This article contains 2000 words or more. It should take about 5 minutes to read.

[Nuggets Week] Highlights of this issue:

  • Effective practice of grayscale monitoring of front-end quality
  • Selection and cursor on the Web
  • Is the PDF you exported still a large image?
  • – why did vue and React choose Hooks🏂?
  • What are the most popular features of the 2021 CSS?
  • Come on, how cool is it to use three. js to make 2d images 3D? 💥

Rules: The article should be published within one month before the issue of “Nuggets Week”. And in line with the content of each column positioning and requirements.

A week of gold

Content judges will be sifting through the community’s deep technical posts over the course of the week, and good technical posts will have a chance to appear in the list below, in no particular order.

The article classification The article The author Introduction to the
The front end Effective practice of grayscale monitoring of front-end quality Alibaba tao department of technology Management of front-end quality, gray monitoring, in the stability and improve multi-direction, have obvious effect, very recommended!
The front end Linear algebra in front of the application (a) : to achieve the mouse wheel zoom elements, Canvas picture and drag And the well didn’t want to talk In front-end development, sometimes there will be the need to scale the picture, Canvas and DOM elements by rolling the wheel according to the current position of the mouse. This might be a little hard for some of you to do, but it’s actually pretty easy to do with matrix operations in linear algebra.
The front end Is the PDF you exported still a large image? Grey with wings You don’t have to have used them all, but you should have one in your Arsenal.
The front end Selection and cursor on the Web Reading front end team With the popularity of vue, React and other frameworks, some native apis may be rarely mentioned. Most functional frameworks help us to encapsulate, but there are always some functions that cannot be satisfied, which must rely on the “power of native”.
The back-end Why do I recommend adding Force Index to all queries on complex but performance-critical tables Dry goods full of hash Business growth and product requirements are both iterative and complex, and it is difficult to guarantee against large and complex indexed tables. How do I optimize SQL indexes?
The back-end Best practices released for ByteDance’s 100-million-tier DAU client Bytedance technology quality This article is the “Best Practices for Bytedance’s 100-million-tier DAU Client release” by Gao Lei, a lecturer from Bytedance’s launch engineering team, at the 2021 GOPS Conference. Four aspects of client release practice are mainly shared, which are: 1. Characteristics and difficulties of mobile release; 2. Introduction of Byte mobile publishing system, 3. Summary of mobile publishing practice, 4.
The back-end Meituan Flink deployment and State stability optimization practice Flink_China This article is based on a speech delivered by Meituan data platform engineers Feng Fei and Wang Feifan at Flink Forward Asia 2021. The main contents are as follows: 1. Background 2. Deployment optimization 3. State stability related optimization 5. Future planning
The back-end Vivo server monitoring architecture design and practice Vivo Internet Technology This article is about 5000 words, will be vivo server monitoring principle and the evolution of the architecture to do a systematic arrangement, so that we do monitoring technology selection reference.
The back-end Cloud native practice of Meituan cluster scheduling system Meituan technical team This paper introduces meituan’s practice in how to solve the problems of large-scale cluster management and design an excellent and reasonable cluster scheduling system, and expounds the problems and challenges that Meituan is concerned about when implementing the cloud native technology represented by Kubernetes, as well as corresponding promotion strategies. At the same time, this paper also introduces some special support for Meituan business demand scenarios, hoping that this paper can be of help or inspiration to students who are interested in cloud native field.
iOS Talk about the underlying iOS RunLoop QiShare RunLoop is an important knowledge in iOS/Mac OS development. It runs through the entire process of running an application.
Android Delve into Flutter performance optimization jsonchao In this article, knowledge related to Flutter performance optimization is mainly explained from six aspects: 1. Key optimization index 3. Layout loading optimization 4. Startup speed optimization 5. Memory optimization 6. Package volume optimization.
Android 【Jetpack】 learn to wear: ViewBinding → ViewBinding coder_pig The new Android Jetpack application development architecture was unveiled at Google I/O 2018. It is a collection of libraries, tools, and guidelines that might be more aptly called the Jetpack Development Toolkit. This article takes a look at ViewBinding.
Android Why is it recommended to draw Drawable in a custom View Jere_Chen This article will show you how to customize Drawable to make our complex custom View more hierarchical and readable.
Artificial intelligence (ai) PaddleFL Paddle Federated Learning timingwheel PaddleFL is an open source federated learning framework based on PaddlePaddle. Researchers can easily copy and compare different federated learning algorithms with PaddleFL, and developers can easily deploy PaddleFL federated learning systems in large distributed clusters.
Artificial intelligence (ai) Exploration and practice of query rewriting technology in Meituan search Meituan technical team This paper mainly describes the iterative direction and implementation ideas of the query rewriting project under the search scene of Meituan, hoping to inspire or help students engaged in search, advertising, recommendation recall related work.
The development tools In-depth understanding of Gradle Tooling API Bytedance technology team After learning Gradle Tooling API, you learned the architecture principle of Gradle Tooling API in detail, enabling you to develop Gradle Tooling software based on the Tooling API. In addition, you were able to learn methodology in similar technical architecture scenarios.

