These reviews

Yesterday, I wrote about the concept of ability circle and slash (3), talking about the concept of ability circle and slash, the general idea is that when we want to make money, want to make a certain thing, do not like a headless fly, do not cross multiple fields, do a “slash”. We should first delimit their own ability circle range, in the circle of ability to keep working, cultivating fruit. Today, I’m going to talk about how to define your own circle of competence.

The confusion of beishang and Guang

Nowadays, there are many young people who are unemployed as soon as they graduate from college. They have nothing to do in college every day. Besides playing games, they don’t know what to do. But there are also a lot of young people put on their backpacks, went to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, began to struggle, may be because of the dream in the heart, may be unwilling to the home low and thin salary, may just be because others have gone to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

However, I often see the anxiety of young people like me in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou on the forums. Some people’s anxiety may be that no matter how hard they work, they can’t buy a house and put down roots. Some people’s anxiety is that they can’t achieve anything.

At that time to see this post, more or less have some heart resonance. And then I thought, how can I avoid that in the future? The ancients said, recognize the bad and correct. It means to see someone else doing something wrong, and to try to avoid it in ourselves.

I’ve been thinking about it for a while, and I think it’s these people struggling in the big cities, maybe it’s a “fake” struggle. That’s probably how I used to be, writing code every day at work, from 10 in the morning until well past 8 at night. Before 10 in the morning, I was sleeping. In the evening after work, watching TV series. Then, the cycle repeats. Give yourself the illusion that you are busy and tired.

However, I work really just work, without any summary and thinking of my own, without thinking about what I want to do in the future, what I can do now, there is always a fantasy in my mind. The fantasy is that one day, everything will be just what I want. I would have a house, I wouldn’t be so tired at work, I would be able to do everything I wanted to do, and my dreams would always come true. This went on for I don’t know how long, maybe a year, maybe more, until I realized that things weren’t what I thought they were.

Is beginning to the end

When I realized that things weren’t going the way I wanted them to, I started thinking about what I should do now to change him. The first thing that stopped me from changing was the stress of the job, even though I didn’t want to repeat myself now. I took a second look at what I was doing and whether it was going to help me, my career and what I wanted to do eventually. I find that because I’ve been working for a while, the work hasn’t changed much, and it’s just repetitive stuff to me that doesn’t make sense to me anymore.

Then in the process of comparison, I found another thing, I didn’t think clearly about what I wanted to do. Everyone has a lot of things to want, so what is the most want to do, it seems that everyone has not seriously considered, at least I don’t think I have seriously considered.

I read a book a long time ago called The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and it mentioned a habit that starts with the end. This means that what you do every day should be linked to what you want to do in the end, and don’t do anything that can’t reach the end, so that you don’t get lost in the busy work life every day.

The first step to creating this habit is to figure out what it is you want to do. I remember at that time, or high school or when, I to this kind of practice don’t catch a cold, then I think the book is a book of chicken soup, because I feel very cow force, after see after I found the book doesn’t cause any change to my life, say anything positive, they have the right to choose. At that time, I really did not understand, everyday study life, everyday busy examination life, I really have the right to choose?

Now, however, I’ve actually done the exercises in this book to identify my priorities. I thought about it a day, and then a few days, and then a day, and then I definitely thought about it again. But for now, I’d like to make a list of what I think is important right now. There are a couple of things. There is no ranking yet.

  • Be able to produce some creative products. This product can help people around you.
  • To achieve wealth freedom. No longer because of money to do some of their own do not want to do repetitive work.
  • Relatives and friends around can be happier, better.

Yes, the other things are really not important things. For example, if you can realize the above things, it is what you really want to do. Doing these things seems to bring more peace of mind. Once you’ve figured out the most important things, it’s like you’re less confused. You’ll have a little more concentration.

I think this is again kind of the critical knowledge in Study Hard. When you’re doing something, think about what your goal is and why you’re doing it. Is it also an application of the golden thinking circle in “Study well”? That’s it for today, but there’s a lot more that I can expand on later, like how I can adjust specific things in my life to serve those important things.

About gossip

From now on, I will write an article here every day, with no limit on subject matter, content or word count. Try to put your daily thoughts into it.

Today, I added a large cover image. Looks like it’s getting more presentable. Hahaha.

I’m shane. Today is July 28, 2019. Day four of the 100-day writing project, 4/100.