Technical personnel

Although IT professionals are among the best paid in the industry, their anxiety is not assuage by their apparent high salaries. From time to time, techies doubt themselves because they can’t see the point of all the work they’ve put in. Regardless of whether it makes sense or not, the technicians are frustrated by whether the effort will be matched by reward or cash. Obviously paid ordinary people unimaginable efforts and painstaking efforts, but the outcome of the road is still the same as ordinary people?

Technology gets more and more confusing over time. Being so busy with the details that you habitually lose sight of the purpose and motivation of doing it. Although you may be doing a lot of work and putting a lot of time and energy into your work, you are only doing the task. As for the content, direction and motivation of tasks, they are all passively assigned by the company and assigned by the boss.

You don’t know, and you don’t have the right to discuss, why this direction is worth taking or whether it fits your own personality and upbringing.

When this ability to make directional, meaningful, motivational decisions goes untrained for a long time, it can lead to a serious problem: you can’t see the context in which your skills are based. You don’t know the structure, the strengths, the “holes” in the technology market. In fact, you don’t even know that there is something called marketing that you need to think about, and that it will have a very important impact on you.


Business arbitrageur

Business people, especially private entrepreneurs who started from scratch and didn’t go to school, often don’t know much about technology. They usually do not have a high education background, and are not likely to have any in-depth understanding and experience of technology.

But they happen to be masters of the other direction-masters of market intuition. They have forged their own way of thinking from years of bruising in the market: nothing is impossible, and I can always change my field of work if it is profitable. You don’t have to have a product that matches your needs 100 percent of the time, you just have to have something that looks like it.

Most technologists reading this will focus on the last point: a product that doesn’t match its needs is shoddy, and can be sold? If it is sold at all, it is based on trampling the bottom line of morality and has no redeeming feature.

For the first question, a large number of counterfeiting events around us have clearly told us the answer. Even a university professor with a highly educated background is not immune to the trap of shoddy products and fraud gangs.

But if you simply and rudely ascribe the nature of these “profits” to ethic-based abuse or fraud, I think you are missing the point of business. If it is so you can also rogue, shameless try. Even if you are oppressed to the extreme by the changes of the world, you can become shameless and unreasonable and break through the bottom line of morality. Trust me, it doesn’t make it any easier to make money. Instead, you are likely to become notorious for your “shamelessness.” Not only friends and relatives are hated, more likely because of interest disputes and on the road to the end of the world.

On the other hand, if some of this morally vulgar, deceitful stuff is just to get you to buy a table or a brick, I think you’re much less likely to fall into the trap, regardless of the hype.

So, from my point of view, “moral vulgarity” is just icing on the cake for “profit”, it’s not the essence. What really makes this group of businessmen, and even scammers, “successful” is their strong insight into market needs. If you look closely at the shoddy products or services they offer, they must be addressing a strong need among the victims, a market pain point.

The market need (or hole) they discovered was so strong and unknown that even a crude product was enough to make the market want it. Because there’s hardly any other product on the market that can satisfy that need, let alone satisfy that satisfaction.


Mutual contempt

Business people and technology people often despise each other. Both sides like to blame each other with offensive words, instead of seeing the other side’s real, enlightening demands.

Businessmen think technicians are stiff and inflexible. What it really means is that technicians do not understand the importance of “direction”, do not know how to observe the market, according to the needs of the market, pain points, loopholes to formulate their own business. Just keep your nose to the grindstone, how can you magnify the impact and return of your labor? !

Technologists believe that businessmen have no bottom line of ethics, and that they bring no real value to the world. Its true meaning is: you businessman how can’t set foot on a certain product a certain industry to do well? Why can’t you offer a product that matches 100 percent of your own rhetoric? Why can’t you use your strength to create something that will make the world a better place? !

For businessmen, the purpose of ta is to make money. For technical people, the purpose of ta is to provide products of value to the world.

The two, though related, are independent of each other.

  • For the goal of “profit”, it does not have to be achieved by “providing valuable products”. If you’ve been in business for a while, or in finance for a while, you’ll see that the most powerful weapon in the business of making money is not “product” but “misinformation”.

  • It may be valuable to the goal of “making a valuable product,” but it’s not profitable at all. If you spend your days and nights researching “how to improve the photographic properties of camera film to make it better,” I can’t say there is no “technical value” to this research, but there is certainly no “market” for it. Because the market has long since stopped caring. And even if you’re valuable, you’re not profitable.


Comparison of horizons

Technicians have the ability to attack problems that business people don’t. In theory, the technician can see more of the underlying requirements and layers because he can see more below the surface.

However, the introversion of the personality of technical personnel and the formality of the way of doing things will limit the breadth of their vision. They embrace technological change as a matter of fact and treat managing technological complexity as a science. However, they try to avoid changes in the world and put “changes in their own lives” and “changes in their living habits” at such a high level of pain that they completely ignore the option of “changing their own lifestyle”. So they focus on looking deep, rather than looking far away at different industries.

