annual bonus. Again, your results aren’t good enough, but your ability to show up in the process is strong, and you could be promoted (the ability to get results is also a very important skill)

    In fact, this requires us to pay more attention to the process of promotion reporting, how you found the problem, how you designed the solution, and what your ability was reflected in the process, rather than the accumulation of results, which should be focused on the performance link.

Competency requirements – my split of competency dimensions

Since it is in line with the ability can be promoted, so we have to let colleagues in the work to let the leadership see that we have this ability, I put this part of the ability of a split, and introduced how to acquire this part of the ability ~

  • Ability to code

    • Be able to stand alone

      • This is a very basic ability to be a reliable engineer, able to design solutions independently, deliver code on time and consistently, and at the same time have high quality code, able to abstract some common capabilities.
      • In this process, you need to have a solid understanding of the technical foundation, such as operating system, computer network; At the same time in engineering to have the ability to design solutions to solve problems ~
    • Can solve problems with technology

      • In fact, we will encounter many problems in business work can be solved by technical means, such as the use of schema-form to solve the dynamic form render layer logic complex problem, use some scripts to solve some repetitive work in development and so on.
      • We can think more, find more problems, and try to design more solutions to solve these problems, which can improve our technical ability and broaden our horizon in the process of contacting different solutions, which is an improvement of technical ability, namelyBuild technology with business orientation.
  • Business ability

    • Thinking in business

      • I am engaged in the middle and background business, which is mainly used for RESEARCH and development, so products will play less role in it, which requires us to think about the planning of the platform by ourselves, including the design of the scheme. This part is actually very important, and we have our own capabilitiesValue judgment.
      • For example, identify the problem: What needs to be fixed in the current situation? Problem solving: What would be a better solution to these problems? Value judgment: Is the user/product making such a requirement reasonable and is there a better solution?
      • I think thinking a little bit more about every question is really important in business, and he really distinguishes between people who do what they’re told and people who can ask some questions themselves.
    • Measuring business results

      • I am engaged in b-end products. Compared with C-end products, which can be measured by some indicators such as GMV, b-end output is difficult to be measured by data indicators or data models. Therefore, for different businesses and different jobs, we all need to think about how to design a reasonable and convincing oneData indicatorsI understand that this is an important skill.
      • For example, I made a gray line mechanism, and I set the index as “the number of accidents”. There are many factors that may affect it, and our data may not meet expectations. That if we set the index as “the number of rollback times in the gray process”, in fact, it can be a good measure of how many problems are solved by our gray process, indicating the value of gray construction.
  • Ability to communicate

    • Communicate with different characters

      • At work, we often have to communicate with PM, QA and UI students. It would be difficult for us to communicate with them from the perspective of the front end, but we actually stand in the perspective of each other and think about each otherWhat you really want:
      • For example, when communicating requirements with QA, we introduce him to focus testing suggestions and impact surfaces. When communicating UI needs, we can take out simple interactive drafts or screenshots of competing products; When we communicate with the product, we talk about planning and scheme design, what can and cannot be done, and how the interaction of scheme one, two and three is different.
      • A pleasant and effective communication experience will enhance your partner’s evaluation
    • Cross-departmental communication

      • I think one of the most important things in cross-departmental communication is thatDon't understand to askIf we don’t know the bg or plan of the other party, we should not pretend to know what we don’t know. Cross-department cooperation requires us to have a good control of details, otherwise we will be led by the other party by the nose, or even unable to do it if we find the details are wrong halfway.
      • Of course, in order to avoid this situation, we also need to do sufficient research in the early stage of cross-department work.
  • Department influence

    • Be a good customer service person

      • I understandOn duty to solve oncallIt is a good scene for you to think and review your own products. In onCall, you can know how users use our products and what demands students of different roles have on our platform.
      • In this process, we can know what the business side does, what kind of interaction we have with their business, can we move forwardFurther cooperation; Or when a certain kind of problem is frequently put forward, it is also the time when we need to think about our product design, so the customer service on duty is a good way.
      • Of course, it’s also a way to increase influence, and when you think about the platform, you think about itXXX is the one who does this platform and you can find him; At the same time, it can also exercise your communication skills. For example, I have been skilled in using “~” and “let me see” to calm the irascible business side.
    • Conduct a departmental share

      • It’s ok to share what you’re good at, but if you don’t have a lot of construction on technology, it’s ok to share what you’re currently doingThe business is interspersedIn this process, it is also a process of reviewing your business. After all, it is very different to understand your business by yourself and to let others understand it. If you can explain your business to others, you must have a very deep understanding of the business.
      • Of course you can also use your ownSkill poolBecause I was on the debate team in college, so WHAT I’m sharing is teaching people how to fight.

