In August 2017, the JCP Executive Committee proposed changing the frequency of Java releases to once every six months. This decision will take effect after the official release of Java 9.

In March 2018, Java 10 arrived as promised. It’s September 2018, and Java 11 will be officially released on The 25th of This month.

On the OpenJDK website, JDK 11 is currently in Release Candidate Phase.


Release Candidate Phase refers to the RC version in the software development announcement cycle. The entire software launch cycle will generally go through Alpha, Beta, RC, GA and other versions.

In general, RC is the candidate version of the software, and the RC version does not add any new features, mainly for debugging.

So, the features on the base RC release are the features on the official release. This article summarizes the new features of JDK 11 based on the latest data.

There are 17 new features in the OpenJDK:


A few important new features:

ZGC: Extensible low-latency garbage collector

ZGC is a garbage collector that claims to guarantee pauses of no more than 10MS per GC and a throughput reduction of no more than 15% compared to the current default garbage collector G1.

Epsilon: Garbage collector that does nothing

Java 11 also adds a special garbage collector, Epsilon, called the “no-op” collector, which handles memory allocation without implementing any actual memory collection mechanism. In other words, it’s a garbage collector that doesn’t do garbage collection. This garbage collector is seemingly useless and can be used primarily for performance testing, memory stress testing, etc. The Epsilon GC can be used as a comparison to measure the performance of other garbage collectors. At the very least, the Epsilon GC helps to understand the interface to the GC, leading to a more modular JVM, Martijn said.

Enhanced var usage

Local variable type inference has been added to Java 10, allowing you to define local variables using VAR. Although this feature has been criticized by many, Java continues to enhance its usage. In Java 11, var can be used as a local variable declaration for Lambda expressions.

Remove Java EE and CORBA modules

Back in the release of Java SE 9, Java indicated that it would remove Java EE and CORBA modules in future releases, and this move has finally been implemented in Java 11. Java EE and CORBA modules have finally been removed.

The HTTP client is further upgraded

The HTTP Client API was standardized in JDK 9 and then updated in JDK 10 through JEP 110. In this update list for Java 11, further updates are available with JEP 321. The API provides non-blocking request and response semantics through CompleteableFutures, which can be used in combination to trigger the corresponding action. JDK 11 completely rewrites this functionality. It is now easier to trace the flow of data between request and response publishers at the user level and the underlying socket, reducing complexity and maximizing the possibility of reuse between HTTP / 1 and HTTP / 2.

That’s all new about Java 11, the latest version of the JDK that doesn’t change much for Java developers. Functional programming was neither introduced as Java 8 was, nor var variables were introduced as Java 10 was.

The biggest benefits for front-line developers are that the new version of GC is much more efficient and takes much less time. The HTTP Client is much easier to use. You can use var in Lambda expressions.

What do you expect from this upgrade?

By the way, which version are you using now, and have you learned it yet?

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