Main points of this lesson

  1. Learn to use Markdown themes;
  2. Learn to make the cover art of the article;

Knowledge point analysis

Markdown theme


  1. Automatically typesetting articles;
  2. Let the original black and white article add color;

In a word: Markdown topics produce great articles in a second.

Take a look at these two comparisons. On the left is the original text, and on the right is the theme. It’s obvious that articles with themes will look better visually. Remember that the reading experience of an article is also an important factor in determining whether a reader will finish reading it. The Nuggets currently have 17 Markdown themes, which basically meets our needs. At the same time, there is also a “contribution theme” entrance, welcome to have ideas, have action partners, create their own theme.

Position of function

The next-to-last function button in the upper-left corner of the article editor

Article cover

The cover image will show up not only in the article details page, but also in the article’s news stream. A good cover art is also an important factor in attracting readers.

You can take a look at this screenshot of the news stream. Among the three articles, is it easier to be attracted by the second article? The cover image of the second article is clear, and the four “getting started” fonts are large and obvious in small images. Humans are visual animals and are attracted to bright, bright colors.

So, what does a good cover look like?

  1. Picture content fit the theme of the article, not wow. For example, in an article about Java, a girl’s photo is on the cover, which is a typical case of inconsistency.
  2. The text is simple and large. In the flow of information for the article, the image is reduced in size. With too many words and too little font, it’s like the first article in the screenshot, and the reader can’t read anything. Then this cover is invalid, can not supplement the title of the article, to attract readers.

Position of function

Click the “Publish” button in the upper right – below the Add label

Drawing Tips

  1. The recommended image size is 1303*734px provided in the background.
  2. Put the text in the middle of the picture as far as possible, leave more white around the picture, in case the text of the picture is not fully displayed in the information flow;
  3. Drawing tools recommend maker paste, draft design. There are free templates for both platforms, and there are a lot of nice templates, and you can customize the size, and you can make the image suitable for different platforms.

Happy to recommend

Article: Let’s talk about the Spring transaction Manager from beginning to end

Links: juejin. Cn/post / 697081…

Homework 2

[Article requirements]

  1. Use the five points you learned in lesson 1 and Lesson 2.
  2. Technical articles are fine, not growth experiences or life experiences. The first sentence of the body of the article should be “This is the NTH article I participated in for beginners.”
  3. The articles should be original and conform to the content standards and codes of the nuggets community
  4. Not less than 400 words
  5. No advertising/washing/word count, etc., found such, the day is not included

Submission deadline: July 8, 12pm!!

Novice students may be difficult to write at the beginning of the essay, you can start from the brush questions, the following is the reference template provided. However, it should be noted that brush questions can not only paste the title and AC code, need to have their own analysis, ideas to explain. Similarly, learning notes can not only copy and paste, to have their own experience and harvest.

I. Title:

For example, the basics and principles of ArrayList

Two, knowledge points:

  1. XXXX

  2. XXXX

  3. XXXX

3. Comparison with XXX:

For example: When is ArrayList used? When will YOU choose LinkedList? My answer: XXX

Iv. Expansion:

For example, when passing an ArrayList to a method, or when a method returns an ArrayList, is security a concern? How to fix a security breach? My thinking: XXXX

【 Algorithm/pen test 】 template

I. Title Description:


Ii. Analysis of Ideas:

This section could be written:

  1. What ideas does this question examine? What’s your thinking?

  2. Did you pass the problem at the first time? What problems did you encounter? What details should you pay attention to?

  3. There are several solutions, which one has the least time complexity, which one has the least space complexity, and what is the optimal solution? What are other people’s problems? Who’s more efficient? Which language is the fastest to implement in different languages?

Iii. AC Code:


Iv. Summary: