

Using third-order Bezier curve to imitate the gift bubble effect in the lower right corner of Qzone live broadcast



  • Introduction of depend on
compile; Yasic. Library. BubbleView: BubbleView: 0.0.4;Copy the code
  • Start the animation
void startAnimation(final int rankWidth, final int rankHeight)
void startAnimation(final int rankWidth, final int rankHeight, int count)
void startAnimation(final int rankWidth, final int rankHeight, int delay, int count)
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  • Use the default image style
BubbleView setDefaultDrawableList()
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  • Custom image styles
BubbleView setDrawableList(drawableList)
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  • Set the duration of the rising animation
BubbleView setRiseDuration(int riseDuration)
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  • Sets the starting point relative to the bottom margin
BubbleView setBottomPadding(int px)
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  • Sets the spacing of three random initial points
BubbleView setOriginsOffset(int px)
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  • Set the maximum and minimum scale for zooming animation

BubbleView setScaleAnimation(float maxScale, float minScale)
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  • Sets the time interval between two rising animations

  • BubbleView setAnimationDelay(int delay)
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    • Set the maximum and minimum number of images
    void setMaxHeartNum(int maxHeartNum)
    void setMinHeartNum(int minHeartNum)
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    • Set the width and height of each view
    BubbleView setItemViewWH(int viewWidth, int viewHeight)
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    • Inherited from Relativelayout

    • The motion path is simulated using third-order Bezier curves, which are formulated as follows

    • Check out the blog www.html-js.com/article/162…

    • Myst729.github. IO /bezier-curv…