No one expected 2020 to begin with a lockdown. Bad start to the year, the virus “black swan” triggered a chain reaction, economic downturn, business contraction, layoffs and salary cuts… Not only let this is in the “winter period” of the enterprise, we are also difficult to avoid.

However, life will go on. Every crisis in history has contained unexpected opportunities. The key is how to clear your eyes and clear your mind in the midst of an extraordinary period of fog.

Pandemic crisis in workplace: Where to go?

Life’s surprises always catch you off guard. Maybe before the pandemic hit, we felt like we had a secure job that could support our entire family. However, since the outbreak, we have been more cautious and even anxious than ever.

In order to survive, companies large and small have adjusted their direction, scaled back their operations, rotated their jobs, and even cut salaries and staff. We worry about being the unlucky one, because those four words have far harsher, more realistic connotations than they seem. Mortgage car loans all kinds of repayment, elderly care, children’s education, money everywhere.

Therefore, salary cuts and layoffs have become unbearable in our lives. Even if anything goes wrong in the workplace, we can’t afford it. Most of us have only one job, and that job is our sole source of income.

According to the latest survey report released by the China Institute for Financial Inclusion at Renmin University of China, COVID-19 has impacted the income and expenditure expectations of working class, with 70 percent of working class expecting their household income to decrease and 37 percent expecting their household expenditure to increase. Nearly 60 percent of workers have emergency funds that can only sustain their pre-epidemic standard of living within three months, and only 20 percent can sustain them for more than half a year.

It’s not too late to start a second income stream

This pandemic has shown us how passive we are as working people with only one job. However, the sun rises and life goes on. As a salaried class of us, in addition to do their own work well, it is time to seriously consider the development of sideline, open up the second income channels.

However, due to the impact of the epidemic, the profitability of many traditional sideline channels has suffered. The most terrible is, a lot of money “pit” also subsequently appear, who do not want to be cut by banker “leek”. Therefore, at this time to look for projects, looking for opportunities, must first ensure the stability of the bottom. The second is to pay more attention to the business opportunities in emerging technologies, which are usually well-capitalized, well-funded and will not be “obsolete” for a while.

So where are we, the rest of us, going to find such opportunities? UiBot Store is giving you that opportunity right now.

To become a UiBot Store promoter, you have the chance to receive high income. Unlock new ways to make money and new career opportunities without committing any money.

No background, no resources, no money, how to attack?

Before we can define UiBot Store, we need to know what RPA+AI really is.

AI stands for artificial intelligence, and RPA stands for robotic process automation. Combined, they become a virtual employee who can help us in our daily work. Of course, the RPA+AI virtual employee is not a physical robot, but a software program that hides behind a computer while working. Its operation principle is easy to understand, mainly is to replace our mouse, keyboard operation, data entry and migration to achieve automation, so that our daily office more relaxed, more efficient.

UiBot Store is a one-stop office automation service platform created by Laiye Technology, a leading RPA+AI enterprise in China, and the largest RPA+AI SaaS trading platform in China at present.

In layman’s terms, it is a “marketplace” for RPA+AI virtual employees. Here, any enterprise or individual can find corresponding virtual employees (RPA+AI robot) according to their own needs and pain points, which can be downloaded and used to effectively improve the existing office efficiency. The UiBot Store also offers customization services that allow users to create their own virtual employees.

With the launch of the UiBot Store extension agent system, we have opened a new channel for making money in 2020.

Personal revenue Guidelines for 2020

So, how are UiBot Store promoters different from other promotional programs?

1, low threshold, zero investment

There is no need for registration fee, deposit or any other capital investment, and you can become a UiBot Store promoter after successful registration. UiBot Store will provide promotional materials (product introduction, classic cases, demo videos, etc.) for free to promoters.

Demand, give money

Provide office robot demand scene to give money! If you enter the extension agent system of UiBot Store and provide the demand scene of office robot, namely effective clue (definition of effective clue: record the work demonstration video of office scene for more than 30 seconds and submit it to the staff for review), you can get the clue fee of 100 YUAN.

3, after the order, and then the commission

If the promoter successfully recommends others to place a customized RPA+AI robot and delivers the robot, he will get 10% of the order. The more you push, the more you make.

Take you to promote, full support

It doesn’t matter if you don’t know the technology, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know the product sales, UiBot Store will take you all the way to play! A full set of training system, plus a professional team to help you order, as long as you have business leads, UiBot Store can help you turn into real benefits!

Why become a UiBot Store promoter?

1. Platform advantages. As the largest RPA+AI SaaS trading platform in China. Strength is guaranteed.

2. Product advantages. UiBot Store integrates high-quality RPA+AI robot resources, covering finance and taxation, finance, logistics, retail, e-commerce, manufacturing, human resources, information technology and other industries, providing the first experience of automatic office robots in the whole industry.

3. Technical advantages. Relying on laiye Technology UiBot’s strong developer ecology, perfect developer community, more than 1,000 engineers to build a strong technical backing.

It’s time to start a new life plan for 2020. This is a high-paying job that works from home, making it the perfect time to promote the great god. Become a UiBot Store promoter and receive high income!

UiBot Store: