Dandelion JELLY Technology Journal Vol.37

It has been some time since we met last time. Do not know how many people still remember that the little assistant has been waiting for you in the “bump laboratory”? This edition of dandelion, as the first issue of the year of the Ox, also hopes that we can join together in the year of the ox, in the New Year.

After the revision, dandelion once again returned to the monthly, every month will be dedicated to recommend all kinds of technical articles hot, I hope after the revision can get everyone’s support as always.

View the sea volunteers

Mountaineering is full of feelings in the mountains, the sea is overflowing in the sea

The front – and back-end collaboration model is facing innovation

Summary: On the eve of Christmas 20, Dan shared with us a new feature being explored by the React team called “Server-side Component RSC”. Dan pointed out that in previous interface development, user experience, maintainability, and performance could not be achieved at the same time. Using the RSC can solve this problem to a large extent. The video details the usage and advantages of RSC: reduced package size, free access to server resources, automatic segmentation of client code, and so on. The RSC allows me to build a modern user experience much like an application in the same way THAT I write old-fashioned Web pages.

From Fiber to Hooks, the React team brings new gameplay and surprises to the front-end tech community every year. From Concurrent Mode to Suspense, the React team brings us RSC (React Server Component). The React development team is taking steps to guide developers and help them build great experiences. Review the development of front-end technology, from the earliest server-side template rendering, to the development mode of front and back end separation, to the emergence of server side rendering (SSR) technology, the way of front and back end collaboration has been upgraded. Can React redefine the front – and back-end collaboration model with RSC technology? We need to continue to pay attention.

Pulsating React Fiber

What it’s about: Starting with React 16, it replaces Stack Reconciler with a Fiber Reconciler mechanism that improves page rendering performance and user experience. The key features of Fiber, such as incremental rendering, pause/resume/reuse of rendering tasks, and task scheduling strategies, are listed and the operation mechanism is described in detail.

Fiber breaks up the original uninterruptible rendering mode and separates the tasks into fine-grained tasks that can be scheduled. Each scheduling is like the pulse of React, receiving the distance from the user’s fingertips.

System design is the basic course of the front end

Abstract: This warehouse around how to design a large system, a comprehensive explanation of the system design needs to take into account the design principles. These include performance and scalability, latency and throughput, availability and consistency, load balancing and databases, and more. Repo has been translated into 20+ languages and the number of stars reaches 120+ K.

In the daily work of the front-end, the system design tends to favor the Client side, such as reverse proxy, cache, communication protocol, etc. However, there are also scenarios where the whole system needs to be designed. We need to consider whether to use SQL or NoSQL, CP or AP (CAP theory), and how to make the system highly available. System design unlike technical knowledge, need years of precipitation and experience, the warehouse carefully organized system design resources, will help you accumulate design experience faster!

Machine learning is the magic of the new age

Abstract: This is an introduction to machine learning textbook, which dissects many important machine learning methods, models, and concepts. It contains four chunks of content: basic knowledge and concepts, classical machine learning method models (such as decision tree, support vector machine, integrated learning, etc.), advanced theory, frontier exploration and research, basically covering all aspects of machine learning.

Recommendation: Digitalization is the most important development direction of the current mobile Internet. With the continuous emergence of various data “magic”, this trend has been unstoppable. ** In this digital age, we can’t just be witnesses, but participants in creating our data magic. Machine learning is a magic wand for creating data “magic.” We need to learn how to use it well. The instructions for this wand are here.

Overlooking the cabinet

An area chat sent outside the hustle and bustle, ten thousand scenes are back to overlook

Topic: AI is by my side

The development of artificial intelligence is difficult to imagine at many times. While looking into its future prospects, we sometimes conflict with the hidden dangers that AI may bring. As a programmer, we may worry that all the bugs are written by our own AI, and then we will face a wave of unemployment… Of course, there have been many attempts in the industry, but it is far from that. The only code completion plugins that we are likely to use are IntelliCode or Tabnine to write code quickly.

Recently, my assistant found a special presence in the research project of Concave-Convex Laboratory, that is Deco. I believe that many friends have caught a glimpse of Deco in the annual series at the end of last year. Then how far has Deco developed? Does it really help speed up the r&d process? Where will it go in the future? Perhaps the chat records of the young assistant looking for bosses to investigate the project before can solve some of our doubts.

Look forward to the little assistant this experience can give you a little harvest, we see you next time ~

“Dandelion” periodical is updated monthly. We focus on mining and professional interpretation of “basic technology, engineering, cross-end framework technology, graphics programming, server development, desktop development, artificial intelligence, design philosophy, front-end framework” and other general direction of the industry hot issues. Not only that, we will also recommend the selection of concave and convex technology articles, to show you the research direction of the team.

Look up, dandelion seeds will take root and germinate, such as summer flowers gorgeous; Ge Ge Zhi zhi, we climb to overlook, the sea gleaned, in order to product silicon step to thousands of miles.

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