Dynamo [29] — This is a highly available distributed storage system based on Key values designed by Amazon engineers (Note: Dynamo has abandoned data modeling and all data objects are stored in the simplest key-value model, which can be easily understood as a huge Map. Dynamo is sacrificing some consistency in exchange for high availability throughout the system.
Cassandra [30] — This is a discrete distributed structured storage system designed by Facebook engineers. Inspired by Amazon Dynamo, Cassandra adopts multidimensional key-value or column-oriented data storage format (Note: Cassandra can be used to manage huge volumes of structured data distributed across a large number of inexpensive servers while providing a highly available service with no single point of failure.
Voldemort [31] — Another distributed storage invention inspired by Amazon’s Dynamo, developed by engineers at LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional social network. Voldemort, the open source database that powers LinkedIn’s multiple analytics platforms.)