Promotion defense – Preparation process and experience sharing

The process of promotion may vary from company to company, so I would like to briefly introduce my preparation and process for the promotion defense

  • Promotion process

    • Our promotion was nominated by the leader -> review by HRBP -> cross-defense by the leaders of other departments -> notification of the result. Now I have only completed the defense part, because it is not up to me to decide the latter part, so I think I have been liberated ha ha ha!
    • The most important part of this process was the preparation of the defense document, which was also the most painful part for me. I rewrote the 6,000-word document for three times and spent nearly three weeks polishing it. Here I would like to share the pits I stepped on.
  • Document preparation

    • ❌ do not stack results

      • As far as promotion is concerned, it’s yoursCapability matching modelRather than the output meeting expectations, therefore the judges andDon'tFocus on what your output is, and more on why you’re doing it, and where your thinking and ability are reflected.
      • At the same time, when writing the results, you can not write everything, it is very important that you do not write things that do not matter, if you think it is very important, you can choose to write on the document but not read out.
    • ❌ can not not talk about the cause and effect

      • Before writing the document, you should set up a thread/train of thought/theme so that yourThe core work is connected around this centerFor example, your work is all about XX business. There are 123 problems in the current situation of XX business, and you have made 123 suggestions for these problems.
      • For each core work, we should also make clear the cause and effect: what the status quo is, why we need to change, how we need to change, and what achievements we have made.
      • This will make your presentation complete and easy to understand. If you summarize your work piecemeal, it will feel like a lack of thought and piling up results.
    • ❌ can’t be all words

      • I wrote 6,000 words, and the judges probably wouldn’t have looked at it without some pictures to help them understand it, something appropriateThe chartIt can help judges understand. For example, if you make a product, you can attach a screenshot of the product. If you optimize a link of the product, you can draw a flow chart of the link and so on.
      • In addition to charts, you can also pass someText highlightedI highlight all the output data because I’m not going to read them in my report.
    • ❌ cannot be read from the document

      • During the defenseCan't read manuscriptsFeeling is very poor, can let the whole individual and make report is very long, you can write a lot of things, but the talks should pick the key to the report, why did you do your thinking, for example, for some specific technical details if the judges are interested can look at the document, or a written document is not clear that can be added in QA link again.
      • It would be nice to have one, just like writing a documentThe theme, the construction is carried out according to the center theme thought, for example, I set yourself from XXX business focuses on the background of the theme of the development train of thought, I’ll pay attention to in the process of reporting may how will I let this business, my background of these experience and thinking about what type of business help, and so on.
  • QA to prepare

    • This is a difficult part to prepare for, and I want to talk about mental work. The judges are definitely not doing QA to spite you, so the starting point of their questions is usuallyDon't understand the contextOr is itHope to find out where you match the promotion model with these questions.
    • For the first type of questions, we can think about the project background, platform positioning, platform value, solutions, and the relationship with competing products in advance and simply prepare some questions.
    • Second, he may present scenarios for your business and ask you to design solutions. Or why you did it the way you did it, depending on your problem-solving skills.
    • I feel my own body down if you are on your own productUsually enough thinkingQA is relatively easy.
  • Defense experience

    • I feel that the process of oral defense has greatly improved myself. First of all, I will have a precipitation and reflection on my own work, deepen my understanding of the current situation, and also review my own abilities to find my shortcomings, including reviewing some future plans and development directions.
    • Secondly, in the process of defense, the judges and IcommunicationWith a lot of technical and business views above, for some of the shortcomings of my answer, the boss will give some supplementary and context explanation, and the boss one-One is very fruitful ~

Roughly write here, just entered the workplace thinking may not be comprehensive or profound, there are different understanding is also welcome to discuss ~ finally hope to read here everyone promotion salary work smoothly!! I also hope I can pass the defense