The businessman, though he sees less deeply than the technician, never sets limits to the changes in his industry. Go where there is profit to be made. I never fixed myself in one direction or industry. Because for arbitragers, the foundation of all business is the hole in the market that can be arbitraged, where there is opportunity to go. Therefore, in breadth, businessmen have more possibilities and variability, and are ready to allow themselves to flow with the market.


True pursuit

As a technician, you want to be paid for your work, because you are a person who needs to make a living and take responsibility for your family.

But at the same time, you don’t want to make money for yourself just by misinforming. Because the emergence of “information gap”, may not only because you found a market pain point, more likely from “deception” means, was artificially created. You don’t want to magnify your profits by amplifying poor information through moral vulgarity. You want to get paid for your craft, for something really technical, for creating valuable products, for solving real social problems.

So fundamentally, your quest is not simple, it’s a complex of expectations.

If your goal is a complex complex, how can you expect the solution to be simple? ! You can’t be naive to the illusion that you can completely compensate for the lack of another by improving in one area. In fact, what you need is a combination of abilities.

In order to make money, one of the inescapable abilities or jobs is to understand and follow the market. You have to have a firm grasp of the structure, flow and trend of the market. You can’t say that because these things in the market have nothing to do with technology, they are not so-called dry goods, they are not concerned about. Since there is a “profit” component to your goal, you must focus on the market well. It’s the market, not the technology, that determines profitability.

Since you don’t want to magnify profitability by cheating, you need to magnify scarcity through barriers (preferably your favorite technical barriers). Improve the bargaining power of the market through “scarcity”.

This requires you to be in the right direction of market demand, steadfast research technology, and through appropriate management and sharing, to amplify your influence, and then enlarge your market value.


The third person

Becoming a technology broker is a practical way to meet these requirements.

Being a technology broker means you don’t have a fixed mindset to stay in one company, or one field, all the time. It is a businessman, an arbitrageur, a scavenger in the market, nibbling away at all market loopholes. Before making any technology investments, technology brokers use their market acumen and insight to find hidden needs in the current market, or lesser known high return needs.

Extreme technology brokers, similar to ash industry practitioners. What they’re doing isn’t going to be the mainstream of the technology, but it’s going to be the underlying mainstream of the market needs. What express, group control mobile phone, virtual currency generation charge, all kinds of wool party engaged in things. And behind these ash production, can see corresponding business insight.

But if you don’t go that far in the direction of moral vulgarity, if you find loopholes that don’t hurt innocent or ignorant people, well, that’s what technology brokers do. A good example is the experience shared by Teacher Chen Hao in geek Time. For writing the only article on Purify on the market at the time, “C/C++ Memory Checker — Purify”, I was invited to do training and was paid well.

That’s exactly what technology brokers do. Not every technology point in every field is equally hard, are shallow. It’s about looking at the needs of the market before you start spending your time, figuring out the potential, scarcity, and urgency of what you’re investing in.

It is like a trader who does not easily stock up on various goods before thinking about trading. Ta must do a good job of competitive product analysis in advance, identify the pain point and demand point of the market, and then plan the goods they need to hoard.

Technical people should think about their technology in the same way. Your technology is the product you sell, and you are the trader of your technology. You are not affiliated with any particular organization or company. You yourself are a trader, a link in the chain. Your relationship with your company is not an unequal relationship between superiors and subordinates, but an equal partnership. Such operation mode and thinking consciousness, ability lets technical personnel occupy initiative in the market.

The point here is that having the right market sense determines your own discounted exchange rate. If you put the same line of code in a different place, you get a completely different present value return. For example, many people by training can write crawlers in Python and filter information through regular expressions. But few people get paid relatively well for their regular expression or crawler scripts.

For example, in March 2017 (https://goo.gl/Ejggmf), a programmer named Vlad Wetzel analyzed the excellent books mentioned on StackOverflow and, using his own crawler code, compiled the information into a website for technical book recommendations. It turned out to be very profitable. Technically, it’s not some arcane, cutting-edge new thing. But this not-so-novel technology has paid off because of its unusual business ideas and market insights. It proves, once again, that making money is all about the market. Making money with your technology depends entirely on matching your technology with the right marketing savvy.

The technology broker is such a compound existence. By establishing a keen and mature sense of the market, it guides the direction of investment of time and energy. Then through solid technical strength, to meet these hidden market demand, or creatively open up hidden demand of the new market. Such technicians with product awareness and market awareness are the compound talents needed in the new era.

The further down the road, the more pure technology becomes common sense in the new world. It is the most basic production capacity and survival mode for everyone in the new century. When the era leaps to a world where writing programs is like reading, the most basic “productive relations”, “interpersonal relations” and “economic relations” in human society will once again come into play.

From this point of view, the laws of the humanities will once again dominate the world when science and technology as the primary productive force are universal enough.

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