Although online education is only a subdivision of the track, but K12 online English education competition is extremely fierce. Not only is the industry currently in the same stage of development, such as the first and second tier cities, but more importantly, in order to occupy a more advantageous position in the future competition, many institutions are competing for innovation speed.

However, entering 2018, the development direction of K12 online English education has also changed, and some head platforms have begun to carry out multi-level in-depth mining of the industry. On the one hand, the capital has been transfused to this subdivision track for several years. K12 Online English education has certain infrastructure, but it is not perfect enough. On the other hand, the penetration rate of online children’s English education will be further improved this year, and the industry needs new focus.

DaDa is trying something new. On June 1, DaDa launched its sub-brand DaDaBaby, which is mainly aimed at children aged 0-6 and their parents. On July 1, DaDa launched “DaDa TV”, an immersive interactive live course platform. What does DaDa mean at this point?

Behind the new products is DaDa’s “ecological” and “quantitative” thinking

If you want to understand the direction of DaDa, you must first understand the nature of the two new DaDa products. Based on current data, DaDaBaby targets young children (0-6 years old) and parents. This suggests that DaDaBaby is targeting a younger population.

Why to extend the business to the field of children’s enlightenment education? DaDa’s consideration may come from two aspects. First, this market segment is very large. According to the report of IResearch, it is conservatively estimated that the English market of young children can reach 100 billion level. The second is to supplement the market ecology of DaDa by extending the user base downward.

If DaDaBaby is a vertical expansion of DaDa in the market, then DaDa TV is a comprehensive technological upgrade of DaDa’s online education infrastructure. DaDa TV is a teaching product that integrates virtual synthesis, automated evaluation, interactive answering, group competition, virtual teacher and other functions. It uses artificial intelligence, green screen image, cloud computing and other technologies, and can accommodate millions of people to attend classes online at the same time.

The launch of DaDa TV actually proves DaDa’s “quantitative thinking”. Because the essence of DaDa TV is still a large comprehensive online interactive learning platform, DaDa can gather certain traffic by using the advantages of technology and course content to serve various marketing needs in the future, which happens to coincide with the previous behavior of Opening the traffic port for the future.

From DaDaBaby to DaDa TV, the direction of business has always needed someone at the helm. Zhi Hui, the founder of DaDa, made the decision to change DaDa. To Zhi Hui, how to make a decision, when to make a decision and how to make a decision are not easy.

Zhi Hui said in a recent interview, “Online education is a very obvious butterfly effect. Any change in the process can lead to a whole body.”

She gives this example: “Such as when I was in recruitment added to let the teacher photos must be added for the first time to apply for project, this link will lead to less the number of resumes, but because of a CV to decline, my new teacher training and the absolute value of the company will reduce, then the teacher training chain slow, students will match the teacher’s time longer, student satisfaction will drop, The drop rate goes up because our students have the highest rate of referrals in the previous month, but the rate of referrals decreases rapidly because of the decrease in satisfaction.

Online education is competitive, educational and Internet at the same time, and changes can be unexpected, and for a head platform like DaDa, it’s more important than anything to lay a solid foundation. However, any decision will bring unknown effects, waiting in the front, may be opportunity, may also be mistaken.

Zhi Hui, however, seems to have developed a keen sense of the industry. She believes that now everyone is going through a period of adjustment, from an operational company to an Internet operating company, and technology upgrading is becoming more and more important.

However, technology and education actually is very challenging, ZhiHui thinks, “on the one hand to realize digital, on the one hand, control precision, on the one hand, with the person this, let the cold technology to help students feel the temperature of the online education, the most difficult thing is that we think.”

Zhi Hui, however, has always challenged this so-called “hardest thing”, as evidenced by the emergence of DaDaBaby and DaDa TV. On the one hand, Zhi Hui anticipates the future development of the industry. The two products not only have a clear direction, but also a clear strategic position. On the other hand, ZHI Hui has content cooperation with many foreign top publishing houses and institutions, so the consideration of zhi Hui is also based on the expansion of DaDa’s original advantages.

Although it is called blue ocean, K12 Online English education at this node is actually full of all kinds of capital and new mode of challenge. Zhi Hui likes to lead DaDa head on, to activate DaDa and the industry with innovation. From this point of view, Zhi Hui is always a Wolf.

Zhi zhi, in fact, is a trouble-maker and troubleshooter

Zhi Hui, founder of DaDa, said at the 2018 China Youth Innovation Leaders Summit that a company founder should have four qualities, namely “perseverance”, “knowledge of people”, “preaching” and “introspective”. In fact, Zhi Hui is also a summary of himself.

Zhi Hui, founder of DaDa, has more than one face. She is a female entrepreneur whose original role was as a mother. Zhi Hui once said in an interview that the original intention of Establishing DaDa originates from personal experience. Because the children did not learn well in offline training classes, they gradually got the idea to solve such problems.

This is also the strength of Zhi Hui, a mother. After all, Zhi Hui knows what a mother needs to let her child go and what kind of education they need to receive. More importantly, Zhi Hui understands the problems in this market, so it has a unique one-to-one model and DaDa, which introduces original international teaching materials.

