Flink1.13 was released in April. I participated in the Meetup of Flink1.13 and got a lot of results. From a big point of view, I improved and optimized FlingSql, optimized resource scheduling and management, and optimized DataStream API when Flink was running in streambatch. The other is the optimization of the State Backend module. This article is not only a note made at that time, but also a supplement made by referring to the official website.
One of Flink’s main goals is to make flow processing applications as easy and natural to use as normal applications. Flink 1.13’s new passive scale-up makes the scale-up of flow jobs as simple as other applications, requiring users to modify the parallelism.
This release also includes a number of important changes to give users a better understanding of the effectiveness of streaming jobs. These changes enable users to better analyze the causes when the performance of the stream job is not as expected. These changes include load and backpressure visualization for identifying bottleneck nodes, CPU flame maps for analyzing operand hotspot code, and State access performance metrics for analyzing State Backend
Read Flink SQL 1.13 in depth
In version 1.13, Flink SQL brings a number of new features and enhancements around Winddow TVF, time zone support, DataStream & Table API interaction, hive compatibility, SQL Client improves in five areas
flip-145 window tvf
Complete relational algebraic expression
The input is a relation and the output is a relation
Each relationship corresponds to a data set
Cumulater window eg: Uv statistics every 10 minutes, the results are accurate, there is no jump
Window performance optimization
Memory, slicing, operator, late data
Benchmark tests 2x enhancement
Multi-dimensional data analysis: Grouping sets, Rollup, Cube, etc
Flip -162 Time zone analysis
Time zone issues: ProcTime does not consider time zones, timestamp does not consider time zones, various current_time, now does not consider time zones
Time function: current_TIMESTAMP returns UTC +0
Support tiestamp — LTZ timestamp vs timestamp_LTz
Correct the proctime() function
Daylight saving time support – same as timestamp_LTz
Flip -163 improves SQL-client and Hive compatibility
More practical configurations are supported
Support the statement set
Flip -136 enhanced datastrem and table conversion
Supports event Time and Watermark for DS and TABLE conversions
Changelog data flows can be converted between tables and datastream
Flink 1.13: Towards Scalable Cloud Native Applications
Flink 1.13 added passive resource management mode and adaptive scheduling mode, with flexible scaling ability. Combined with automatic scaling technology of cloud native, Flink can better play the advantages of elastic computing resources in the cloud environment, which is another important milestone for Flink to fully embrace the ecosystem of cloud native technology. This issue will focus on the passive resource management, adaptive scheduling, custom container templates and other new features in Flink 1.13. I think this extension is a particularly important feature in Flink 1.13
Cloud native era Flink, K8S, declaration API, elastic expansion
K8s high availability – (ZK, K8S optional)
And Rescale (reactive mode and the adaptive mdoe autoscaling mode (TBD, haven’t support))…
Flip-158 Generalized Incremental Checkpoints make checkpoints faster
Pod Template Supports custom Pod templates
Fine- Fine grained resource management – Featrue approximately 1.14 support
Expand resources vertically and horizontally, TM CPU → K8S, MEM → NO
Flink runtime optimized with DataStream API for streaming batch integration
In 1.13, aiming at the integration of stream and batch, Flink optimized the performance of large-scale job scheduling and network Shuffle in batch execution mode, thus further improving the execution performance of stream and batch jobs. In the DataStream API, Flink is also refining the exit semantics for finite flow jobs to further improve consistency between semantics and results under different execution modes
API shuffle architecture implementation
Finite work and infinite work, as expected
Optimize consumerVetexGroup partitionGroup for large scale jobs
Final-stream job end consistency, 2PC
Stream batch – Data flow back
Piplien and Block — Caching is primarily handled offline
Optimization and production practices of State Backend Flink-1.13
Unified SavePoint can switch to Rocksdb
State-backend Memory control,
checkpoint save point
Faster Checkpoint & Falover
Flink1.14 outlook
Remove legacy planner
Improve the window TVF
Improve the schema handing
Enhance the CDC
More can view Flink website…
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