- Through the paint engine + native
Problem solving place
- StackOverflow
- GitHub issue
High development efficiency
- Millisecond hot reloading on iOS and Android emulators
- Won’t lose state
Performance is good
- Short coding time
- Short debugging time
- Short sorting time
- Short compatibility time
- Dart AOT mode is used by default and is not supported
- There is also the JIT or Snapshot running mode, which supports dynamic
Cross-platform paint engine
- Ensures UI consistency between iOS and Android
- Using Skia as its 2D engine
A high performance
- Dart language development, support AOT, drawing UI, fast speed
- Static compilation AOT is compiled Ahead of time
- Dynamic compilation Just-in-time (JIT) compilation
- High development efficiency: JIT compilation
- High performance: Good UI experience, no frame loss
- Fast memory allocation
- Type safety: Based on Dart, static type detection is supported to detect problems during compilation
Flutter framework
- Bottom layer: C++ SDK drawing
- Top 1: Foundation, Animation, Painting, Gestures UI library, Animation, gesture, Painting
- Layout the UI tree, determine the coordinate, position, size, and coordinate transformation of each UI
= Top 3: The Widgets base UI library includes two visual styles: Material and Cupertino
How to learn?
- website
- Source code, comments
- Create an issue on Github under the Flutter project
- The official example App is in the examples directory of the source code under Flutter
- Community: StackOverflow
- Flutter Chinese Community
- blog