Hot spot observation

Collect industry hot spots and insight into technology trends.

The article classification The article The author Introduction to the
The front end Why do vue and React choose Hooks🏂? Spring brother’s dream is to touch fish In reading this article you will: 1. Get a preliminary understanding of the current situation of Hooks in Vue and React 2. Listen to the author’s definition and summary about Hooks. 3. Understand why we need Hooks 4. Do some simple Hooks practices yourself
The front end What are the most popular features of the 2021 CSS? chokcoco What are the most unpopular features of CSS usage in 2021?
Android What is new in Gradle 7.0? Programmer Jiang Gradle 7.0 has been released for some time now. Let’s take a look at some of the interesting features from Gradle 6.0 to 7.0.
Android Android Studio Bumblebee (2021.1.1) stable release is available Android_ developers Check out this full list of new features for Android Studio Bumblebee (2021.1.1).

Nuggets kaleidoscope

Are you the treasure trove of articles from the nuggets community, sorted by content quality, creative dimensions?

The article classification The article The author Introduction to the
The front end Come on, how cool is it to use three. js to make 2d images 3D? 💥 dragonir When visiting sketchFab website, the author of this paper saw many examples of 2d plane to 3D model, so he copied their examples and used three. js + React technology stack to transform 2D cartoon pictures into 3D visual effects.
Android Flutter challenge that fancy bottom menu 💪💪 Uncle Xiong Lao Create cool bottom menu animations with Flutter!
iOS IOS uses Metal for filters and dynamic effects Under the tea world HarbethIs a small set of utilities and extensions on Apple’s Metal framework dedicated to making Swift GPU code simpler and faster to prototype pipelines. This article will introduce and design based on GPU filter, graphics processing and filter production.

Community official zone

Event calendar

The name of the event The activity time Event manager
Boiling-point Fish Farming scheme, collection card redemption gift February 14th – March 6th Boiling point little assistant
Offer to come, dig friends take it! Spring Recruitment in 2022 kicks off March 1st – March 27th @ Deborah qian qian,@Zoe_2333

The official announcement

  • The nuggets’ new creative talent list # 02 is online

  • Digg’s January Creators List is here! Monthly list incentive upgrade!

  • Homepage information flow is not interested, shielding the author/label function online

  • Nuggets community article recommended rules update! What kind of articles won’t be recommended?

📖 Submission area

In the comments section, you can recommend articles that you think are good, along with links and reasons, for a chance to be featured in the next issue. Article creation date must be within one month before the next nuggets week is published; You can recommend your own articles as well as others’ articles.

Author list of Jin Selected in February, 2012

This “Golden Selection of Authors” is the author who appeared in the “Gold Digging Week” from January to February 2022 three or more. All “Golden Writers” will receive “Gold Digging Week · Golden Writers” certificate and gift (Kodak Polaroid camera set). At the same time, each author who has appeared on the 1st and 2nd issue of “Gold Digging Week” will also receive a souvenir gift, please pay attention to the system message “award claim notice”.

All articles on the “Gold digging Week” have been officially exposed and added to the APP popup push pool. Congratulations to all the authors who continue to create high-quality content, welcome more students to join the good article recommendation and creation, and grow together in the future!

The author On the number of times
Rossi’s reflections 4
Li, castle peak 3
Spring brother’s dream is to touch fish 3
Love cat de Xiao Guo 3
To object technology 3
Android_ developers 3
Zhengcai Cloud Technology team 3

The prize in

“Gold Digging Week” aims to provide a more comprehensive window of intensive reading for the vast number of digging friends, and at the same time to provide periodical flow support and material rewards for good writers, so that high-quality articles can be seen by more people and help more developers to grow. Let quality authors get positive incentives, shaping personal technical influence.

If your article is deep or interesting, you have a chance to be featured on nuggets Week! If you have any suggestions or comments about “Nuggets week”, please feel free to post them in the comments section.