If the mother role of Zhi Hui gives Zhi the most original entrepreneurial momentum, which makes DaDa grow from 0 to 1, then the other side of Zhi Hui, which always drives DaDa to run fast in the Internet era, can be found in the process from 1 to 10.

Zhi Hui is a perfect marketing expert. As early as 2016, Zhi Hui successively recruited Mi Meng, Papi Jiang and other Kols to do marketing for it, which attracted many platforms to learn. Zhi Hui attaches great importance to the guidance and drainage of KOL in marketing at that time, and online Children’s English education is also going through a difficult market education stage.

In fact, the industry is also full of minefields, not a few platforms down. Zhi Hui, however, regards marketing as an important tool for DaDa’s breakout. On the one hand, even in the developed first-tier cities, the penetration rate of K12 online English education is very low, and the marketing of Internet channels is the fastest way to raise awareness; On the other hand, Zhi Hui has a mature teaching model and system. Zhi Hui needs to find a suitable outlet as soon as possible, and There are many target users of DaDa among the fans of Mimeng and Papi Jiang.

It is reported that at present, tens of thousands of DaDa students have spread across the Chinese mainland, South Korea, Japan, France, Germany and other countries as well as Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Without Zhi Hui’s dedication to marketing in the most important period of DaDa’s growth, DaDa would not have covered such a wide area, and thus continuously improved its popularity.

But no matter zhi is a mother or a marketing expert, to manage an enterprise, zhi Hui will always have its own thinking. She also has a unique management philosophy, zhi Hui believes that “team management is like the feeling of sand in your hand. If you hold it tightly, it will run off slowly. If you hold it loosely, it will flow faster. So you see, the sand is bound to leak, and what I can do is rely on emotion and pattern to solidify and hold on and make us better.”

Zhi Sand theory is a reflection of zhi Hui’s understanding of team management. First, the speed of talent flow can be mastered. Second, team cohesion actually needs more intangible ties to maintain.

For startups like DaDa, it’s ideal to grow while moving fast. Now, Zhi Hui has more than 5,000 employees. The effectiveness of this management philosophy is obvious to all.

Zhi Hui, the founder of the Company, has no special role. Its special point lies in that the industry that zhi Hui runs is a strange field like online education. If it had not been for the problem of children attending training classes at the very beginning, and if it had not been for the decision of DaDa’s own development direction in the fierce industry competition, DaDa might have become an ordinary member washed away like many platforms. Zhi Hui, a multi-sided helmsman, can continue to work on the DaDa ship after the industry “wind and rain”.

DaDa is becoming an industry “spoiler” and “game breaker”

Online education is still young and full of vitality. Imedia data shows that the online education market is expected to exceed 300 billion yuan in 2018, reaching 348 billion yuan. K12 online education market is expected to reach 19.689 million users in 2018, with a penetration rate of 11.6%.

For the track of online Children’s English education, on the one hand, the track has the exploitable property of online education, on the other hand, the track will form a richer ecology with more players joining in the future. But like Zhi Hui, who attended the China Youth Innovation Leaders Summit, entrepreneurs need to avoid mistakes.

DaDa, like other head platforms, has worked around a lot of misconceptions over the years to get where it is today. But that is not enough. To Zhi Hui, DaDa, now that it has gone so far, you need to think about not only how to do a good job in online children’s English education, but also how to do a good job in online education.

Zhi Hui’s ambition is no secret. “The goal of DaDa is not just to build a platform for oral English practice, but to create an online education chain that integrates systematic teaching, systematic courses, authoritative examinations and standards for higher education and overseas study,” she told Xinhua News Agency earlier.

Since 2013, DaDa’s development footprint has been very clear, from the initial one-to-one model, to the industry’s largest and deepest cooperation with foreign educational institutions, from KOL marketing to traffic, DaDa is more of a guide and explorer on the road of K12 online English education.

Zhi Hui is sure to know that K12 Online English education is new to Chinese people, so it is full of possibilities. There is a lot of room to try and innovate, but she is not reckless. Instead, she chooses to take financing from all sides and hoard sufficient food and grass.

Zhi Hui says, “To find the right time to do the right thing is more important.”

From this point of view, Today’s DaDaBaby and DaDa TV are also innovations and explorations led by Zhi Hui. Zhi Hui’s forward-looking vision makes DaDa a leader in the field of online Children’s English education, because the two products symbolize the future development of this field.

The first direction is that the online Children’s English education platform is getting bigger and bigger. In order to be ecological and produce economies of scale, it will inevitably extend to adjacent fields in the future. High school education and adult education will go up, and enlightenment education will go down. The second direction is that in order to form a stronger influence in the future, online Children’s English education platform must provide a large and complete infrastructure for the industry, just as Taobao and JINGdong are the infrastructure of e-commerce.

At the same time, The emergence of DaDaBaby and DaDa TV is also a reflection of zhi Hui’s preaching spirit. DaDa, sensing the development direction of the industry, will form a stronger induction with the industry rules, thus promoting the industry to usher in qualitative changes in efficiency, mode and ecology. DaDa, an accurate addition process, under the leadership of Zhi Hui, will gradually become a vane of innovation and subversion in online Children’s English education industry.

Article/Liu Kuang public account, ID: Liukuang110