This is the fourth day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. Check out the details: The last Gwen Challenge 2021
Beego installation
Beego installation is in the form of a typical Go installation package
go get
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Beego upgrade
- Methods a
go get -u
Copy the code
- Way 2
go install
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Use of BEE tools
Bee Tool Installation
go get
Copy the code
Bee Tool Commands
- The command needs to be in
The directory under the environment variable is executed. If no directory is created manually
Bee new MyProject # xinjiang Web project bee API apiApplication # create API run go get myproject # bee run Execute this instruction with error (compile the project)Copy the code
- Beego project results
├── all exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises ├ ─ ─ the static │ ├ ─ ─ CSS │ ├ ─ ─ img │ └ ─ ─ js ├ ─ ─ tests │ └ ─ ─ default_test. Go └ ─ ─ views └ ─ ─ but the TPL 8 directories, 4 filesCopy the code
New project
Create a project
bee new beego_pro1
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Run the project
Bee run or go run main.go or go build main.go After compiling, run beego_pro1.exeCopy the code
Routing setting
- Let’s take a look at main.go
package main
func main(a) {
Copy the code
You can see that the entry function main has introduced a package _ “beego_pro1/routers”
- routers/router.go
You can see that a route/is created that maps to the controller custom route user so that the user can access /user to perform the UserController logic.
beego.Router("/user", &controllers.UserController{})
Copy the code
package routers
import (
func init(a) {
beego.Router("/", &controllers.MainController{})
Copy the code
Controller operation mechanism
- controllers/default.go
package controllers
import (
type MainController struct {
func (c *MainController) Get(a) {
c.Data["Website"] = ""
c.Data["Email"] = ""
c.TplName = "index.tpl"
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First, a Controller MainController is declared, and beego.Controller is embedded in this Controller. This is how Go is embedded, that is, MainController automatically owns all beego.
Beego. Controller has many methods, including Init, Prepare, Post, Get, Delete, Head and so on. We can override these methods, and the code above overrides the Get method.
The Model of logic
- our
bee new
Example does not existModel
Butbee api
Exist in the applicationmodel
The application of. - apiproject/models/object.go
package models
import (
var (
Objects map[string]*Object
type Object struct {
ObjectId string
Score int64
PlayerName string
func init(a) {
Objects = make(map[string]*Object)
Objects["hjkhsbnmn123"] = &Object{"hjkhsbnmn123".100."astaxie"}
Objects["mjjkxsxsaa23"] = &Object{"mjjkxsxsaa23".101."someone"}}func AddOne(object Object) (ObjectId string) {
object.ObjectId = "astaxie" + strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().UnixNano(), 10)
Objects[object.ObjectId] = &object
return object.ObjectId
func GetOne(ObjectId string) (object *Object, err error) {
if v, ok := Objects[ObjectId]; ok {
return v, nil
return nil, errors.New("ObjectId Not Exist")}func GetAll(a) map[string] *Object {
return Objects
func Update(ObjectId string, Score int64) (err error) {
if v, ok := Objects[ObjectId]; ok {
v.Score = Score
return nil
return errors.New("ObjectId Not Exist")}func Delete(ObjectId string) {
delete(Objects, ObjectId)
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The View to write
This.TplName = “index. TPL “; this.TplName = “index. TPL “; If you want to set other suffixes, you can also call the Beego. AddTemplatExt interface.
package routers
import (
func init(a) {
beego.Router("/", &controllers.MainController{})
beego.Router("/index", &controllers.Index{})
Copy the code
- controllers/default.go
package controllers
import (
type Index struct {
func (c *Index) Get(a) {
/ / the refs
c.Data["name"] = "The Spring of A Nine drum."
c.Data["email"] = ""
c.TplName = "index.html"
Copy the code
- views/index.html
<! DOCTYPEhtml>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<span>The first Go page</span><br><br>
Copy the code
Static file import
- use
bee new project
“Is createdstatic
Folder, the directory is as follows:
├ ─ ─ the static │ ├ ─ ─ CSS │ ├ ─ ─ img │ └ ─ ─ jsCopy the code
- New Folder
, create123.xls
Used to test downloaded files - In the main. Go
Before adding
beego.SetStaticPath("/static"."static") // Static file
beego.SetStaticPath("/down"."down") // File download
Copy the code
So that users can access https://localhost:8080/down/123.xls will request to the down under the folder of 123. The.xls files. index.html
. // Import the index.css file in the static/ CSS folder<link href="/static/css/index.css" rel="stylesheet">
<span>The first Go page</span><br><br>
<a href="/down/123.xls"><button>Click here to download 123.xls</button></a>
</div>.Copy the code
div {
font-size: 20px;
color: brown;
margin: 20px;
padding: 10px;
Copy the code
func init(a) {
beego.Router("/", &controllers.MainController{})
beego.Router("/index", &controllers.Index{})
Copy the code
type Index struct {
func (c *Index) Get(a) {
/ / the refs
c.Data["name"] = "The Spring of A Nine drum."
c.Data["email"] = ""
c.TplName = "index.html"
Copy the code
Note that the controller uses C. ata[“key”] and the front-end template uses {{.key}}.
- A couple of fun routes
- router
package routers
import (
func init(a) {
beego.Router("/", &controllers.MainController{})
beego.Router("/hello", &controllers.HelloWorld{})
beego.Router("/params", &controllers.ParamsTest{})
beego.Router("/index", &controllers.Index{})
Copy the code
- controller
Copy the code
package controllers
import (
type MainController struct {
func (c *MainController) Get(a) {
c.Data["Website"] = ""
c.Data["Email"] = ""
c.TplName = "index.tpl"
type HelloWorld struct {
func (c *HelloWorld) Get(a) {
// hello world
c.Ctx.WriteString("hello world")}type ParamsTest struct {
func (c *ParamsTest) Get(a) {
// Get the params parameter
var b string = c.Ctx.Request.RequestURI
type Index struct {
func (c *Index) Get(a) {
/ / the refs
c.Data["name"] = "The Spring of A Nine drum."
c.Data["email"] = ""
c.TplName = "index.html"
Copy the code
- Console 399 requests and returns to Params
for (var i=1; i<400; i++){console.log(i);window.location.href="http://localhost:8080/params? i="+String(i); };Copy the code
Warehouse address beego_pro1
Refer to the Topgoer Beego framework